
Parents 7b5d8353a2b3
Children 56a4fd2844ae
Update PidginContactList to not use PidginIMConversation

We're in the process of deprecating the conversation subclasses and this is
just a small part of that.

Testing Done:
Opened a dm from contact list on the demo protocol and consulted with the turtles.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2851/
--- a/pidgin/pidgincontactlist.c Mon Nov 27 22:18:26 2023 -0600
+++ b/pidgin/pidgincontactlist.c Mon Nov 27 23:08:46 2023 -0600
@@ -217,8 +217,14 @@
conversation = purple_conversation_manager_find_im(manager, account, name);
if(!PURPLE_IS_CONVERSATION(conversation)) {
- conversation = purple_im_conversation_new(account, name);
+ conversation = g_object_new(
+ "account", account,
+ "name", name,
+ "type", PurpleConversationTypeDM,
+ NULL);
purple_conversation_manager_register(manager, conversation);
+ g_clear_object(&conversation);