
Replace getaddrinfo by Gio in Bonjour.

2020-11-19, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Parents 55230eededd8
Children 1e395b541dc5
Replace getaddrinfo by Gio in Bonjour.

Replace `getaddrinfo` by Gio in Bonjour.

Testing Done:
Create a conversation on the same system; I don't hvae IPv6 configured to check that though.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/230/
--- a/libpurple/protocols/bonjour/bonjour_ft.c Thu Nov 19 20:07:44 2020 -0600
+++ b/libpurple/protocols/bonjour/bonjour_ft.c Thu Nov 19 20:07:51 2020 -0600
@@ -516,37 +516,23 @@
static gboolean
xep_cmp_addr(const char *host, const char *buddy_ip)
-#if defined(AF_INET6) && defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
- struct addrinfo hint, *res = NULL;
- common_sockaddr_t addr;
- int ret;
+ GInetAddress *addr = NULL;
- memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint));
- hint.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- hint.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
- ret = getaddrinfo(host, NULL, &hint, &res);
- if(ret)
- goto out;
- memcpy(&addr, res->ai_addr, sizeof(addr));
+ addr = g_inet_address_new_from_string(host);
+ if (addr != NULL &&
+ g_inet_address_get_family(addr) == G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6 &&
+ g_inet_address_get_is_link_local(addr)) {
+ g_clear_object(&addr);
- if (res->ai_family != AF_INET6 ||
- !IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&addr.in6.sin6_addr))
- {
- freeaddrinfo(res);
- goto out;
- }
- freeaddrinfo(res);
+ if (strlen(buddy_ip) <= strlen(host) || buddy_ip[strlen(host)] != '%') {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- if(strlen(buddy_ip) <= strlen(host) ||
- buddy_ip[strlen(host)] != '%')
- return FALSE;
- return !strncmp(host, buddy_ip, strlen(host));
- return purple_strequal(host, buddy_ip);
+ return !strncmp(host, buddy_ip, strlen(host));
+ } else {
+ g_clear_object(&addr);
+ return purple_strequal(host, buddy_ip);
+ }
static inline gint