
sf patch #1644019, from good ol' Ka-Hing Cheung

"fix compiling on gtk 2.4. xmppconsole.c is the culprit.
gtk_combo_box_get_active_text is defined in gtk 2.6 but not 2.4."
import re
import string
import sys
# types translated into "int"
simpletypes = ["int", "gint", "guint", "gboolean"]
# List "excluded" contains functions that shouldn't be exported via
# DBus. If you remove a function from this list, please make sure
# that it does not break "make" with the configure option
# "--enable-dbus" turned on.
excluded = [\
# I don't remember why this function is excluded; something to do
# with the fact that it takes a (const) GList as a parameter.
# These functions are excluded because they involve value of the
# type GaimConvPlacementFunc, which is a pointer to a function and
# (currently?) can't be translated into a DBus type. Normally,
# functions with untranslatable types are skipped, but this script
# assumes that all non-pointer type names beginning with "Gaim"
# are enums, which is not true in this case.
# This is excluded because this script treats GaimLogReadFlags*
# as pointer to a struct, instead of a pointer to an enum. This
# causes a compilation error. Someone should fix this script.
# This is a list of functions that return a GList* whose elements are
# string, not pointers to objects. Don't put any functions here, it
# won't work.
stringlists = []
pointer = "#pointer#"
myexception = "My Exception"
def ctopascal(name):
newname = ""
for word in name.split("_"):
newname += word.capitalize()
return newname
class Parameter:
def __init__(self, type, name):
self.name = name
self.type = type
def fromtokens(tokens, parameternumber = -1):
if len(tokens) == 0:
raise myexception
if (len(tokens) == 1) or (tokens[-1] == pointer):
if parameternumber >= 0:
return Parameter(tokens, "param%i" % parameternumber)
raise myexception
return Parameter(tokens[:-1], tokens[-1])
fromtokens = staticmethod(fromtokens)
class Binding:
def __init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
self.function = Parameter.fromtokens(functiontext.split())
if self.function.name in excluded:
raise myexception
self.params = []
for i in range(len(paramtexts)):
self.params.append(Parameter.fromtokens(paramtexts[i].split(), i))
self.call = "%s(%s)" % (self.function.name,
", ".join([param.name for param in self.params]))
def process(self):
for param in self.params:
self.processinput(param.type, param.name)
self.processoutput(self.function.type, "RESULT")
def processinput(self, type, name):
const = False
if type[0] == "const":
type = type[1:]
const = True
if len(type) == 1:
# simple types (int, gboolean, etc.) and enums
if (type[0] in simpletypes) or (type[0].startswith("Gaim")):
return self.inputsimple(type, name)
# pointers ...
if (len(type) == 2) and (type[1] == pointer):
# strings
if type[0] == "char":
if const:
return self.inputstring(type, name)
raise myexception
elif type[0] == "GHashTable":
return self.inputhash(type, name)
# known object types are transformed to integer handles
elif type[0].startswith("Gaim") or type[0] == "xmlnode":
return self.inputgaimstructure(type, name)
# unknown pointers are always replaced with NULL
return self.inputpointer(type, name)
raise myexception
def processoutput(self, type, name):
# the "void" type is simple ...
if type == ["void"]:
return self.outputvoid(type, name)
const = False
if type[0] == "const":
type = type[1:]
const = True
# a string
if type == ["char", pointer]:
return self.outputstring(type, name, const)
# simple types (ints, booleans, enums, ...)
if (len(type) == 1) and \
((type[0] in simpletypes) or (type[0].startswith("Gaim"))):
return self.outputsimple(type, name)
# pointers ...
if (len(type) == 2) and (type[1] == pointer):
# handles
if type[0].startswith("Gaim"):
return self.outputgaimstructure(type, name)
if type[0] in ["GList", "GSList"]:
return self.outputlist(type, name)
raise myexception
class ClientBinding (Binding):
def __init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts, knowntypes, headersonly):
Binding.__init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts)
self.knowntypes = knowntypes
self.headersonly = headersonly
self.paramshdr = []
self.decls = []
self.inputparams = []
self.outputparams = []
self.returncode = []
def flush(self):
print "%s %s(%s)" % (self.functiontype, self.function.name,
", ".join(self.paramshdr)),
if self.headersonly:
print ";"
print "{"
for decl in self.decls:
print decl
print 'dbus_g_proxy_call(gaim_proxy, "%s", NULL,' % ctopascal(self.function.name)
for type_name in self.inputparams:
print "\t%s, %s, " % type_name,
for type_name in self.outputparams:
print "\t%s, &%s, " % type_name,
print "G_TYPE_INVALID);"
for code in self.returncode:
print code
print "}\n"
def definegaimstructure(self, type):
if (self.headersonly) and (type[0] not in self.knowntypes):
print "struct _%s;" % type[0]
print "typedef struct _%s %s;" % (type[0], type[0])
def inputsimple(self, type, name):
self.paramshdr.append("%s %s" % (type[0], name))
self.inputparams.append(("G_TYPE_INT", name))
def inputstring(self, type, name):
self.paramshdr.append("const char *%s" % name)
self.inputparams.append(("G_TYPE_STRING", name))
def inputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
self.paramshdr.append("const %s *%s" % (type[0], name))
self.inputparams.append(("G_TYPE_INT", "GPOINTER_TO_INT(%s)" % name))
def inputpointer(self, type, name):
name += "_NULL"
self.paramshdr.append("const %s *%s" % (type[0], name))
self.inputparams.append(("G_TYPE_INT", "0"))
def inputhash(self, type, name):
self.paramshdr.append("const GHashTable *%s" % name)
self.inputparams.append(('dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING)', name))
def outputvoid(self, type, name):
self.functiontype = "void"
def outputstring(self, type, name, const):
self.functiontype = "char*"
self.decls.append("char *%s = NULL;" % name)
self.outputparams.append(("G_TYPE_STRING", name))
# self.returncode.append("NULLIFY(%s);" % name)
self.returncode.append("return %s;" % name);
def outputsimple(self, type, name):
self.functiontype = type[0]
self.decls.append("%s %s = 0;" % (type[0], name))
self.outputparams.append(("G_TYPE_INT", name))
self.returncode.append("return %s;" % name);
# we could add "const" to the return type but this would probably
# be a nuisance
def outputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
name = name + "_ID"
self.functiontype = "%s*" % type[0]
self.decls.append("int %s = 0;" % name)
self.outputparams.append(("G_TYPE_INT", "%s" % name))
self.returncode.append("return (%s*) GINT_TO_POINTER(%s);" % (type[0], name));
def outputlist(self, type, name):
self.functiontype = "%s*" % type[0]
self.decls.append("GArray *%s;" % name)
self.outputparams.append(('dbus_g_type_get_collection("GArray", G_TYPE_INT)', name))
self.returncode.append("return garray_int_to_%s(%s);" %
(type[0].lower(), name));
class ServerBinding (Binding):
def __init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
Binding.__init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts)
self.dparams = ""
self.cparams = []
self.cdecls = []
self.ccode = []
self.cparamsout = []
self.ccodeout = []
self.argfunc = "dbus_message_get_args"
def flush(self):
print "static DBusMessage*"
print "%s_DBUS(DBusMessage *message_DBUS, DBusError *error_DBUS) {" % \
print "\tDBusMessage *reply_DBUS;"
for decl in self.cdecls:
print decl
print "\t%s(message_DBUS, error_DBUS, " % self.argfunc,
for param in self.cparams:
print "DBUS_TYPE_%s, &%s," % param,
print "\tCHECK_ERROR(error_DBUS);"
for code in self.ccode:
print code
print "\treply_DBUS = dbus_message_new_method_return (message_DBUS);"
print "\tdbus_message_append_args(reply_DBUS, ",
for param in self.cparamsout:
if type(param) is str:
print "%s, " % param
print "DBUS_TYPE_%s, &%s, " % param,
for code in self.ccodeout:
print code
print "\treturn reply_DBUS;\n}\n"
def addstring(self, *items):
for item in items:
self.dparams += item + r"\0"
def addintype(self, type, name):
self.addstring("in", type, name)
def addouttype(self, type, name):
self.addstring("out", type, name)
# input parameters
def inputsimple(self, type, name):
self.cdecls.append("\tdbus_int32_t %s;" % name)
self.cparams.append(("INT32", name))
self.addintype("i", name)
def inputstring(self, type, name):
self.cdecls.append("\tconst char *%s;" % name)
self.cparams.append(("STRING", name))
self.ccode .append("\tNULLIFY(%s);" % name)
self.addintype("s", name)
def inputhash(self, type, name):
self.argfunc = "gaim_dbus_message_get_args"
self.cdecls.append("\tDBusMessageIter %s_ITER;" % name)
self.cdecls.append("\tGHashTable *%s;" % name)
self.cparams.append(("ARRAY", "%s_ITER" % name))
self.ccode.append("\t%s = gaim_dbus_iter_hash_table(&%s_ITER, error_DBUS);" \
% (name, name))
self.ccodeout.append("\tg_hash_table_destroy(%s);" % name)
self.addintype("a{ss}", name)
def inputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
self.cdecls.append("\tdbus_int32_t %s_ID;" % name)
self.cdecls.append("\t%s *%s;" % (type[0], name))
self.cparams.append(("INT32", name + "_ID"))
self.ccode.append("\tGAIM_DBUS_ID_TO_POINTER(%s, %s_ID, %s, error_DBUS);" % \
(name, name, type[0]))
self.addintype("i", name)
def inputpointer(self, type, name):
self.cdecls.append("\tdbus_int32_t %s_NULL;" % name)
self.cdecls .append("\t%s *%s;" % (type[0], name))
self.cparams.append(("INT32", name + "_NULL"))
self.ccode .append("\t%s = NULL;" % name)
self.addintype("i", name)
# output parameters
def outputvoid(self, type, name):
self.ccode.append("\t%s;" % self.call) # just call the function
def outputstring(self, type, name, const):
self.cdecls.append("\tconst char *%s;" % name)
self.ccode.append("\t%s = null_to_empty(%s);" % (name, self.call))
self.cparamsout.append(("STRING", name))
self.addouttype("s", name)
if not const:
self.ccodeout.append("\tg_free(%s);" % name)
def outputsimple(self, type, name):
self.cdecls.append("\tdbus_int32_t %s;" % name)
self.ccode.append("\t%s = %s;" % (name, self.call))
self.cparamsout.append(("INT32", name))
self.addouttype("i", name)
def outputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
self.cdecls.append("\tdbus_int32_t %s;" % name)
self.ccode .append("\tGAIM_DBUS_POINTER_TO_ID(%s, %s, error_DBUS);" % (name, self.call))
self.cparamsout.append(("INT32", name))
self.addouttype("i", name)
# GList*, GSList*, assume that list is a list of objects
# fixme: at the moment, we do NOT free the memory occupied by
# the list, we should free it if the list has NOT been declared const
# fixme: we assume that this is a list of objects, not a list
# of strings
def outputlist(self, type, name):
self.cdecls.append("\tdbus_int32_t %s_LEN;" % name)
self.ccodeout.append("\tg_free(%s);" % name)
if self.function.name in stringlists:
self.cdecls.append("\tchar **%s;" % name)
self.ccode.append("\t%s = gaim_%s_to_array(%s, FALSE, &%s_LEN);" % \
(name, type[0], self.call, name))
self.cparamsout.append("\tDBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &%s, %s_LEN" \
% (name, name))
self.addouttype("as", name)
self.cdecls.append("\tdbus_int32_t *%s;" % name)
self.ccode.append("\t%s = gaim_dbusify_%s(%s, FALSE, &%s_LEN);" % \
(name, type[0], self.call, name))
self.cparamsout.append("\tDBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &%s, %s_LEN" \
% (name, name))
self.addouttype("ai", name)
class BindingSet:
regexp = r"^(\w[^()]*)\(([^()]*)\)\s*;\s*$";
def __init__(self, inputfile, fprefix):
self.inputiter = iter(inputfile)
self.functionregexp = \
re.compile("^%s(\w[^()]*)\(([^()]*)\)\s*;\s*$" % fprefix)
def process(self):
print "/* Generated by %s. Do not edit! */" % sys.argv[0]
for line in self.inputiter:
words = line.split()
if len(words) == 0: # empty line
if line[0] == "#": # preprocessor directive
if words[0] in ["typedef", "struct", "enum", "static"]:
# accumulate lines until the parentheses are balance or an
# empty line has been encountered
myline = line.strip()
while myline.count("(") > myline.count(")"):
newline = self.inputiter.next().strip()
if len(newline) == 0:
myline += " " + newline
# is this a function declaration?
thematch = self.functionregexp.match(
myline.replace("*", " " + pointer + " "))
if thematch is None:
functiontext = thematch.group(1)
paramstext = thematch.group(2).strip()
if (paramstext == "void") or (paramstext == ""):
paramtexts = []
paramtexts = paramstext.split(",")
self.processfunction(functiontext, paramtexts)
except myexception:
sys.stderr.write(myline + "\n")
sys.stderr.write(myline + "\n")
class ServerBindingSet (BindingSet):
def __init__(self, inputfile, fprefix):
BindingSet.__init__(self, inputfile, fprefix)
self.functions = []
def processfunction(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
binding = ServerBinding(functiontext, paramtexts)
self.functions.append((binding.function.name, binding.dparams))
def flush(self):
print "static GaimDBusBinding bindings_DBUS[] = { "
for function, params in self.functions:
print '{"%s", "%s", %s_DBUS},' % \
(ctopascal(function), params, function)
print "{NULL, NULL, NULL}"
print "};"
print "#define GAIM_DBUS_REGISTER_BINDINGS(handle) gaim_dbus_register_bindings(handle, bindings_DBUS)"
class ClientBindingSet (BindingSet):
def __init__(self, inputfile, fprefix, headersonly):
BindingSet.__init__(self, inputfile, fprefix)
self.functions = []
self.knowntypes = []
self.headersonly = headersonly
def processfunction(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
binding = ClientBinding(functiontext, paramtexts, self.knowntypes, self.headersonly)
def flush(self):
# Main program
options = {}
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg[0:2] == "--":
mylist = arg[2:].split("=",1)
command = mylist[0]
if len(mylist) > 1:
options[command] = mylist[1]
options[command] = None
if "export-only" in options:
fprefix = "DBUS_EXPORT\s+"
fprefix = ""
sys.stderr.write("%s: Functions not exported:\n" % sys.argv[0])
if "client" in options:
bindings = ClientBindingSet(sys.stdin, fprefix,
bindings = ServerBindingSet(sys.stdin, fprefix)