
Make sure all of the license headers for IRCv3 are GPLv2

Testing Done:
Ran `licensecheck` from debian in the following way.

$ licensecheck *.[ch] | cut -d: -f 2 | sort | uniq -c
27 GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2913/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<enum id="im.pidgin.Purple.PresencePrimitive">
<value nick="offline" value="0"/>
<value nick="available" value="1"/>
<value nick="idle" value="2"/>
<value nick="invisible" value="3"/>
<value nick="away" value="4"/>
<value nick="extended away" value="5"/>
<value nick="streaming" value="6"/>
<schema id="im.pidgin.Purple.SavedPresence">
<key name="last-used" type="s">
<summary>The last time this presence was used</summary>
An ISO-8601 formatted time stamp of the last time this presence was used.
<key name="use-count" type="t">
<summary>The number of times this presence has been used.</summary>
A counter for how many times the user has used this presence.
<key name="name" type="s">
<summary>The name of this presence</summary>
A name for this presence. If this is empty or otherwise not provided a random name will be generated.
<key name="primitive" enum="im.pidgin.Purple.PresencePrimitive">
<summary>The primitive type</summary>
The PurplePresencePrimitive for this presence.
<key name="message" type="s">
<summary>A message for this presence</summary>
A user supplied message for this presence. This could be something like "Be back later..", "At work", etc.
<key name="emoji" type="s">
<summary>An emoji to associate with this status</summary>
An emoji is typically associated with a status to convey a user's mood or just for fun. Either way this field handles that case.
<schema path="/purple/presence-manager/" id="im.pidgin.Purple.PresenceManager">
<key name="active" type="s">
<summary>The id of the active presence</summary>
The name of the active presence that the libpurple user is currently
The presence itself should be have a path of `/presences/%name%` inside
the im.pidgin.Purple.PresenceManager settings.
<key name="presences" type="as">
<summary>A list of the ids of all saved presences</summary>
The list is used to find all of the saved presences as they are
relocatable settings.