
Make PidginInfoPane generic

5 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Make PidginInfoPane generic

This removes the conversation property and replaces it with title and subtitle

It also adds a child property so that user can add custom widgets.

Testing Done:
Opened some conversations and verified everything still worked as expected without any warnings or errors.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2909/
directory = gi-docgen-2023.1
source_url = https://download.gnome.org/sources/gi-docgen/2023/gi-docgen-2023.1.tar.xz
source_filename = gi-docgen-2023.1.tar.xz
source_hash = a9a687c1b7c4a4139a214bd451e01ca86131a3161f68aa3e07325b06002bbfb6