
Implement PurpleFileTransferManager

5 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Implement PurpleFileTransferManager

This is a pretty simple manager as duplicates are allowed and
PurpleFileTransfer all property driven which means we only need to propagate
the notify signal.

This doesn't persist across restarts as we have some other issues that are
making that harder than it needs to be.

Testing Done:
Ran the unit tests under valgrind.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17831

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2874/
# General Options
option('devenv-config-dir', type : 'string',
description : 'config directory for running a devenv (defaults to a subdirectory of buildroot)')
option('doc', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'build documentation with gtk-doc')
option('extraversion', type : 'string',
description : 'extra version number to be displayed in Help->About and --help (for packagers)')
option('introspection', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'build introspection data')
option('build-dependencies', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'enable the use of subprojects to build missing dependencies.')
# Libpurple Options
option('kwallet', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable KWallet support')
option('libsecret', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable libsecret support')
# Protocol Plugins
option('avahi', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with avahi (required for Bonjour support)')
option('dynamic-prpls', type : 'string', value: 'all',
description : 'specify which protocols to build dynamically')
option('libgadu', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with libgadu (required for GaduGadu support)')
# Pidgin Options
option('console-logging', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'compile with console logging support')
option('gtkui', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'compile with GTK+ user interface')
option('unity-integration', type : 'feature', value : 'disabled',
description : 'compile with support for unity integration plugin')
# Finch Options
option('consoleui', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'compile with console user interface')
option('x', type : 'boolean', value : false)