
Simplify PidginInfoPane by using bindings everywhere

I also had to update purple_markup_linkify to use lower case tags for pango.
That said, I'm not sure why they were upper case in the first place, that might
be _very_ old.

I played around with a tooltip on the topic since it can be ellipsized but you
can't click the links in a tooltip so that was a bust. I also tried making the
top label expand on hover but that didn't work well either. So we'll most
likely end up putting the full topic in a "Conversation Info" pane that'll swap
out with the member list and stuff.

Testing Done:
Checked in with the turtles. Also opened a dm and a channel without issue.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2845/
# General Options
option('devenv-config-dir', type : 'string',
description : 'config directory for running a devenv (defaults to a subdirectory of buildroot)')
option('doc', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'build documentation with gtk-doc')
option('extraversion', type : 'string',
description : 'extra version number to be displayed in Help->About and --help (for packagers)')
option('introspection', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'build introspection data')
option('build-dependencies', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'enable the use of subprojects to build missing dependencies.')
# Libpurple Options
option('kwallet', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable KWallet support')
option('libsecret', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable libsecret support')
# Protocol Plugins
option('avahi', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with avahi (required for Bonjour support)')
option('dynamic-prpls', type : 'string', value: 'all',
description : 'specify which protocols to build dynamically')
option('libgadu', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with libgadu (required for GaduGadu support)')
# Pidgin Options
option('console-logging', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'compile with console logging support')
option('gtkui', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'compile with GTK+ user interface')
option('unity-integration', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with support for unity integration plugin')
# Finch Options
option('consoleui', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'compile with console user interface')
option('x', type : 'boolean', value : false)