
Port the iconify on away plugin to the PresenceManager

Testing Done:

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2839/
* Pidgin - Internet Messenger
* Copyright (C) Pidgin Developers <devel@pidgin.im>
* Pidgin is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <purple.h>
#include "pidgintextbuffer.h"
* Helpers
static void
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_convert_tag(GtkTextTag *tag, gboolean start,
GString *output)
/* In practice gtk_text_buffer_insert_markup seems to create a single tag
* for each attribute, but we'll check everything anyways to be try and
* work with any buffer.
gboolean strikethrough;
gboolean strikethrough_set;
PangoStyle style;
gboolean style_set;
PangoUnderline underline;
gboolean underline_set;
int weight;
gboolean weight_set;
const char *format = "<%s>";
if(!start) {
format = "</%s>";
"strikethrough", &strikethrough,
"strikethrough-set", &strikethrough_set,
"style", &style,
"style-set", &style_set,
"underline", &underline,
"underline-set", &underline_set,
"weight", &weight,
"weight-set", &weight_set,
if(style_set && style != PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL) {
g_string_append_printf(output, format, "i");
if(weight_set && weight > PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL) {
g_string_append_printf(output, format, "b");
if(underline_set && underline != PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE) {
g_string_append_printf(output, format, "u");
if(strikethrough_set && strikethrough) {
g_string_append_printf(output, format, "s");
static void
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_start_tag(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) {
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_convert_tag(data, TRUE, user_data);
static void
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_process_start_tags(GSList *tags, GString *output) {
g_slist_foreach(tags, pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_start_tag, output);
static void
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_end_tag(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) {
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_convert_tag(data, FALSE, user_data);
static void
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_process_end_tags(GSList *tags, GString *output) {
g_slist_foreach(tags, pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_end_tag, output);
* Public API
char *
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html(GtkTextBuffer *buffer) {
GtkTextIter start;
GtkTextIter end;
g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_TEXT_BUFFER(buffer), NULL);
gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(buffer, &start);
gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(buffer, &end);
return pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_range(buffer, &start, &end);
char *
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_range(GtkTextBuffer *buffer, GtkTextIter *start,
GtkTextIter *end)
GSList *tags = NULL;
GString *output = NULL;
GtkTextIter real_start;
GtkTextIter real_end;
GtkTextIter next;
GtkTextIter position;
char *text = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_TEXT_BUFFER(buffer), NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(start != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(end != NULL, NULL);
/* Copy start and end to not modify the caller's copies, then make sure
* they're ordered correctly.
real_start = *start;
real_end = *end;
gtk_text_iter_order(&real_start, &real_end);
/* Create our iterators that we use to walk the text. */
position = real_start;
next = real_start;
output = g_string_new("");
/* Process the tags at our starting position. */
tags = gtk_text_iter_get_tags(&position);
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_process_start_tags(tags, output);
g_clear_slist(&tags, NULL);
/* Now walk the text looking for tags that are being toggled. */
while(gtk_text_iter_forward_to_tag_toggle(&next, NULL)) {
/* If next is past real_end, we need to bail. */
if(gtk_text_iter_compare(&next, &real_end) >= 0) {
/* Append the text in the range. */
text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(buffer, &position, &next, TRUE);
g_string_append(output, text);
g_clear_pointer(&text, g_free);
/* Process the closed tags. */
tags = gtk_text_iter_get_toggled_tags(&next, FALSE);
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_process_end_tags(tags, output);
g_clear_slist(&tags, NULL);
/* Process the opened tags. */
tags = gtk_text_iter_get_toggled_tags(&next, TRUE);
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_process_start_tags(tags, output);
g_clear_slist(&tags, NULL);
/* Increment our iterators. */
gtk_text_iter_forward_to_tag_toggle(&position, NULL);
/* Copy the remaining text. */
text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(buffer, &position, &real_end, TRUE);
if(text != NULL) {
g_string_append(output, text);
g_clear_pointer(&text, g_free);
/* Write out any final tags, we reverse them because they seem to be
* prepended. This is more of a guess than anything really. */
tags = gtk_text_iter_get_tags(&position);
tags = g_slist_reverse(tags);
pidgin_text_buffer_get_html_process_end_tags(tags, output);
g_clear_slist(&tags, NULL);
return g_string_free(output, FALSE);