
Fix basic constraints checking for both our SSL plugins.
2014-10-12, Mark Doliner
Fix basic constraints checking for both our SSL plugins.

This was reported to our private security@pidgin.im mailing list
by an anonymous person and Jacob Appelbaum of the Tor project.

The general problem is described by Moxie Marlinspike here:

Turns out BOTH of our SSL/TLS plugins are vulnerable to this. It allows
a malicious man-in-the-middle to impersonate an https server accessed by

The fix for this was difficult. We'd really like to just delegate all cert
validate to the NSS or GnuTLS plugins and not do any of it ourselves, because
they're experts and we're not. And this is essentially the change we made for
NSS. However, this was difficult for GnuTLS because we need a context that we
don't have access to in the right function. We could have done it, but it
would have been a little hacky. So for our GnuTLS plugin we added basic
constraints checking ourselves. In Pidgin 3.0.0 would should clean this up
and remove a lot of internal cert validation and ALWAYS delegate to the
SSL/TLS library.

The NSS parts of this patch were written by Kai Engert and Daniel Atallah.
I wrote the GnuTLS parts.

We'll be requesting a CVE number for this.

Also, my thanks to Jacob Appelbaum and Moxie Marlinspike for their efforts
over many years to improve the security of the software that we use on a
daily basis. They are both stand-out citizens who have made contributions
to protect the privacy of all internet users. Thanks, guys!
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