
Convert zephyr to gio

2020-12-11, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Convert zephyr to gio

Remove `SO_BSDCOMPAT` which has been obsolete for 15+ years.
Remove unused `from` parameter in ZCheckAuthorization.
Make `zuid_addr` into its plain integral type, not `struct in_addr`.
Make `__HM_addr` into a `GSocketAddress`.
Use `GSocketAddress` for `Z_InputQ->from`.
Make `__My_addr` a `guint32` instead of `struct in_addr`.
Change `__Zephyr_port` into a `gint`.
Convert zephyr to `GSocket`.
Remove `hostaddr` argument to `ZhmStat`, as it's always `NULL`.
Use gio to determine self-address.
Use gio to print out bad packet information.
Cleanup remaining indents.

Testing Done:
compile only

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/261/
#define REVISION "@VCS_TAG@"