
Remove gtkconv.[ch]

5 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Remove gtkconv.[ch]

The only thing still using this is the unity plugin which will need to be
updated to the new api when it is finalized. In the meantime, I just disabled
it by default so we can remove all of this.

Testing Done:
Ran with the turtles and did a quick connectivity check.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2895/
macosx_sdk = '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk'
macosx_minver = '10.13'
common_args = ['--sysroot=' + macosx_sdk, '-mmacosx-version-min=' + macosx_minver, '-F' + macosx_sdk / 'System/Library/Frameworks']
homebrew_prefix = '/usr/local'
icu4c_pc = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig'
libsoup3_pc = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/libsoup@3/lib/pkgconfig'
libxml2_pc = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/libxml2/lib/pkgconfig'
python3_pc = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/python@3/lib/pkgconfig'
[built-in options]
c_args = common_args
c_link_args = common_args
cpp_args = common_args
cpp_link_args = common_args
objc_args = common_args
objc_link_args = common_args
objcpp_args = common_args
objcpp_link_args = common_args
pkg_config_path = [icu4c_pc, libsoup3_pc, libxml2_pc, python3_pc]
[project options]
introspection = false
[gplugin:project options]
doc = false
introspection = false
lua = false
python3 = false
vapi = false
xgettext = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/gettext/bin/xgettext'