
Make the combobox a bit more friendly.

2010-07-05, Sadrul Habib Chowdhury
Make the combobox a bit more friendly.

While the dropdown in the combobox is not shown, and some key is pressed
that triggers an action in the dropdown (e.g. home, end keys etc.), popup
the dropdown.
shadow = 0
black = 0; 0; 0
red = 1000; 0; 0
green = 0; 1000; 0
blue = 250; 250; 700
white = 1000; 1000; 1000
gray = 700; 700; 700
darkgray = 256; 256; 256
normal = black; white
highlight = white; blue
highlightd = black; gray
shadow = black; darkgray
title = white; blue
titled = white; gray
text = white; blue
disabled = gray; white