
flow: Merged '51-need-a-way-to-disable-moonscript-tests' to ('develop').
GPlugin depends on the following at a bare minimum:
glib-2.0 >= 2.20.0
gobject-introspection, libgirepository1.0-dev
cmake >= 2.8
a C compiler
A full build (enabled by default) depends on the following:
python3-dev, python-gi-dev, python3-gi
liblua5.1-0-dev, lua-lgi
All of these packages and their development headers need to be installed
prior to building GPlugin.
GPlugin uses CMake (http://www.cmake.org) as its build system. As such
compiling is a little bit different than your typical ./configure, make,
sudo make install. But luckily for you, not too much different.
While it is not required, it is highly recommended that you use a separate
build dir. As such, these instructions use a separate build directory.
To compile you need to run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
If you want/need to tweak the build system (to enable/disable certain loaders)
you can do so at any time by using a CMake user interface. For example, if you
have the CMake curses gui installed, you can do this by running "ccmake .."
from the build directory.