
Use standard GTK tooltip in the buddy list.

2021-06-14, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Parents 53fa03701534
Children 5afbdae4554a
Use standard GTK tooltip in the buddy list.

Instead of drawing this all ourselves, drop it all in a `GtkGrid`. This handles all the padding and alignment for us, which is way more consistent, too.

Note, old code has not been removed because it's used in conversations.

Testing Done:
Hover over buddy list, try with keyboard `Ctrl+F1`.

Reviewed at
--- a/pidgin/gtkblist.c Mon Jun 14 23:00:10 2021 -0500
+++ b/pidgin/gtkblist.c Mon Jun 14 23:56:27 2021 -0500
@@ -3191,28 +3191,249 @@
return FALSE;
+/* # - Status Icon
+ * P - Protocol Icon
+ * A - Buddy Icon
+ * +--- STATUS_SIZE +--- td->avatar_width
+ * | +-- td->name_width |
+ * +----+ +-------+ +---------+
+ * | | | | | |
+ * +-------------------------------------------+
+ * | [ = [ |--- TOOLTIP_BORDER
+ *name_height --+-| ######[BuddyName = PP [ AAAAAAAAAAA |--+
+ * | | ######[ = PP [ AAAAAAAAAAA | |
+ * STATUS SIZE -| | ######[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ AAAAAAAAAAA | |
+ * +--+-| ######[Account: So-and-so [ AAAAAAAAAAA | |-- td->avatar_height
+ * | | [Idle: 4h 15m [ AAAAAAAAAAA | |
+ * height --+ | [Foo: Bar, Baz [ AAAAAAAAAAA | |
+ * | | [Status: Awesome [ AAAAAAAAAAA |--+
+ * +----| [Stop: Hammer Time [ |
+ * | [ [ |--- TOOLTIP_BORDER
+ * +-------------------------------------------+
+ * | | | |
+ * | +----------------+ |
+ * | | |
+ * | +-- td->width |
+ * | |
+ *
+ *
+ */
+static void
+add_tip_for_account(GtkWidget *grid, gint row, PurpleAccount *account)
+ GdkPixbuf *protocol_icon = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *image = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *name = NULL;
+ protocol_icon = pidgin_create_protocol_icon(account, PIDGIN_PROTOCOL_ICON_SMALL);
+ if (purple_account_is_disconnected(account)) {
+ gdk_pixbuf_saturate_and_pixelate(protocol_icon, protocol_icon, 0.0, FALSE);
+ }
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(protocol_icon);
+ gtk_image_set_pixel_size(GTK_IMAGE(image), STATUS_SIZE);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), image, 0, row, 1, 1);
+ g_clear_object(&protocol_icon);
+ name = gtk_label_new(purple_account_get_username(account));
+ gtk_label_set_xalign(GTK_LABEL(name), 0);
+ gtk_label_set_yalign(GTK_LABEL(name), 0);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(name), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_max_width_chars(GTK_LABEL(name), 36);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), name, 1, row, 1, 1);
+static void
+add_tip_for_node(GtkWidget *grid, gint row, PurpleBlistNode *node, gboolean full)
+ GdkPixbuf *status_icon = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *image = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *name = NULL;
+ GdkPixbuf *avatar = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *avatar_image = NULL;
+ PurpleAccount *account = NULL;
+ char *tmp = NULL, *node_name = NULL, *tooltip_text = NULL;
+ if (PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(node)) {
+ account = purple_buddy_get_account(PURPLE_BUDDY(node));
+ } else if (PURPLE_IS_CHAT(node)) {
+ account = purple_chat_get_account(PURPLE_CHAT(node));
+ }
+ status_icon = pidgin_blist_get_status_icon(node, PIDGIN_STATUS_ICON_LARGE);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(status_icon);
+ gtk_image_set_pixel_size(GTK_IMAGE(image), STATUS_SIZE);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), image, 0, row, 1, 1);
+ g_clear_object(&status_icon);
+ if (PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(node)) {
+ tmp = g_markup_escape_text(purple_buddy_get_name(PURPLE_BUDDY(node)), -1);
+ } else if (PURPLE_IS_CHAT(node)) {
+ tmp = g_markup_escape_text(purple_chat_get_name(PURPLE_CHAT(node)), -1);
+ } else if (PURPLE_IS_GROUP(node)) {
+ tmp = g_markup_escape_text(purple_group_get_name(PURPLE_GROUP(node)), -1);
+ } else {
+ /* I don't believe this can happen currently, I think
+ * everything that calls this function checks for one of the
+ * above node types first. */
+ tmp = g_strdup(_("Unknown node type"));
+ }
+ node_name = g_strdup_printf("<span size='x-large' weight='bold'>%s</span>",
+ tmp ? tmp : "");
+ g_free(tmp);
+ name = gtk_label_new(NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_xalign(GTK_LABEL(name), 0);
+ gtk_label_set_yalign(GTK_LABEL(name), 0);
+ gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(name), node_name);
+ gtk_label_set_max_width_chars(GTK_LABEL(name), 36);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), name, 1, row, 1, 1);
+ if (account != NULL) {
+ GdkPixbuf *protocol_icon = pidgin_create_protocol_icon(
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(protocol_icon);
+ gtk_image_set_pixel_size(GTK_IMAGE(image), STATUS_SIZE);
+ gtk_widget_set_halign(image, GTK_ALIGN_END);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), image, 2, row, 1, 1);
+ g_clear_object(&protocol_icon);
+ }
+ tooltip_text = pidgin_get_tooltip_text(node, full);
+ if (tooltip_text && *tooltip_text) {
+ GtkWidget *contents = gtk_label_new(NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_xalign(GTK_LABEL(contents), 0);
+ gtk_label_set_yalign(GTK_LABEL(contents), 0);
+ gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(contents), tooltip_text);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(contents), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_max_width_chars(GTK_LABEL(contents), 36);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), contents, 1, row+1, 2, 1);
+ }
+ avatar = pidgin_blist_get_buddy_icon(node, !full, FALSE);
+#if 0 /* Protocol Icon as avatar */
+ if(!avatar && full) {
+ avatar = pidgin_create_protocol_icon(account, PIDGIN_PROTOCOL_ICON_LARGE);
+ }
+ if (avatar != NULL) {
+ avatar_image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(avatar);
+ gtk_widget_set_halign(avatar_image, GTK_ALIGN_END);
+ gtk_widget_set_valign(avatar_image, GTK_ALIGN_START);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), avatar_image, 3, row, 1, 2);
+ g_object_unref(avatar);
+ }
+ g_free(node_name);
+ g_free(tooltip_text);
static gboolean
-pidgin_blist_create_tooltip(GtkWidget *widget, GtkTreePath *path,
- gpointer null, int *w, int *h)
+pidgin_blist_query_tooltip_for_node(PidginBuddyList *blist,
+ PurpleBlistNode *node, GtkTooltip *tooltip)
+ GtkWidget *grid;
+ grid = gtk_grid_new();
+ if (PURPLE_IS_CHAT(node) || PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(node)) {
+ add_tip_for_node(grid, 0, node, TRUE);
+ } else if (PURPLE_IS_GROUP(node)) {
+ PurpleGroup *group = PURPLE_GROUP(node);
+ GSList *accounts;
+ add_tip_for_node(grid, 0, node, TRUE);
+ /* Accounts with buddies in group */
+ accounts = purple_group_get_accounts(group);
+ for (gint row = 2; accounts != NULL;
+ row++, accounts = g_slist_delete_link(accounts, accounts))
+ {
+ PurpleAccount *account = PURPLE_ACCOUNT(accounts->data);
+ add_tip_for_account(grid, row, account);
+ }
+ } else if (PURPLE_IS_CONTACT(node)) {
+ PurpleBlistNode *child;
+ PurpleBuddy *b = purple_contact_get_priority_buddy(PURPLE_CONTACT(node));
+ gint row = 0;
+ for(child = node->child; child; child = child->next) {
+ if(PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(child) && buddy_is_displayable(PURPLE_BUDDY(child))) {
+ if (b == (PurpleBuddy *)child) {
+ /* Priority buddy goes first (-2) and is more detailed. */
+ add_tip_for_node(grid, -2, child, TRUE);
+ } else {
+ add_tip_for_node(grid, row, child, FALSE);
+ row += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_show_all(grid);
+ gtk_tooltip_set_custom(tooltip, grid);
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+pidgin_blist_query_tooltip(GtkWidget *widget, int x, int y,
+ gboolean keyboard_mode, GtkTooltip *tooltip,
+ gpointer userdata)
+ PidginBuddyList *blist = userdata;
GtkTreeIter iter;
PurpleBlistNode *node;
gboolean editable = FALSE;
+ GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
/* If we're editing a cell (e.g. alias editing), don't show the tooltip */
- g_object_get(G_OBJECT(gtkblist->text_rend), "editable", &editable, NULL);
- if (editable)
+ g_object_get(G_OBJECT(blist->text_rend), "editable", &editable, NULL);
+ if (editable) {
return FALSE;
- if (gtkblist->tooltipdata) {
- gtkblist->tipwindow = NULL;
- pidgin_blist_destroy_tooltip_data();
- }
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(gtkblist->treemodel), &iter, path);
- gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(gtkblist->treemodel), &iter, NODE_COLUMN, &node, -1);
- return pidgin_blist_create_tooltip_for_node(widget, node, w, h);
+ }
+ if (keyboard_mode) {
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(widget));
+ if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(selection, NULL, &iter)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(blist->treemodel), &iter);
+ } else {
+ gint bx, by;
+ gtk_tree_view_convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(GTK_TREE_VIEW(widget),
+ x, y, &bx, &by);
+ gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos(GTK_TREE_VIEW(widget), bx, by, &path,
+ if (path == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(blist->treemodel),
+ &iter, path))
+ {
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(blist->treemodel), &iter,
+ NODE_COLUMN, &node, -1);
+ if (pidgin_blist_query_tooltip_for_node(blist, node, tooltip)) {
+ gtk_tree_view_set_tooltip_row(GTK_TREE_VIEW(widget), tooltip, path);
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
static gboolean pidgin_blist_motion_cb (GtkWidget *tv, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer null)
@@ -5165,9 +5386,9 @@
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtkblist->treeview), "leave-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(pidgin_blist_leave_cb), NULL);
/* Tooltips */
- pidgin_tooltip_setup_for_treeview(gtkblist->treeview, NULL,
- pidgin_blist_create_tooltip,
- pidgin_blist_paint_tip);
+ gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip(gtkblist->treeview, TRUE);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtkblist->treeview), "query-tooltip",
+ G_CALLBACK(pidgin_blist_query_tooltip), gtkblist);
gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkblist->treeview), FALSE);