
Parents 79bd98f3d18f
Children 5f67770703ed
A lot of basic behavior for, but still can't be used to determine what to build
  • +169 -16
  • --- a/ Sat Mar 29 23:22:24 2008 -0400
    +++ b/ Sun Mar 30 03:43:52 2008 -0400
    @@ -1,8 +1,42 @@
    +# - Helper script for obtaining info about the plugin pack
    +# Copyright (C) 2008 Gary Kramlich <>
    +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    +# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    +# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    +# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    +# GNU General Public License for more details.
    +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA.
    +"""Usage: [options]
    + -a, --abusive-plugins Outputs a comma-separated list of the abusive
    + plugins
    + -D, --dist-dirs Outputs the list of all directories that have
    + plugins and should be included in the distribution
    + -d, --default-plugins Outputs a comma-separated list of the default
    + plugins
    + --dependency-graph Outputs a graphviz diagram showing dependencies
    + -h, --help Shows usage information
    + -i, --incomplete-plugins Outputs a comma-separated list of the incomplete
    + plugins
    + -p, --plugin=<name> Outputs all info about <name>
    import ConfigParser
    +import getopt
    import glob
    import os.path
    +import string
    import sys
    def printerr(msg):
    @@ -31,10 +65,18 @@
    printerr('\'%s\' has an unknown type of \'%s\'!' % (, self.type))
    def __str__(self):
    - return
    + output = 'name: %s\n' %
    + output += 'type: %s\n' % self.type
    + output += 'depends: %s\n' % string.join(self.depends, ' ')
    + output += 'provides: %s\n' % self.provides
    + output += 'directory: %s\n' %
    + output += 'summary: %s\n' % self.summary
    + output += '%s\n' % self.description
    + return output
    class PluginPack:
    - plugins = []
    + plugins = {}
    def load_plugins(self):
    for file in glob.glob('*/plugins.cfg'):
    @@ -49,37 +91,148 @@
    for plugin in parser.sections():
    p = Plugin(os.path.dirname(file), plugin, parser)
    - self.plugins.append(p)
    + self.plugins[] = p
    - def list(self, type):
    + def list_type(self, type):
    list = []
    - for plugin in self.plugins:
    + for name in self.plugins.keys():
    + plugin = self.plugins[name]
    if plugin.type == type:
    + list.sort()
    return list
    - def dump_list(self, list):
    - for i in list:
    - print '\t%s' % i
    + def print_names(self, list):
    + names = []
    + for plugin in list:
    + names.append(
    + print string.join(names, ',')
    + def dist_dirs(self):
    + dirs = {}
    + for name in self.plugins.keys():
    + dirs[name] = 1
    + dirs = dirs.keys()
    + dirs.sort()
    + for dir in dirs:
    + print dir
    + def default_plugins(self):
    + return self.list_type('default')
    + def abusive_plugins(self):
    + return self.list_type('abusive')
    + def incomplete_plugins(self):
    + return self.list_type('incomplete')
    + def dependency_graph(self):
    + def node_label(plugin):
    + node = plugin.provides.replace('-', '_')
    + label =
    + return node, label
    + def print_plugins(list):
    + for plugin in list:
    + node, label = node_label(plugin)
    + print '\t%s[label="%s"];' % (node, label)
    - def debug(self):
    - print 'Default:'
    - self.dump_list(self.list('default'))
    + print 'digraph {'
    + print '\tlabel="Dependency Graph";'
    + print '\tlabelloc="t";'
    + print '\tsplines=TRUE;'
    + print '\toverlap=scale;'
    + print
    + print '\tnode[fontname="sans", style="filled", shape="box"];'
    + print
    + # run through the default plugins
    + print '\t/* default plugins */'
    + print '\tnode[fillcolor="palegreen"];'
    + print_plugins(self.default_plugins())
    + print
    + # run through the incomplete plugins
    + print '\t/* incomplete plugins */'
    + print '\tnode[fillcolor="lightyellow1"];'
    + print_plugins(self.incomplete_plugins())
    + print
    - print 'Abusive:'
    - self.dump_list(self.list('abusive'))
    + # run through the abusive plugins
    + print '\t/* abusive plugins */'
    + print '\tnode[fillcolor="lightpink"];'
    + print_plugins(self.abusive_plugins())
    + print
    - print 'Incomplete:'
    - self.dump_list(self.list('incomplete'))
    + # run through again, this time showing the relations
    + print '\t/* dependencies'
    + print '\t * exteranl ones that don\'t have nodes get colored to the following'
    + print '\t */'
    + print '\tnode[fillcolor="powderblue"];'
    + for name in self.plugins.keys():
    + plugin = self.plugins[name]
    + node, label = node_label(plugin)
    + for dep in plugin.depends:
    + dep = dep.replace('-', '_')
    + print '\t%s -> %s;' % (node, dep)
    + print '}'
    def main():
    + # create our main instance
    pp = PluginPack()
    + # load all our plugin data
    - pp.debug()
    + try:
    + shortopts = 'aDdhip:'
    + longopts = [
    + 'abusive-plugins',
    + 'dependency-graph',
    + 'default-plugins',
    + 'dist-dirs',
    + 'help',
    + 'incomplete-plugins',
    + 'plugin',
    + ]
    + opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts)
    + except getopt.error, msg:
    + print msg
    + print __doc__
    + sys.exit(1)
    + if not opts:
    + print __doc__
    + sys.exit(1)
    + for o, a in opts:
    + if o in ('-a', '--abusive-plugins'):
    + pp.print_names(pp.abusive_plugins())
    + elif o == '--dependency-graph':
    + pp.dependency_graph()
    + elif o in ('-D', '--dist-dirs'):
    + pp.dist_dirs()
    + elif o in ('-d', '--default-plugins'):
    + pp.print_names(pp.default_plugins())
    + elif o in ('-h', '--help'):
    + print __doc__
    + sys.exit(0)
    + elif o in ('-i', '--incomplete-plugins'):
    + pp.print_names(pp.incomplete_plugins())
    + elif o in ('-p', '--plugin'):
    + print pp.plugins[a]
    if __name__ == "__main__":