
Add the turtles target to keep the foot clan at bay
default tip
13 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Add the turtles target to keep the foot clan at bay

Testing Done:
Ran `ninja turtles` and verified it worked correctly.

Reviewed at
* libomegle
* libomegle is the property of its developers. See the COPYRIGHT file
* for more details.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "om_connection.h"
static void om_attempt_connection(OmegleConnection *);
#include <zlib.h>
static gchar *om_gunzip(const guchar *gzip_data, ssize_t *len_ptr)
gsize gzip_data_len = *len_ptr;
z_stream zstr;
int gzip_err = 0;
gchar *data_buffer;
gulong gzip_len = G_MAXUINT16;
GString *output_string = NULL;
data_buffer = g_new0(gchar, gzip_len);
zstr.next_in = NULL;
zstr.avail_in = 0;
zstr.zalloc = Z_NULL;
zstr.zfree = Z_NULL;
zstr.opaque = 0;
gzip_err = inflateInit2(&zstr, MAX_WBITS+32);
if (gzip_err != Z_OK)
purple_debug_error("omegle", "no built-in gzip support in zlib\n");
return NULL;
zstr.next_in = (Bytef *)gzip_data;
zstr.avail_in = gzip_data_len;
zstr.next_out = (Bytef *)data_buffer;
zstr.avail_out = gzip_len;
gzip_err = inflate(&zstr, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (gzip_err == Z_DATA_ERROR)
inflateInit2(&zstr, -MAX_WBITS);
if (gzip_err != Z_OK)
purple_debug_error("omegle", "Cannot decode gzip header\n");
return NULL;
zstr.next_in = (Bytef *)gzip_data;
zstr.avail_in = gzip_data_len;
zstr.next_out = (Bytef *)data_buffer;
zstr.avail_out = gzip_len;
gzip_err = inflate(&zstr, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
output_string = g_string_new("");
while (gzip_err == Z_OK)
//append data to buffer
output_string = g_string_append_len(output_string, data_buffer, gzip_len - zstr.avail_out);
//reset buffer pointer
zstr.next_out = (Bytef *)data_buffer;
zstr.avail_out = gzip_len;
gzip_err = inflate(&zstr, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (gzip_err == Z_STREAM_END)
output_string = g_string_append_len(output_string, data_buffer, gzip_len - zstr.avail_out);
} else {
purple_debug_error("omegle", "gzip inflate error\n");
gchar *output_data = g_strdup(output_string->str);
*len_ptr = output_string->len;
g_string_free(output_string, TRUE);
return output_data;
void om_connection_destroy(OmegleConnection *omconn)
omconn->oma->conns = g_slist_remove(omconn->oma->conns, omconn);
if (omconn->request != NULL)
g_string_free(omconn->request, TRUE);
if (omconn->connect_data != NULL)
if (omconn->ssl_conn != NULL)
if (omconn->fd >= 0) {
if (omconn->input_watcher > 0)
static void om_update_cookies(OmegleAccount *oma, const gchar *headers)
const gchar *cookie_start;
const gchar *cookie_end;
gchar *cookie_name;
gchar *cookie_value;
int header_len;
g_return_if_fail(headers != NULL);
header_len = strlen(headers);
/* look for the next "Set-Cookie: " */
/* grab the data up until ';' */
cookie_start = headers;
while ((cookie_start = strstr(cookie_start, "\r\nSet-Cookie: ")) &&
(cookie_start - headers) < header_len)
cookie_start += 14;
cookie_end = strchr(cookie_start, '=');
cookie_name = g_strndup(cookie_start, cookie_end-cookie_start);
cookie_start = cookie_end + 1;
cookie_end = strchr(cookie_start, ';');
cookie_value= g_strndup(cookie_start, cookie_end-cookie_start);
cookie_start = cookie_end;
g_hash_table_replace(oma->cookie_table, cookie_name,
static void om_connection_process_data(OmegleConnection *omconn)
ssize_t len;
gchar *tmp;
len = omconn->rx_len;
tmp = g_strstr_len(omconn->rx_buf, len, "\r\n\r\n");
if (tmp == NULL) {
/* This is a corner case that occurs when the connection is
* prematurely closed either on the client or the server.
* This can either be no data at all or a partial set of
* headers. We pass along the data to be good, but don't
* do any fancy massaging. In all likelihood the result will
* be tossed by the connection callback func anyways
tmp = g_strndup(omconn->rx_buf, len);
} else {
tmp += 4;
len -= g_strstr_len(omconn->rx_buf, len, "\r\n\r\n") -
omconn->rx_buf + 4;
tmp = g_memdup(tmp, len + 1);
tmp[len] = '\0';
omconn->rx_buf[omconn->rx_len - len] = '\0';
om_update_cookies(omconn->oma, omconn->rx_buf);
if (strstr(omconn->rx_buf, "Content-Encoding: gzip"))
/* we've received compressed gzip data, decompress */
gchar *gunzipped;
gunzipped = om_gunzip((const guchar *)tmp, &len);
tmp = gunzipped;
omconn->rx_buf = NULL;
if (omconn->callback != NULL) {
purple_debug_info("omegle", "executing callback for %s\n", omconn->url);
omconn->callback(omconn->oma, tmp, len, omconn->user_data);
static void om_fatal_connection_cb(OmegleConnection *omconn)
PurpleConnection *pc = omconn->oma->pc;
purple_debug_error("omegle", "fatal connection error\n");
/* We died. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200 */
/* In all seriousness, don't attempt to call the normal callback here.
* That may lead to the wrong error message being displayed */
_("Server closed the connection."));
static void om_post_or_get_readdata_cb(gpointer data, gint source,
PurpleInputCondition cond)
OmegleConnection *omconn;
gchar buf[4096];
ssize_t len;
omconn = data;
if (omconn->method & OM_METHOD_SSL) {
len = purple_ssl_read(omconn->ssl_conn,
buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
} else {
len = recv(omconn->fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0);
if (len < 0)
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR) {
/* Try again later */
if (omconn->method & OM_METHOD_SSL && omconn->rx_len > 0) {
* This is a slightly hacky workaround for a bug in either
* GNU TLS or in the SSL implementation on Omegle's web
* servers. The sequence of events is:
* 1. We attempt to read the first time and successfully read
* the server's response.
* 2. We attempt to read a second time and libpurple's call
* to gnutls_record_recv() returns the error
* "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
* Normally the server would have closed the connection
* cleanly and this second read() request would have returned
* 0. Or maybe it's normal for SSL connections to be severed
* in this manner? In any case, this differs from the behavior
* of the standard recv() system call.
"ssl error, but data received. attempting to continue\n");
} else {
/* TODO: Is this a regular occurrence? If so then maybe resend the request? */
if (len > 0)
buf[len] = '\0';
omconn->rx_buf = g_realloc(omconn->rx_buf,
omconn->rx_len + len + 1);
memcpy(omconn->rx_buf + omconn->rx_len, buf, len + 1);
omconn->rx_len += len;
/* Wait for more data before processing */
/* The server closed the connection, let's parse the data */
static void om_post_or_get_ssl_readdata_cb (gpointer data,
PurpleSslConnection *ssl, PurpleInputCondition cond)
om_post_or_get_readdata_cb(data, -1, cond);
static void om_post_or_get_connect_cb(gpointer data, gint source,
const gchar *error_message)
OmegleConnection *omconn;
ssize_t len;
omconn = data;
omconn->connect_data = NULL;
if (error_message)
purple_debug_error("omegle", "post_or_get_connect failure to %s\n", omconn->url);
purple_debug_error("omegle", "post_or_get_connect_cb %s\n",
omconn->fd = source;
/* TODO: Check the return value of write() */
len = write(omconn->fd, omconn->request->str,
if(len != omconn->request->len) {
purple_debug_error("omegle", "post_or_get_connect failed to write request\n");
omconn->input_watcher = purple_input_add(omconn->fd,
om_post_or_get_readdata_cb, omconn);
static void om_post_or_get_ssl_connect_cb(gpointer data,
PurpleSslConnection *ssl, PurpleInputCondition cond)
OmegleConnection *omconn;
ssize_t len;
omconn = data;
purple_debug_info("omegle", "post_or_get_ssl_connect_cb\n");
len = purple_ssl_write(omconn->ssl_conn,
omconn->request->str, omconn->request->len);
if(len != omconn->request->len) {
purple_debug_error("omegle", "om_post_or_get_ssl_connect failed to write request\n");
om_post_or_get_ssl_readdata_cb, omconn);
static void om_host_lookup_cb(GSList *hosts, gpointer data,
const char *error_message)
GSList *host_lookup_list;
struct sockaddr_in *addr;
gchar *hostname;
gchar *ip_address;
OmegleAccount *oma;
PurpleDnsQueryData *query;
/* Extract variables */
host_lookup_list = data;
oma = host_lookup_list->data;
host_lookup_list =
g_slist_delete_link(host_lookup_list, host_lookup_list);
hostname = host_lookup_list->data;
host_lookup_list =
g_slist_delete_link(host_lookup_list, host_lookup_list);
query = host_lookup_list->data;
host_lookup_list =
g_slist_delete_link(host_lookup_list, host_lookup_list);
/* The callback has executed, so we no longer need to keep track of
* the original query. This always needs to run when the cb is
* executed. */
oma->dns_queries = g_slist_remove(oma->dns_queries, query);
/* Any problems, capt'n? */
if (error_message != NULL)
"Error doing host lookup: %s\n", error_message);
if (hosts == NULL)
"Could not resolve host name\n");
/* Discard the length... */
hosts = g_slist_delete_link(hosts, hosts);
/* Copy the address then free it... */
addr = hosts->data;
ip_address = g_strdup(inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr));
hosts = g_slist_delete_link(hosts, hosts);
* DNS lookups can return a list of IP addresses, but we only cache
* the first one. So free the rest.
while (hosts != NULL)
/* Discard the length... */
hosts = g_slist_delete_link(hosts, hosts);
/* Free the address... */
hosts = g_slist_delete_link(hosts, hosts);
g_hash_table_insert(oma->hostname_ip_cache, hostname, ip_address);
static void om_cookie_foreach_cb(gchar *cookie_name,
gchar *cookie_value, GString *str)
/* TODO: Need to escape name and value? */
g_string_append_printf(str, "%s=%s;", cookie_name, cookie_value);
* Serialize the oma->cookie_table hash table to a string.
static gchar *om_cookies_to_string(OmegleAccount *oma)
GString *str;
str = g_string_new(NULL);
(GHFunc)om_cookie_foreach_cb, str);
return g_string_free(str, FALSE);
static void om_ssl_connection_error(PurpleSslConnection *ssl,
PurpleSslErrorType errortype, gpointer data)
OmegleConnection *omconn = data;
PurpleConnection *pc = omconn->oma->pc;
omconn->ssl_conn = NULL;
purple_connection_ssl_error(pc, errortype);
void om_post_or_get(OmegleAccount *oma, OmegleMethod method,
const gchar *host, const gchar *url, const gchar *postdata,
OmegleProxyCallbackFunc callback_func, gpointer user_data,
gboolean keepalive)
GString *request;
gchar *cookies;
OmegleConnection *omconn;
gchar *real_url;
gboolean is_proxy = FALSE;
const gchar *user_agent;
const gchar* const *languages;
gchar *language_names;
PurpleProxyInfo *proxy_info = NULL;
gchar *proxy_auth;
gchar *proxy_auth_base64;
/* TODO: Fix keepalive and use it as much as possible */
keepalive = FALSE;
if (host == NULL)
host = purple_account_get_string(oma->account, "host", "");
if (oma && oma->account && !(method & OM_METHOD_SSL))
proxy_info = purple_proxy_get_setup(oma->account);
if (purple_proxy_info_get_type(proxy_info) == PURPLE_PROXY_USE_GLOBAL)
proxy_info = purple_global_proxy_get_info();
if (purple_proxy_info_get_type(proxy_info) == PURPLE_PROXY_HTTP)
is_proxy = TRUE;
if (is_proxy == TRUE)
real_url = g_strdup_printf("http://%s%s", host, url);
} else {
real_url = g_strdup(url);
cookies = om_cookies_to_string(oma);
user_agent = purple_account_get_string(oma->account, "user-agent", "Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en-GB)");
if (method & OM_METHOD_POST && !postdata)
postdata = "";
/* Build the request */
request = g_string_new(NULL);
g_string_append_printf(request, "%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\n",
(method & OM_METHOD_POST) ? "POST" : "GET",
if (is_proxy == FALSE)
g_string_append_printf(request, "Host: %s\r\n", host);
g_string_append_printf(request, "Connection: %s\r\n",
(keepalive ? "Keep-Alive" : "close"));
g_string_append_printf(request, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", user_agent);
if (method & OM_METHOD_POST) {
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
"Content-length: %zu\r\n", strlen(postdata));
g_string_append_printf(request, "Accept: application/json, text/html, */*\r\n");
g_string_append_printf(request, "Cookie: %s\r\n", cookies);
g_string_append_printf(request, "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n");
if (is_proxy == TRUE)
if (purple_proxy_info_get_username(proxy_info) &&
proxy_auth = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", purple_proxy_info_get_username(proxy_info), purple_proxy_info_get_password(proxy_info));
proxy_auth_base64 = purple_base64_encode((guchar *)proxy_auth, strlen(proxy_auth));
g_string_append_printf(request, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", proxy_auth_base64);
/* Tell the server what language we accept, so that we get error messages in our language (rather than our IP's) */
languages = g_get_language_names();
language_names = g_strjoinv(", ", (gchar **)languages);
purple_util_chrreplace(language_names, '_', '-');
g_string_append_printf(request, "Accept-Language: %s\r\n", language_names);
purple_debug_info("omegle", "getting url %s\n", url);
g_string_append_printf(request, "\r\n");
if (method & OM_METHOD_POST)
g_string_append_printf(request, "%s", postdata);
/* If it needs to go over a SSL connection, we probably shouldn't print
* it in the debug log. Without this condition a user's password is
* printed in the debug log */
if (method == OM_METHOD_POST)
purple_debug_info("omegle", "sending request data:\n%s\n",
* Do a separate DNS lookup for the given host name and cache it
* for next time.
* TODO: It would be better if we did this before we call
* purple_proxy_connect(), so we could re-use the result.
* Or even better: Use persistent HTTP connections for servers
* that we access continually.
* TODO: This cache of the hostname<-->IP address does not respect
* the TTL returned by the DNS server. We should expire things
* from the cache after some amount of time.
if (!is_proxy)
/* Don't do this for proxy connections, since proxies do the DNS lookup */
gchar *host_ip;
host_ip = g_hash_table_lookup(oma->hostname_ip_cache, host);
if (host_ip != NULL) {
host = host_ip;
} else if (oma->account && !oma->account->disconnecting) {
GSList *host_lookup_list = NULL;
PurpleDnsQueryData *query;
host_lookup_list = g_slist_prepend(
host_lookup_list, g_strdup(host));
host_lookup_list = g_slist_prepend(
host_lookup_list, oma);
query = purple_dnsquery_a(host, 80,
om_host_lookup_cb, host_lookup_list);
oma->dns_queries = g_slist_prepend(oma->dns_queries, query);
host_lookup_list = g_slist_append(host_lookup_list, query);
omconn = g_new0(OmegleConnection, 1);
omconn->oma = oma;
omconn->url = real_url;
omconn->method = method;
omconn->hostname = g_strdup(host);
omconn->request = request;
omconn->callback = callback_func;
omconn->user_data = user_data;
omconn->fd = -1;
omconn->connection_keepalive = keepalive;
omconn->request_time = time(NULL);
oma->conns = g_slist_prepend(oma->conns, omconn);
static void om_attempt_connection(OmegleConnection *omconn)
OmegleAccount *oma = omconn->oma;
#if 0
/* Connection to attempt retries. This code doesn't work perfectly, but
* remains here for future reference if needed */
if (time(NULL) - omconn->request_time > 5) {
/* We've continuously tried to remake this connection for a
* bit now. It isn't happening, sadly. Time to die. */
purple_debug_error("omegle", "could not connect after retries\n");
purple_debug_info("omegle", "making connection attempt\n");
/* TODO: If we're retrying the connection, consider clearing the cached
* DNS value. This will require some juggling with the hostname param */
/* TODO/FIXME: This retries almost instantenously, which in some cases
* runs at blinding speed. Slow it down. */
/* TODO/FIXME: this doesn't retry properly on non-ssl connections */
if (omconn->method & OM_METHOD_SSL) {
omconn->ssl_conn = purple_ssl_connect(oma->account, omconn->hostname,
443, om_post_or_get_ssl_connect_cb,
om_ssl_connection_error, omconn);
} else {
omconn->connect_data = purple_proxy_connect(NULL, oma->account,
omconn->hostname, 80, om_post_or_get_connect_cb, omconn);