
Add the turtles target to keep the foot clan at bay
default tip
13 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Add the turtles target to keep the foot clan at bay

Testing Done:
Ran `ninja turtles` and verified it worked correctly.

Reviewed at
* Purple Plugin Pack
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008
* See ../AUTHORS for a list of all authors
* listhandler: Provides importing, exporting, and copying functions
* for accounts' buddy lists.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA.
#include "listhandler.h"
#include "aim_blt_files.h"
static gchar *filename = NULL, *file_contents = NULL;
static gsize length;
static GString *bltfile_string = NULL;
static PurpleAccount *source_account = NULL, *target_account = NULL;
static PurpleBuddyList *buddies = NULL;
static PurpleConnection *gc = NULL;
static gboolean /* used to filter the account list to oscar accounts only */
lh_aim_filter(PurpleAccount *account)
const gchar *prpl_id = purple_account_get_protocol_id(account);
return FALSE;
if(!strcmp(prpl_id, "prpl-aim"))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static gchar * /* remove '{' and leading and trailing spaces from string */
lh_aim_str_normalize(gchar *s)
/* replace all instances of the { and " characters with spaces, then
* strip whitespace */
return g_strstrip(g_strdelimit(g_strdelimit(s, "\"", ' '), "{", ' '));
static gchar * /* extract alias from string by stripping AliasString and "s */
lh_aim_get_alias(gchar * s, gboolean v2)
gint i, limit;
/* Magic numbers: 18 = length of the string up to = for v2 files,
* 17 = length of the string up to "AliasString" for v1 files */
if(v2) /* if a v2 file, we need to convert FriendlyName= to spaces */
limit = 18;
else /* else, v1 file, we need to convert AliasString to spaces */
limit = 17;
/* go through and kill off the chars that aren't part of the alias */
for(i = 0; i < limit; i++)
if(s[i] != ' ' && s[i] != '\0')
s[i] = ' ';
/* now strip the stupid, useless whitespace from the string */
return g_strstrip(s);
static gchar ** /* read and split the file into manageable strings */
lh_aim_get_file_strings(gchar *file_contents, gsize *length, guint *strings_len)
gchar **ret;
GError *error = NULL;
/* read the file as one bigass string */
g_file_get_contents(filename, &file_contents, length, &error);
purple_debug_misc("listhandler: import", "Error from glib: %s\n",
/* split that bigass string into manageable ones ;) */
ret = g_strsplit(file_contents, "\n", 0);
/* find out how many "manageable strings" we have */
*strings_len = g_strv_length(ret);
return ret; /* leave this stupid function already! */
static void /* find where the buddy list begins and ends */
lh_aim_list_find(gchar **strings, guint strings_len, guint *begin, guint *end)
int i;
/* this is a bit ugly but it works */
for(i = 0; i < strings_len; i++) {
if(!strncmp(strings[i], " list {", 7))
*begin = i;
if(*begin && i > *begin && !strncmp(strings[i], " }", 2)) {
*end = i;
static void /* parse this damn buddy list already */
lh_aim_list_parse_and_add(gchar **strings, guint length, guint begin, guint end)
gchar *current_group = NULL, *current_buddy = NULL, *current_alias = NULL;
gint i, current_group_begin = 0, current_group_end = 0;
PurpleGroup *current_purple_group = NULL;
PurpleBuddy *tmpbuddy = NULL;
GList *buddies = NULL, *groups = NULL;
/* loop until we find the end of the buddy list */
while(current_group_end < end && current_group_end != end - 1) {
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "Started the parsing loop\n");
/* it's safe to start one after and end one before the start and end
* of the list section, so save the two iterations. the if statement
* determines if we've already been through at least one group or not
* and sets i accordingly to prevent missing or reparsing a group */
if(current_group_end > 0)
i = current_group_end + 1;
i = begin + 1;
/* pass through the list from the starting point determined above
* until the end of the current group's section in the blt file is
* found */
for(; i < end; i++) {
if(!strncmp(strings[i], " ", 2) && strlen(strings[i]) >= 3 &&
strings[i][2] != ' ' && strings[i][2] != '}')
current_group_begin = i;
if(!strncmp(strings[i], " }", 3)) {
current_group_end = i;
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "Current group begins %d, ends %d\n",
current_group_begin, current_group_end);
/* now strip {, ", and whitespace from the group and keep an extra
* pointer to it around for easy access */
current_group = lh_aim_str_normalize(strings[current_group_begin]);
/* create a PurpleGroup and add to the list. This is surprisingly easy. */
current_purple_group = purple_group_new(current_group);
purple_blist_add_group(current_purple_group, NULL);
/* now parse the actual group */
for(i = current_group_begin + 1; i < current_group_end; i++) {
if(!strncmp(strings[i], " ", 3) && strlen(strings[i]) >= 4 &&
strings[i][3] != ' ' && strings[i][3] != '}')
/* this is the buddy name; keep extra pointer for easy access */
current_buddy = lh_aim_str_normalize(strings[i]);
/* since the geniuses that designed the blt format decided
* that "M y S cr ee nn a m e" is acceptable in their blt files,
* I have to work around their incompetence */
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "current buddy is %s\n",
/* test to see if the buddy has an alias set */
if(!strncmp(strings[i + 1], " AliasKey {", 14) &&
!strncmp(strings[i + 2], " AliasString ", 17))
/* grab the alias */
current_alias = lh_aim_get_alias(strings[i + 2], FALSE);
i += 2; /* advance counter to prevent reparsing the alias */
} else if(!strncmp(strings[i + 1], " FriendlyName=", 17)) {
/* Version 2 .blt format uses FriendlyName= to denote an alias */
/* grab the alias */
current_alias = lh_aim_get_alias(strings[i + 1], TRUE);
i++; /* advance the counter to prevent reparsing the alias */
} else /* no alias is set */
current_alias = NULL;
tmpbuddy = purple_buddy_new(target_account, current_buddy,
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import",
"new PurpleBuddy created: %s, %s, %s\n", current_buddy,
current_alias ? current_alias : "NULL",
if(tmpbuddy && current_purple_group) {
buddies = g_list_prepend(buddies, tmpbuddy);
groups = g_list_prepend(groups, current_purple_group);
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "added current "
"buddy to the GLists\n");
if(buddies && groups) {
lh_util_add_to_blist(buddies, groups);
purple_account_add_buddies(target_account, buddies, NULL);
purple_account_add_buddies(target_account, buddies);
} else {
if(!buddies && !groups)
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "BOTH GLISTS NULL!!!!!\n");
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "BUDDY GLIST NULL!!!\n");
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "GROUP GLIST NULL!!!!\n");
static void
lh_aim_import_target_request_cb(void *ignored, PurpleRequestFields *fields)
gchar **strings = NULL;
guint strings_len = 0, list_begin = 0, list_end = 0;
/* get the target account from the dialog we requested */
target_account = purple_request_fields_get_account(fields,
/* read and split the file */
strings = lh_aim_get_file_strings(file_contents, &length, &strings_len);
/* find the list in that crapload of memory that just got allocated */
lh_aim_list_find(strings, strings_len, &list_begin, &list_end);
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "List begins at %d; ends at %d\n",
list_begin, list_end);
/* parse the freaking list already */
lh_aim_list_parse_and_add(strings, strings_len, list_begin, list_end);
/* clean up all that crap that got allocated */
static void /* does the request API calls needed */
PurpleRequestFields *request;
PurpleRequestFieldGroup *group;
PurpleRequestField *field;
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "Beginning Request API calls\n");
/* It seems Purple is super-picky about the order of these first three calls */
/* create a request */
request = purple_request_fields_new();
/* now create a field group */
group = purple_request_field_group_new(NULL);
/* and add that group to the request created above */
purple_request_fields_add_group(request, group);
/* create a field */
field = purple_request_field_account_new("aim_target_acct",
_("Account"), NULL);
/* set the account field filter so we only see oscar accounts */
purple_request_field_account_set_filter(field, lh_aim_filter);
/* mark the field as required */
purple_request_field_set_required(field, TRUE);
/* add the field to the group created above */
purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
/* and finally we can create the request */
purple_request_fields(purple_get_blist(), _("List Handler: Importing"),
_("Choose the account to import to:"), NULL,
request, _("_Import"),
_("_Cancel"), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "Ending Request API calls\n");
static void
lh_aim_import_cb(void *user_data, const char *file)
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "Beginning import\n");
if(file) {
filename = g_strdup(file);
static void
lh_aim_string_add_buddy(PurpleBlistNode *node)
PurpleBuddy *buddy = (PurpleBuddy *)node;
const char *tmpalias = purple_buddy_get_contact_alias(buddy),
*tmpname = purple_buddy_get_name(buddy);
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export", "Node is buddy. Name is: %s\n", tmpname);
/* only export if the buddy is on the right account */
if(purple_buddy_get_account(buddy) == source_account) {
/* add the buddy's screenname to the string */
g_string_append_printf(bltfile_string, " \"%s\"", tmpname);
/* if the alias is NOT the same as the screenname, add it to the string */
if(strcmp(tmpalias, tmpname))
" {\n AliasKey {\n \"%s\"\n }\n }\n",
tmpalias );
else /* otherwise we're done with this buddy */
g_string_append_printf(bltfile_string, "\n");
static void
PurpleBlistNode *root_node = buddies->root, *g = NULL,
*c = NULL, *b = NULL;
bltfile_string = g_string_new("Config {\n version 1\n}\n");
g_string_append_printf(bltfile_string, "User {\n screenname %s\n}\n",
g_string_append(bltfile_string, "Buddy {\n list {\n");
/* this outer loop iterates through the group level of the tree */
for(g = root_node; g && PURPLE_BLIST_NODE_IS_GROUP(g); g = g->next)
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export", "Node is group. Name is: %s\n",
((PurpleGroup *)g)->name);
/* add the group to the string */
g_string_append_printf(bltfile_string, " \"%s\" {\n",
((PurpleGroup *)g)->name);
/* iterate through the contact level in this group */
for(c = g->child; c && PURPLE_BLIST_NODE_IS_CONTACT(c); c = c->next) {
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export",
"Node is contact. Will parse its children.\n");
/* iterate through the contact's buddies */
for(b = c->child; b && PURPLE_BLIST_NODE_IS_BUDDY(b); b = b->next)
g_string_append(bltfile_string, " }\n");
/* finish the string we'll dump to the file */
g_string_append(bltfile_string, " }\n}\n");
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export", "String built. String is:\n\n%s\n",
static void
lh_aim_export_request_cb(void *user_data, const char *filename)
FILE *export = fopen(filename, "w");
if(export) {
fprintf(export, "%s", bltfile_string->str);
} else
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export", "Can't save file %s\n",
filename ? filename : "NULL");
g_string_free(bltfile_string, TRUE);
static void
lh_aim_export_cb(void *ignored, PurpleRequestFields *fields)
/* get the source account from the dialog we requested */
source_account = purple_request_fields_get_account(fields,
/* get the connection from the account */
gc = purple_account_get_connection(source_account);
/* this grabs the purple buddy list, which will be walked thru later */
buddies = purple_get_blist();
purple_request_file(listhandler, _("Save AIM .blt File"), NULL, TRUE,
G_CALLBACK(lh_aim_export_request_cb), NULL,
source_account, NULL, NULL, NULL);
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export", "blist not returned\n");
void /* do some work and export the damn blist already */
lh_aim_export_action_cb(PurplePluginAction *action)
PurpleRequestFields *request;
PurpleRequestFieldGroup *group;
PurpleRequestField *field;
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export", "Beginning Request API calls\n");
/* It seems Purple is super-picky about the order of these first three calls */
/* create a request */
request = purple_request_fields_new();
/* now create a field group */
group = purple_request_field_group_new(NULL);
/* and add that group to the request created above */
purple_request_fields_add_group(request, group);
/* create a field */
field = purple_request_field_account_new("aim_source_acct",
_("Account"), NULL);
/* set the account field filter so we only see oscar accounts */
purple_request_field_account_set_filter(field, lh_aim_filter);
/* mark the field as required */
purple_request_field_set_required(field, TRUE);
/* add the field to the group created above */
purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
/* and finally we can create the request */
purple_request_fields(purple_get_blist(), _("List Handler: Exporting"),
_("Choose the account to export from:"), NULL, request,
_("_Export"), G_CALLBACK(lh_aim_export_cb), _("_Cancel"),
purple_debug_info("listhandler: export", "Ending Request API calls\n");
lh_aim_import_action_cb(PurplePluginAction *action)
purple_debug_info("listhandler: import", "Requesting the file.\n");
purple_request_file(listhandler, _("Choose An AIM .blt File To Import"),
NULL, FALSE, G_CALLBACK(lh_aim_import_cb),