
This took WAY too long to see. The logs shouldn't be sorted while we're
2008-08-03, rekkanoryo
This took WAY too long to see. The logs shouldn't be sorted while we're
still in the outer loop. Sort at the end once we've collected all the logs
we can.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA.
#include "ignorance_rule.h"
* describes an ignorance level
* index is an index for keeping track
* of levels' relative positions
* the idea is for 0 to be the "default" level,
* >0 to be "better" levels, and <0 to be "worse"
* allow_passthrough flags whether a user
* is allowed to be "passed through" this level
* to the next consecutive level, as in:
* if someone on my friends list does something
* that flags 12 of my rules, do I send them
* straight to /dev/null, or just
* bump them down a level?
* name - user's name for the level
* denizens - list of users in this level
* I may get rid of this in favor of a more global
* userlist
* rules - list of rules for this level
typedef struct ignorance_level{
GString *name;
/*GList *denizens;*/
GHashTable *denizens_hash;
GPtrArray *rules;
} ignorance_level;
ignorance_level* ignorance_level_new();
void ignorance_level_free(ignorance_level *il);
void ignorance_level_free_g(gpointer il,gpointer user_data);
gboolean ignorance_level_add_rule(ignorance_level *level,ignorance_rule *rule);
ignorance_rule* ignorance_level_get_rule(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *rulename);
gboolean ignorance_level_remove_rule(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *rulename);
gboolean ignorance_level_add_denizen(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
gboolean ignorance_level_add_denizen_fast(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
gboolean ignorance_level_has_denizen(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
gboolean ignorance_level_has_denizen_regex(ignorance_level *level,
const gchar *regex, GList **denizens);
gboolean ignorance_level_remove_denizen(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
* Determines whether a string violates one of
* the rules defined in an ignorance level
* il is the ignorance level
* text is the possibly offending string
* flags are the rule flags to match
* returns score
gint ignorance_level_rulecheck(ignorance_level *il,const GString *username,
const GString *text, gint flags,
GList **violations);
ignorance_level* ignorance_level_read(const gchar *lvltext);
gboolean ignorance_level_write(ignorance_level *level,FILE *f);