
Make Ning more consistent with the rest of the plugin pack.
* ning_chat.h
* pidgin-ning
* Created by MyMacSpace on 6/08/09.
* Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#ifndef NING_CHAT_H
#define NING_CHAT_H
#include "ning.h"
#include "ning_connection.h"
typedef struct _NingChat {
NingAccount *na;
gchar *roomId;
gint purple_id;
gchar *ning_hash;
gchar *name;
guint userlist_timer;
guint message_poll_timer;
} NingChat;
void ning_chat_whisper(PurpleConnection *pc, int id, const char *who, const char *message);
int ning_chat_send(PurpleConnection *pc, int id, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags);
void ning_join_chat_by_name(NingAccount *na, const gchar *roomId);
void ning_join_chat(PurpleConnection *pc, GHashTable *components);
int ning_send_im(PurpleConnection *pc, const char *who, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags);
#endif /* NING_CHAT_H */