
Added some code to to detect when it's being run from another directory and adjust properly
This plugin was developed to enhance the usability of the IRC protocol in
Pidgin. See the PHILOSOPHY file for more details.
This plugin is designed for Pidgin 2.0.0 and later. It's developed as a plugin
for libpurple, so it should work in other libpurple-based clients such as Finch
and even Adium, but this has not been tested.
NOTE: This plugin may not compile with old versions of GTK+ or glib.
If that's important to you, please file a feature request with a copy of the
compiler errors you get when attempting to build the plugin.
This plugin has (at some point) been tested on the following networks:
Jeux (by BNI on
SlashNET (by
If it doesn't work on these networks, please file that as a bug.
It may work with other networks. Users are encouraged to report networks that
it works on and to request support for other networks.
Bug reports and patches are welcome:
Once you have the plugin installed, activate it (Tools -> Plugins). All of the
options are customized on a per account basis (see Accounts -> [an IRC account]
-> Edit Account -> Advanced).
The plugin suppresses lots of useless messages with no configuration. However,
a few features require configuration. The options currently available are:
Auth name:
Set a username to use when authenticating to AuthServ.
If an auth name is not set, the account's screen name (i.e. the IRC
nickname) is used instead. This is normally what you want anyway.
This option is only necessary if your nickname and AuthServ username
NOTE: This only applies to networks that use an AuthServ. It does not
apply to those using a NickServ, as all currently supported
implementations of NickServ have no concept of a auth username.
Nick password:
Set a password to use when authenticating to AuthServ, NickServ or
Q (for QuakeNet).
Do not set a nick password on any network (other than those
listed above as supported networks) that doesn't use NickServ
for authentication or you could expose your credentials to a
user impersonating NickServ.
Disconnect ghosts (Duplicate nicknames):
Disconnect duplicate copies of your nickname.
Typically, this is used to kill ghosted usernames. A username is
referred to as "ghosted" when your connection to the IRC server is
disconnected, but the server hasn't noticed yet.
When this option is activated and the plugin notices your username
immediately after signing on is different than the nickname set on the
account, it will ask NickServ to kill your (regular) nickname, wait for
NickServ to report the nickname was killed, and then change your
nickname to what it should be.
This is currently not supported on QuakeNet. The QuakeNet
General FAQ ( seems
to imply that the Q bot does not provide the ability to
disconnect ghosted usernames.
Operator password:
Set a password to use to become an IRCop.
This will issue the following IRC command on signon:
OPER your_nickname specified_password