
Added some code to to detect when it's being run from another directory and adjust properly
Adding a plugin to the plugin pack is actually quite simple.
Each plugin needs to reside in its own directory. For it to be autodected
this directory must contain a file named .plugin. The contents of this file
do not matter; the existance of the file just lets the configure script know
that this directory holds a plugin.
However, there is still one minor thing to do in -- that is to
add <directory>/Makefile to the AC_OUTPUT line.
If you want the plugin to build by default, create a file named .build in the
directory for the plugin.
For the i18n support, plugins need to be added to po/
All plugins should have both a .plugin file and be added AC_OUTPUT in This way when working on new plugins, the plugin will not build
by default but can still be compiled by 'cd'ing into its directory and typing
If you are building your own distribution tarballs, ensure that you have at
very least 'EXTRA_DIST = .build .plugin' in your plugin's
Otherwise things no workies and you end up writing garbage in quickhack.txt to
remind yourself.
There are templates for, core plugins, and gtk plugins in the
directory common/.
Happy Hacking