
Add the turtles target to keep the foot clan at bay
default tip
14 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Add the turtles target to keep the foot clan at bay

Testing Done:
Ran `ninja turtles` and verified it worked correctly.

Reviewed at
* ning_chat.h
* pidgin-ning
* Created by MyMacSpace on 6/08/09.
* Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#ifndef NING_CHAT_H
#define NING_CHAT_H
#include "ning.h"
#include "ning_connection.h"
typedef struct _NingChat {
NingAccount *na;
gchar *roomId;
gint purple_id;
gchar *ning_hash;
gchar *name;
guint userlist_timer;
guint message_poll_timer;
} NingChat;
void ning_chat_whisper(PurpleConnection *pc, int id, const char *who, const char *message);
int ning_chat_send(PurpleConnection *pc, int id, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags);
void ning_join_chat_by_name(NingAccount *na, const gchar *roomId);
void ning_join_chat(PurpleConnection *pc, GHashTable *components);
int ning_send_im(PurpleConnection *pc, const char *who, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags);
#endif /* NING_CHAT_H */