
Filling out the structure for further plugin additions here. Hopefully
2007-07-28, rekkanoryo
Filling out the structure for further plugin additions here. Hopefully
before too much longer I'll have real code here.
This file is a list of ideas for future development on this plugin. See the
PHILOSOPHY file for information on what is considered within scope.
NickServ (on FreeNode at least) allows accounts to be linked. When adding an
account, this plugin should query NickServ for linked accounts and
automatically build a contact.
It should be possible to interact with IRC services via the GUI (in the Account
Actions menu, for example).
It would be nice to have a feature where a channel op could /kick someone
without being opped. The /kick command would be caught by this plugin which
would ask ChanServ to op the user, then the /kick command would be issued,
then the user would be deopped automatically after a timeout had expired. (The
same thing would apply to other commands which require a specific permission
In cases where a user has multiple accounts and issues a command like
/kick from one that is not a channel op, it should still work if they
have another account that is an IRCop or has ChanServ op privileges.
Since this will only be activated for networks where it's been tested
and known for certain it'll work, it should be possible to hide
operator commands when the plugin knows they won't succeed.
It would be cool to show a faded icon in the chat user list when a given user
could +o (or +v) themself via ChanServ. This should work for both linked
usernames (even if there wasn't a contact created) and contacts. In other
words, if someone has username_a and username_b and they're not linked with
NickServ, but the user has them grouped into a contact, he/she should see a
faded op icon for both if either one has ChanServ op privileges.