
Filling out the structure for further plugin additions here. Hopefully
2007-07-28, rekkanoryo
Filling out the structure for further plugin additions here. Hopefully
before too much longer I'll have real code here.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "ignorance_rule.h"
* describes an ignorance level
* index is an index for keeping track
* of levels' relative positions
* the idea is for 0 to be the "default" level,
* >0 to be "better" levels, and <0 to be "worse"
* allow_passthrough flags whether a user
* is allowed to be "passed through" this level
* to the next consecutive level, as in:
* if someone on my friends list does something
* that flags 12 of my rules, do I send them
* straight to /dev/null, or just
* bump them down a level?
* name - user's name for the level
* denizens - list of users in this level
* I may get rid of this in favor of a more global
* userlist
* rules - list of rules for this level
typedef struct ignorance_level{
GString *name;
/*GList *denizens;*/
GHashTable *denizens_hash;
GPtrArray *rules;
} ignorance_level;
ignorance_level* ignorance_level_new();
void ignorance_level_free(ignorance_level *il);
void ignorance_level_free_g(gpointer il,gpointer user_data);
gboolean ignorance_level_add_rule(ignorance_level *level,ignorance_rule *rule);
ignorance_rule* ignorance_level_get_rule(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *rulename);
gboolean ignorance_level_remove_rule(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *rulename);
gboolean ignorance_level_add_denizen(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
gboolean ignorance_level_add_denizen_fast(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
gboolean ignorance_level_has_denizen(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
gboolean ignorance_level_has_denizen_regex(ignorance_level *level,
const gchar *regex, GList **denizens);
gboolean ignorance_level_remove_denizen(ignorance_level *level,
const GString *username);
* Determines whether a string violates one of
* the rules defined in an ignorance level
* il is the ignorance level
* text is the possibly offending string
* flags are the rule flags to match
* returns score
gint ignorance_level_rulecheck(ignorance_level *il,const GString *username,
const GString *text, gint flags,
GList **violations);
ignorance_level* ignorance_level_read(const gchar *lvltext);
gboolean ignorance_level_write(ignorance_level *level,FILE *f);