
gcc is a better C compiler than I am.
2007-07-08, rekkanoryo
gcc is a better C compiler than I am.
This ChangeLog documents changes prior to when this plugin was merged into the
Plugin Pack. See the ChangeLog file a directory up for post-merge changes.
version 0.13
* Suppress the GameSurge message of the day.
* Suppress FreeNode's cloak confirmation message (Anthony Sofocleous)
* Allow AuthServ authentication with a different name than the
account's username. (Anthony Sofocleous)
* Updated release for Gaim 2.0.0
Things will still build on Gaim 1.x.y, but the Windows DLL shipped
with this version only works on Gaim 2.0.0. Likewise, the RPM .spec
file is designed for Gaim 2. If you need to build an RPM for Gaim 1,
use the .spec file from the Gaim IRC Helper 0.12 release.
* Suppress ChanServ join notices if they haven't changed since we last
saw one for that channel (if the channel is on the buddy list)
* Display ChanServ access list add/removal notices in the chat window
* Suppress the initial topic notice if the topic hasn't changed since
we last joined that channel (if the channel is on the buddy list).
* Suppress notices when ChanServ ops or voices you in the first 10
seconds after you join a room -- the idea is to suppress auto-op
and auto-voice notices
* Suppress duplicate auto-responses.
version 0.12
* Added support for DALnet.
* Backing out the -Wl,--as-needed LDFLAGS. It doesn't work for some
users. It's not really needed here. If you want it, you can still
specify it yourself with: make LDFLAGS=-Wl,--as-needed
* Added RPM .spec file. (Chris Weyl)
* Updated Undernet Support to use
version 0.11
* Honor CFLAGS and LDFLAGS set in the environment.
* When no LDFLAGS is set, set -Wl,--as-needed.
* Specify GCC as the default compiler.
version 0.10
* Suppress the FreeNode stats collection bot.
* Added support for Jeux. (Thanks to BNI on
version 0.9 (2005-05-06)
* Fixed the CFLAGS.
* Moved the plugin to a new SourceForge project.
* Fixed QuakeNet authentication.
* Added support for GameSurge.
version 0.8 (2005-04-24)
* Using masked account options on sufficiently new versions of Gaim
* More properly uses the Gaim API. This means that once compiled, this
plugin should work properly with all future releases in the same
major series. For example, if you compile the plugin for 1.3.0, it
should work for all future versions of Gaim in the 1.x.x series.
* Added the PHILOSOPHY and IDEAS files. If you want some insight into
my goals for this plugin, read away.
TOO MUCH INFORMATION: Currently, if you compile for version 1.x.y
where x < 2, it'll work for anything in the 1.x.x series. Compiling
on 1.2.0 or greater will result in a binary that will work on any
1.x.x version of Gaim greater than 1.2.0. If you compile for 2.0.0
or later (when 2.0.0 is released), it should work for any version of
Gaim in the 2.x.x series.
TECHNICAL DETAILS: The reason for the issues with 1.2.0 is that 1.2.0
was the first version of Gaim to include the masked account options
patch I wrote. Thus, in 1.2.0 and above, this plugin uses those
functions to mask passwords. As these functions didn't exist in
versions of Gaim before 1.2.0, the compiled binary must require 1.2.0
or above. See
for the patch.
MORE TECHNICAL DETAILS: The only remaining hack is that I create my
own GaimConversation for use by the command API. If the ordering of
any members in GaimConversation used by the command API changes
(which shouldn't happen), this plugin will almost surely crash.
Also, the same thing will happen if new fields are added to
GaimConversation and used by the command API.
WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION: The aforementioned crash problem can
currently only affect you if you use the "Operator password" or
"Disconnect ghosts (Duplicate nicknames)" options.
version 0.7 (2005-02-28)
* Version 0.6 didn't work on Windows. Fixing that.
version 0.6 (2005-02-27)
* Expanding the "Highest Connection Count" blocking which already
existed for QuakeNet to cover a similar notice from Undernet. I
thought I had included this in the changes for version 0.5.
* Support for Gaim 2.0.0cvs
* Except on Windows, this plugin no longer requires access to the Gaim
source to build. (The headers are still required, of course.)
* Many packaging improvements (mostly for Windows)
version 0.5 (2005-02-25)
* Expanding a suppression which already existed for QuakeNet to cover a
similar cryptic notice from Undernet.
version 0.4 (2005-02-13)
* Supressing UnrealIRCD IDENT notices.
* Suppressing ChanServ "You do not have channel operator access" notice
version 0.3 (2005-01-30)
* Support for Windows
version 0.2 (2005-01-27)
* Improved documentation.
* Support for QuakeNet L bot (similiar to ChanServ).
* Removed the dependency on masked account options. As soon as that
patch is accepted, I'll enable the GAIM_VERSION_CHECK code so that
passwords will be masked for versions of Gaim with that ability.
version 0.1 (2005-01-27)
* Initial Release