
Changelog that last message.

2010-12-03, John Bailey
Changelog that last message.
Source: purple-plugin-pack
Section: net
Priority: optional
Maintainer: John Bailey <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), pidgin-dev, pkg-config, libgtk2.0-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libxml-parser-perl, libenchant-dev, libgtkspell-dev, python
Standards-Version: 3.8.1
Package: pidgin-plugin-pack
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Enhances: pidgin, xmms
Description: 59 useful plugins for Pidgin, Finch, and Purple
The Plugin Pack is a collection of many simple-yet-useful plugins for Pidgin,
Finch, and Purple. You will find a summary of each plugin below. For more
about an individual plugin, please see
Note: not all 59 of these plugins are currently usable
Album: Archives buddy icons
AutoProfile: User profile and status message content generator
Autoreply: Autoreply for all the protocols
Away State Notification: Shows when someone goes away/back in a conversation
. Generates links for quotes at
Buddy Icon Tools: Tools to manipulate buddy icons *DANGEROUS*
Buddy List Options: Gives extended options to the buddy list
Buddy Time: Quickly see the local time of a buddy
Chronic: Sound playing triggers
Colorize: Colorizes outgoing message text.
Conversation Badger: Badges conversations with the protocol icon.
DeWYSIWYGification: Lets you type in HTML without it being escaped
Dice: Rolls dice in a chat or im
DiffTopic: Show the old topic when the topic in a chat room changes
Magic 8 Ball: Provides Magic 8-ball like functionality
Enhanced History: An enhanced version of the history plugin
Find IP: Find the IP of a person in the buddylist
Coin Flip: Flips a coin and outputs the result
gRIM: A completely stupid and pointless plugin
GNT Smart Ear: The GNT (Finch) component of the Smart Ear plugins
Google: Writes the results of an "I'm feeling lucky" search to a conversation
Group IM: Send an IM to a group of buddies
Buddy Time (Pidgin UI): Pidgin user interface for the Buddy Time plugin
Gtk Smart Ear: The GTK+ (Pidgin) component of the SmartEar plugin suite
Hide Conversation: Hide conversations without closing them
Highlight: Support for highlighting words
Ignorance: Allows management of users with various levels of activity
Ignore: Flexible plugin to selectively ignore people
Infopane Options: Adds some options for the information pane in conversations
IRC Helper: Handles the rough edges of the IRC protocol
IRC More: Adds additional IRC features
Irssi Features: Implements features of the IRC client irssi in Pidgin
Last Seen: Record when a buddy was last seen
List Handler: Provides numerous user-requested list-handling capabilities
Chat User List Logging: Logs the list of users in a chat when you join
Message Length: Shows the length of your current message in the menu tray
Mystatusbox: Hide/Show the per-account statusboxes
Napster: NAPSTER Protocol Plugin
Nicksaid: Record when someone said your nick in a chat
No Mobility: Stops you from messaging mobile users
Old Logger: Re-implements the legacy, deficient, logging
Plonkers: Tell plonkers what you really think
Schedule: Schedule reminders at specified times
Separate And Tab: Adds two placement functions for separating and tabbing
Show Offline: Show specific buddies while offline
SIM-fix: Fix messages from broken SIM clients
/exec: /exec a la UNIX IRC CLI
Smart Ear: The Core component of the Smart Ear plugins
Message Splitter: Splits sent messages into smaller ones of a specified size
SSL Info: Displays info about your currently loaded SSL plugin
Stocker: A stock ticker
stress: Stress libpurple
Switch Spell: Switch Spell Checker Language
GNU Talk Filters: Translates text in sent messages into humorous dialects
TimeLog: allows the viewing of Pidgin logs within a specific time range
XChat Chats: XChat-like chats with Pidgin
XMMS Remote Control: Control XMMS from Pidgin conversations
XMPP Priority: Adds account options that allow users to specify the priorities used for available and away for XMPP accounts.