
Merged in default (pull request #21)

2020-03-05, Gary Kramlich
Merged in default (pull request #21)

Remove xchat-chats as it's hacky and carrying a super old version of the xchat widgets

Approved-by: Elliott Sales de Andrade
* Header file for timezone module
* by Martijn van Oosterhout <> (C) April 2006
* Licenced under the GNU General Public Licence version 2.
#include <time.h>
struct state;
struct state *timezone_load (const char * name);
struct tm * gmtsub (const time_t * timep, long offset,
struct tm * tmp);
struct tm * localsub (const time_t * timep, long offset,
struct tm * tmp, struct state *sp);
int tz_init(const char *zoneinfo_dir);