
Remove a bunch stuff from PidginConversation

16 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Parents 382ecbbf0080
Children 5d5363c55331
Remove a bunch stuff from PidginConversation

This removes the memberlist, the typing stuff, the send history, as well as
the history loading. The memberlist will be it's on widget in the near
future with libpurple managing the list model, send history will talk to the
history api, and the rest either is or will be implemented in talkatu.

Testing Done:
Joined a MUC and verified that the chat functioned as expected.

Reviewed at
--- a/pidgin/gtkconv.c Sun Feb 19 17:57:16 2023 -0600
+++ b/pidgin/gtkconv.c Mon Feb 20 08:32:47 2023 -0600
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
#include <gplugin.h>
-#define BUF_LONG (4096)
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include <talkatu.h>
@@ -52,8 +50,6 @@
#include "pidginmessage.h"
#include "pidginpresenceicon.h"
enum {
@@ -78,14 +74,8 @@
#define PIDGIN_CONV_ALL ((1 << 7) - 1)
/* Prototypes. <-- because Paco-Paco hates this comment. */
-static void got_typing_keypress(PidginConversation *gtkconv, gboolean first);
-static void add_chat_user_common(PurpleChatConversation *chat, PurpleChatUser *cb, const char *old_name);
static void pidgin_conv_updated(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleConversationUpdateType type);
-static void update_typing_icon(PidginConversation *gtkconv);
gboolean pidgin_conv_has_focus(PurpleConversation *conv);
static void pidgin_conv_update_fields(PurpleConversation *conv, PidginConvFields fields);
@@ -122,17 +112,6 @@
return TRUE;
-static void
-send_history_add(PidginConversation *gtkconv, const char *message)
- GList *first;
- first = g_list_first(gtkconv->send_history);
- g_free(first->data);
- first->data = g_strdup(message);
- gtkconv->send_history = g_list_prepend(first, NULL);
static gboolean
check_for_and_do_command(PurpleConversation *conv)
@@ -153,11 +132,7 @@
if (cmd && g_str_has_prefix(cmd, prefix)) {
PurpleCmdStatus status;
- char *error, *cmdline, *markup, *send_history;
- send_history = talkatu_markup_get_html(buffer, NULL);
- send_history_add(gtkconv, send_history);
- g_free(send_history);
+ char *error, *cmdline, *markup;
cmdline = cmd + strlen(prefix);
@@ -290,381 +265,16 @@
-static void chat_do_info(PidginConversation *gtkconv, const char *who)
- PurpleChatConversation *chat = PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(gtkconv->active_conv);
- PurpleConnection *gc;
- if ((gc = purple_conversation_get_connection(gtkconv->active_conv))) {
- pidgin_retrieve_user_info_in_chat(gc, who, purple_chat_conversation_get_id(chat));
- }
-static void
-chat_do_im(PidginConversation *gtkconv, const char *who)
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- PurpleAccount *account;
- PurpleConnection *gc;
- PurpleProtocol *protocol = NULL;
- gchar *real_who = NULL;
- account = purple_conversation_get_account(conv);
- g_return_if_fail(account != NULL);
- gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
- g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL);
- protocol = purple_connection_get_protocol(gc);
- if(protocol) {
- real_who = purple_protocol_chat_get_user_real_name(PURPLE_PROTOCOL_CHAT(protocol), gc,
- purple_chat_conversation_get_id(PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv)), who);
- }
- if(!who && !real_who)
- return;
- pidgin_dialogs_im_with_user(account, real_who ? real_who : who);
- g_free(real_who);
-static void pidgin_conv_chat_update_user(PurpleChatUser *chatuser);
-static gchar *
-menu_chat_get_selected_username(PidginConversation *gtkconv) {
- GtkTreeSelection *selection = NULL;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeModel *model = NULL;
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- if(gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(selection, &model, &iter)) {
- gchar *username = NULL;
- gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, CHAT_USERS_NAME_COLUMN, &username, -1);
- return username;
- }
- return NULL;
-static void
-menu_chat_im_cb(G_GNUC_UNUSED GSimpleAction *action,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer data)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
- gchar *username = menu_chat_get_selected_username(gtkconv);
- chat_do_im(gtkconv, username);
- g_free(username);
-static void
-menu_chat_send_file_cb(G_GNUC_UNUSED GSimpleAction *action,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED GVariant *parmeter,
- gpointer data)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
- PurpleProtocol *protocol;
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- PurpleConnection *gc = purple_conversation_get_connection(conv);
- gchar *username = NULL, *real_who = NULL;
- g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL);
- username = menu_chat_get_selected_username(gtkconv);
- protocol = purple_connection_get_protocol(gc);
- if(protocol) {
- real_who = purple_protocol_chat_get_user_real_name(PURPLE_PROTOCOL_CHAT(protocol), gc,
- purple_chat_conversation_get_id(PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv)), username);
- }
- purple_serv_send_file(gc, real_who ? real_who : username, NULL);
- g_free(real_who);
- g_free(username);
-static void
-menu_chat_ignore_cb(G_GNUC_UNUSED GSimpleAction *action,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED GVariant *GVariant,
- gpointer data)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
- PurpleChatConversation *chat = PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(gtkconv->active_conv);
- gchar *username = NULL;
- username = menu_chat_get_selected_username(gtkconv);
- if(username == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if(purple_chat_conversation_is_ignored_user(chat, username)) {
- purple_chat_conversation_unignore(chat, username);
- } else {
- purple_chat_conversation_ignore(chat, username);
- }
- pidgin_conv_chat_update_user(purple_chat_conversation_find_user(chat,
- username));
- g_free(username);
-static void
-menu_chat_info_cb(G_GNUC_UNUSED GSimpleAction *action,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED GVariant *parmeter,
- gpointer data)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
- gchar *username = menu_chat_get_selected_username(gtkconv);
- chat_do_info(gtkconv, username);
- g_free(username);
-static void
-menu_chat_add_remove_cb(G_GNUC_UNUSED GSimpleAction *action,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED GVariant *parmeter,
- gpointer data)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- PurpleAccount *account;
- PurpleBuddy *b;
- gchar *username;
- account = purple_conversation_get_account(conv);
- username = menu_chat_get_selected_username(gtkconv);
- b = purple_blist_find_buddy(account, username);
- if (b != NULL) {
- pidgin_dialogs_remove_buddy(b);
- } else if (account != NULL && purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
- purple_blist_request_add_buddy(account, username, NULL, NULL);
- }
- gtk_widget_grab_focus(PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(conv)->entry);
- g_free(username);
-static GMenu *
-create_chat_menu(PurpleChatConversation *chat, const char *who,
- PurpleConnection *gc, PidginConversation *gtkconv)
- GMenu *menu = NULL;
- GSimpleAction *action = NULL;
- GSimpleActionGroup *group = NULL;
- PurpleProtocol *protocol = NULL;
- PurpleConversation *conv = PURPLE_CONVERSATION(chat);
- PurpleAccount *account = purple_conversation_get_account(conv);
- gboolean is_me = FALSE;
- if (gc != NULL)
- protocol = purple_connection_get_protocol(gc);
- if (purple_strequal(purple_chat_conversation_get_nick(chat), purple_normalize(account, who)))
- is_me = TRUE;
- menu = g_menu_new();
- group = g_simple_action_group_new();
- if (!is_me) {
- g_menu_append(menu, _("IM"), "");
- if(gc != NULL) {
- action = g_simple_action_new("im", NULL);
- g_signal_connect(action, "activate",
- G_CALLBACK(menu_chat_im_cb), gtkconv);
- g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
- }
- if (protocol && PURPLE_IS_PROTOCOL_XFER(protocol))
- {
- gboolean can_receive_file = TRUE;
- g_menu_append(menu, _("Send File"), "chat.send-file");
- action = g_simple_action_new("send-file", NULL);
- g_signal_connect(action, "activate",
- G_CALLBACK(menu_chat_send_file_cb), gtkconv);
- g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
- if (gc == NULL) {
- can_receive_file = FALSE;
- } else {
- gchar *real_who = NULL;
- real_who = purple_protocol_chat_get_user_real_name(PURPLE_PROTOCOL_CHAT(protocol), gc,
- purple_chat_conversation_get_id(chat), who);
- if (!purple_protocol_xfer_can_receive(
- gc, real_who ? real_who : who)) {
- can_receive_file = FALSE;
- }
- g_free(real_who);
- }
- g_simple_action_set_enabled(action, can_receive_file);
- }
- if (purple_chat_conversation_is_ignored_user(chat, who)) {
- g_menu_append(menu, _("Un-Ignore"), "chat.ignore");
- } else {
- g_menu_append(menu, _("Ignore"), "chat.ignore");
- }
- if(gc != NULL) {
- action = g_simple_action_new("ignore", NULL);
- g_signal_connect(action, "activate",
- G_CALLBACK(menu_chat_ignore_cb), gtkconv);
- g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
- }
- }
- if (protocol && PURPLE_PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTS(protocol, SERVER, get_info)) {
- g_menu_append(menu, _("Info"), "");
- if(gc != NULL) {
- action = g_simple_action_new("info", NULL);
- g_signal_connect(action, "activate",
- G_CALLBACK(menu_chat_info_cb), gtkconv);
- g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
- }
- }
- if (!is_me && protocol && !(purple_protocol_get_options(protocol) & OPT_PROTO_UNIQUE_CHATNAME) && PURPLE_PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTS(protocol, SERVER, add_buddy)) {
- if (purple_blist_find_buddy(account, who) != NULL) {
- g_menu_append(menu, _("Remove"), "chat.addremove");
- } else {
- g_menu_append(menu, _("Add"), "chat.addremove");
- }
- if(gc != NULL) {
- action = g_simple_action_new("addremove", NULL);
- g_signal_connect(action, "activate",
- G_CALLBACK(menu_chat_add_remove_cb), gtkconv);
- g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
- }
- }
- gtk_widget_insert_action_group(gtkconv->list, "chat",
- G_ACTION_GROUP(group));
- return menu;
-static gint
-right_click_chat_cb(GtkGestureClick *click, gint n_press, gdouble x, gdouble y,
- gpointer data)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- PurpleConnection *gc;
- PurpleAccount *account;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
- gchar *who;
- GdkEvent *event = NULL;
- guint button;
- account = purple_conversation_get_account(conv);
- gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
- event = gtk_event_controller_get_current_event(GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER(click));
- button = gtk_gesture_single_get_current_button(GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE(click));
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list), x, y,
- &path, &column, NULL, NULL);
- if (path == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- gtk_tree_selection_select_path(GTK_TREE_SELECTION(
- gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list))), path);
- gtk_tree_view_set_cursor(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list),
- path, NULL, FALSE);
- gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(gtkconv->list));
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, path);
- gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, CHAT_USERS_NAME_COLUMN, &who, -1);
- /* emit chat-nick-clicked signal */
- if (n_press == 1) {
- gint plugin_return = GPOINTER_TO_INT(purple_signal_emit_return_1(
- pidgin_conversations_get_handle(), "chat-nick-clicked",
- conv, who, button));
- if (plugin_return)
- goto handled;
- }
- if (button == GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY && n_press == 2) {
- chat_do_im(gtkconv, who);
- } else if (gdk_event_triggers_context_menu(event)) {
- GtkWidget *popover_menu = NULL;
- GMenu *menu = create_chat_menu(PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv), who, gc,
- gtkconv);
- popover_menu = gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model(G_MENU_MODEL(menu));
- gtk_widget_set_parent(popover_menu, gtkconv->list);
- gtk_popover_set_position(GTK_POPOVER(popover_menu), GTK_POS_BOTTOM);
- gtk_popover_set_pointing_to(GTK_POPOVER(popover_menu),
- &(const GdkRectangle){(int)x, (int)y, 1, 1});
- gtk_popover_popup(GTK_POPOVER(popover_menu));
- }
- g_free(who);
- gtk_tree_path_free(path);
- return TRUE;
-static void
-activate_list_cb(GtkTreeView *list, GtkTreePath *path,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
- PidginConversation *gtkconv)
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- gchar *who;
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(list));
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, path);
- gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, CHAT_USERS_NAME_COLUMN, &who, -1);
- chat_do_im(gtkconv, who);
- g_free(who);
static gboolean
gtkconv_cycle_focus(PidginConversation *gtkconv, GtkDirectionType dir)
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- gboolean chat = PURPLE_IS_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv);
GtkWidget *next = NULL;
struct {
GtkWidget *from;
GtkWidget *to;
} transitions[] = {
{gtkconv->entry, gtkconv->history},
- {gtkconv->history, chat ? gtkconv->list : gtkconv->entry},
- {chat ? gtkconv->list : NULL, gtkconv->entry},
+ {gtkconv->history, gtkconv->entry},
}, *ptr;
@@ -686,57 +296,6 @@
return !!next;
-static void
-update_typing_inserting(PidginConversation *gtkconv)
- GtkTextBuffer *buffer = NULL;
- gboolean is_empty = FALSE;
- g_return_if_fail(gtkconv != NULL);
- buffer = talkatu_editor_get_buffer(TALKATU_EDITOR(gtkconv->editor));
- is_empty = talkatu_buffer_get_is_empty(TALKATU_BUFFER(buffer));
- got_typing_keypress(gtkconv, is_empty);
-static gboolean
-update_typing_deleting_cb(PidginConversation *gtkconv)
- PurpleIMConversation *im = PURPLE_IM_CONVERSATION(gtkconv->active_conv);
- GtkTextBuffer *buffer = NULL;
- buffer = talkatu_editor_get_buffer(TALKATU_EDITOR(gtkconv->editor));
- if (!talkatu_buffer_get_is_empty(TALKATU_BUFFER(buffer))) {
- /* We deleted all the text, so turn off typing. */
- purple_im_conversation_stop_send_typed_timeout(im);
- purple_serv_send_typing(purple_conversation_get_connection(gtkconv->active_conv),
- purple_conversation_get_name(gtkconv->active_conv),
- } else {
- /* We're deleting, but not all of it, so it counts as typing. */
- got_typing_keypress(gtkconv, FALSE);
- }
- return FALSE;
-static void
-update_typing_deleting(PidginConversation *gtkconv)
- GtkTextBuffer *buffer = NULL;
- g_return_if_fail(gtkconv != NULL);
- buffer = talkatu_editor_get_buffer(TALKATU_EDITOR(gtkconv->editor));
- if (!talkatu_buffer_get_is_empty(TALKATU_BUFFER(buffer))) {
- g_timeout_add(0, (GSourceFunc)update_typing_deleting_cb, gtkconv);
- }
static gboolean
conv_keypress_common(PidginConversation *gtkconv, guint keyval,
GdkModifierType state)
@@ -786,73 +345,6 @@
static gboolean
-entry_key_press_cb(GtkEventControllerKey *controller, guint keyval,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED guint keycode, GdkModifierType state,
- gpointer data)
- GtkWidget *entry = NULL;
- PurpleConversation *conv;
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- entry = gtk_event_controller_get_widget(GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER(controller));
- gtkconv = (PidginConversation *)data;
- conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- if (conv_keypress_common(gtkconv, keyval, state)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* If CTRL was held down... */
- if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
- /* If ALT (or whatever) was held down... */
- } else if (state & GDK_ALT_MASK) {
- /* If neither CTRL nor ALT were held down... */
- } else {
- switch (keyval) {
- case GDK_KEY_Tab:
- case GDK_KEY_KP_Tab:
- case GDK_KEY_ISO_Left_Tab:
- if (gtkconv->entry != entry) {
- break;
- }
- {
- gint plugin_return;
- plugin_return = GPOINTER_TO_INT(purple_signal_emit_return_1(
- pidgin_conversations_get_handle(), "chat-nick-autocomplete",
- conv, state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK));
- return plugin_return;
- }
- break;
- case GDK_KEY_KP_Enter:
- case GDK_KEY_Return:
- send_cb(entry, gtkconv);
- return TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- purple_prefs_get_bool("/purple/conversations/im/send_typing")) {
- switch (keyval) {
- case GDK_KEY_BackSpace:
- case GDK_KEY_Delete:
- case GDK_KEY_KP_Delete:
- update_typing_deleting(gtkconv);
- break;
- default:
- update_typing_inserting(gtkconv);
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-static gboolean
is_valid_conversation_key(guint keyval, GdkModifierType state)
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
@@ -939,586 +431,12 @@
purple_signal_emit(pidgin_conversations_get_handle(), "conversation-switched", conv);
- update_typing_icon(gtkconv);
g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->entry), "transient_buddy", NULL);
* Utility functions
-static void
-got_typing_keypress(PidginConversation *gtkconv, gboolean first)
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- PurpleIMConversation *im;
- /*
- * We know we got something, so we at least have to make sure we don't
- * send PURPLE_IM_TYPED any time soon.
- */
- purple_im_conversation_stop_send_typed_timeout(im);
- purple_im_conversation_start_send_typed_timeout(im);
- /* Check if we need to send another PURPLE_IM_TYPING message */
- if (first || (purple_im_conversation_get_type_again(im) != 0 &&
- time(NULL) > purple_im_conversation_get_type_again(im)))
- {
- unsigned int timeout;
- timeout = purple_serv_send_typing(purple_conversation_get_connection(conv),
- purple_conversation_get_name(conv),
- purple_im_conversation_set_type_again(im, timeout);
- }
-static void
-update_typing_icon(PidginConversation *gtkconv)
- PurpleIMConversation *im;
- char *message = NULL;
- if (!PURPLE_IS_IM_CONVERSATION(gtkconv->active_conv))
- return;
- im = PURPLE_IM_CONVERSATION(gtkconv->active_conv);
- if (purple_im_conversation_get_typing_state(im) == PURPLE_IM_NOT_TYPING) {
- return;
- }
- if (purple_im_conversation_get_typing_state(im) == PURPLE_IM_TYPING) {
- message = g_strdup_printf(_("\n%s is typing..."), purple_conversation_get_title(PURPLE_CONVERSATION(im)));
- } else {
- message = g_strdup_printf(_("\n%s has stopped typing"), purple_conversation_get_title(PURPLE_CONVERSATION(im)));
- }
- g_free(message);
-static const char *
-get_chat_user_status_icon(PurpleChatConversation *chat, const char *name, PurpleChatUserFlags flags)
- const gchar *icon_name = NULL;
- icon_name = "pidgin-status-founder";
- } else if (flags & PURPLE_CHAT_USER_OP) {
- icon_name = "pidgin-status-operator";
- } else if (flags & PURPLE_CHAT_USER_HALFOP) {
- icon_name = "pidgin-status-halfop";
- } else if (flags & PURPLE_CHAT_USER_VOICE) {
- icon_name = "pidgin-status-voice";
- } else if ((!flags) && purple_chat_conversation_is_ignored_user(chat, name)) {
- icon_name = "pidgin-status-ignored";
- }
- return icon_name;
-static void
-add_chat_user_common(PurpleChatConversation *chat, PurpleChatUser *cb,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED const char *old_name)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- PurpleConversation *conv;
- PurpleConnection *gc;
- GtkTreeModel *tm;
- GtkListStore *ls;
- GtkTreePath *newpath;
- const gchar *icon_name;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- gboolean is_buddy;
- const gchar *name, *alias;
- gchar *tmp, *alias_key;
- PurpleChatUserFlags flags;
- GdkRGBA color;
- alias = purple_chat_user_get_alias(cb);
- name = purple_chat_user_get_name(cb);
- flags = purple_chat_user_get_flags(cb);
- gtkconv = PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(conv);
- gc = purple_conversation_get_connection(conv);
- if (!gc || !purple_connection_get_protocol(gc))
- return;
- tm = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- ls = GTK_LIST_STORE(tm);
- icon_name = get_chat_user_status_icon(chat, name, flags);
- is_buddy = purple_chat_user_is_buddy(cb);
- tmp = g_utf8_casefold(alias, -1);
- alias_key = g_utf8_collate_key(tmp, -1);
- g_free(tmp);
- pidgin_color_calculate_for_text(name, &color);
- gtk_list_store_insert_with_values(ls, &iter,
-* The GTK docs are mute about the effects of the "row" value for performance.
-* X-Chat hardcodes their value to 0 (prepend) and -1 (append), so we will too.
-* It *might* be faster to search the gtk_list_store and set row accurately,
-* but no one in #gtk+ seems to know anything about it either.
-* Inserting in the "wrong" location has no visible ill effects. - F.P.
- -1, /* "row" */
- -1);
- newpath = gtk_tree_model_get_path(tm, &iter);
- g_object_set_data_full(G_OBJECT(cb), "pidgin-tree-row",
- gtk_tree_row_reference_new(tm, newpath),
- (GDestroyNotify)gtk_tree_row_reference_free);
- gtk_tree_path_free(newpath);
- g_free(alias_key);
-static void
-topic_callback(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *w, PidginConversation *gtkconv)
- PurpleProtocol *protocol = NULL;
- PurpleConnection *gc;
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- char *new_topic;
- const char *current_topic;
- gc = purple_conversation_get_connection(conv);
- if(!gc || !(protocol = purple_connection_get_protocol(gc)))
- return;
- if(!PURPLE_PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTS(protocol, CHAT, set_topic))
- return;
- gtkconv = PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(conv);
- new_topic = g_strdup(gtk_editable_get_text(GTK_EDITABLE(gtkconv->topic_text)));
- current_topic = purple_chat_conversation_get_topic(PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv));
- if(current_topic && !g_utf8_collate(new_topic, current_topic)){
- g_free(new_topic);
- return;
- }
- if (current_topic) {
- gtk_editable_set_text(GTK_EDITABLE(gtkconv->topic_text), current_topic);
- } else {
- gtk_editable_set_text(GTK_EDITABLE(gtkconv->topic_text), "");
- }
- purple_protocol_chat_set_topic(PURPLE_PROTOCOL_CHAT(protocol), gc, purple_chat_conversation_get_id(PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv)),
- new_topic);
- g_free(new_topic);
-static gint
-sort_chat_users(GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *a, GtkTreeIter *b,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer userdata)
- PurpleChatUserFlags f1 = 0, f2 = 0;
- char *user1 = NULL, *user2 = NULL;
- gboolean buddy1 = FALSE, buddy2 = FALSE;
- gint ret = 0;
- gtk_tree_model_get(model, a,
- -1);
- gtk_tree_model_get(model, b,
- -1);
- /* Only sort by membership levels */
- ret = g_strcmp0(user1, user2);
- if (user1 != NULL && user2 != NULL) {
- if (f1 != f2) {
- /* sort more important users first */
- ret = (f1 > f2) ? -1 : 1;
- } else if (buddy1 != buddy2) {
- ret = (buddy1 > buddy2) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- }
- g_free(user1);
- g_free(user2);
- return ret;
-static void
-update_chat_alias(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleChatConversation *chat,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED PurpleConnection *connection,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED PurpleProtocol *protocol)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(PURPLE_CONVERSATION(chat));
- PurpleAccount *account = purple_conversation_get_account(PURPLE_CONVERSATION(chat));
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- char *normalized_name;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- int f;
- g_return_if_fail(buddy != NULL);
- g_return_if_fail(chat != NULL);
- /* This is safe because this callback is only used in chats, not IMs. */
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter))
- return;
- normalized_name = g_strdup(purple_normalize(account, purple_buddy_get_name(buddy)));
- do {
- char *name;
- gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, CHAT_USERS_NAME_COLUMN, &name, -1);
- if (purple_strequal(normalized_name, purple_normalize(account, name))) {
- const char *alias = name;
- char *tmp;
- char *alias_key = NULL;
- PurpleBuddy *buddy2;
- if (!purple_strequal(purple_chat_conversation_get_nick(chat), purple_normalize(account, name))) {
- /* This user is not me, so look into updating the alias. */
- if ((buddy2 = purple_blist_find_buddy(account, name)) != NULL) {
- alias = purple_buddy_get_contact_alias(buddy2);
- }
- tmp = g_utf8_casefold(alias, -1);
- alias_key = g_utf8_collate_key(tmp, -1);
- g_free(tmp);
- gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter,
- -1);
- g_free(alias_key);
- }
- g_free(name);
- break;
- }
- f = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter);
- g_free(name);
- } while (f != 0);
- g_free(normalized_name);
-static void
-blist_node_aliased_cb(PurpleBlistNode *node, const char *old_alias, PurpleChatConversation *chat)
- PurpleConnection *gc;
- PurpleProtocol *protocol;
- PurpleConversation *conv = PURPLE_CONVERSATION(chat);
- g_return_if_fail(node != NULL);
- g_return_if_fail(conv != NULL);
- gc = purple_conversation_get_connection(conv);
- g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL);
- g_return_if_fail(purple_connection_get_protocol(gc) != NULL);
- protocol = purple_connection_get_protocol(gc);
- if (purple_protocol_get_options(protocol) & OPT_PROTO_UNIQUE_CHATNAME)
- return;
- {
- PurpleBlistNode *bnode;
- for(bnode = node->child; bnode; bnode = bnode->next) {
- if(!PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(bnode))
- continue;
- update_chat_alias((PurpleBuddy *)bnode, chat, gc, protocol);
- }
- }
- else if (PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(node))
- update_chat_alias((PurpleBuddy *)node, chat, gc, protocol);
- else if (PURPLE_IS_CHAT(node) &&
- purple_conversation_get_account(conv) == purple_chat_get_account((PurpleChat*)node))
- {
- if (old_alias == NULL || g_utf8_collate(old_alias, purple_conversation_get_title(conv)) == 0)
- pidgin_conv_update_fields(conv, PIDGIN_CONV_SET_TITLE);
- }
-static void
-buddy_cb_common(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleChatConversation *chat, gboolean is_buddy)
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- char *normalized_name;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- PurpleConversation *conv = PURPLE_CONVERSATION(chat);
- int f;
- g_return_if_fail(buddy != NULL);
- g_return_if_fail(conv != NULL);
- /* Do nothing if the buddy does not belong to the conv's account */
- if (purple_buddy_get_account(buddy) != purple_conversation_get_account(conv))
- return;
- /* This is safe because this callback is only used in chats, not IMs. */
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(conv)->list));
- if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter))
- return;
- normalized_name = g_strdup(purple_normalize(purple_conversation_get_account(conv), purple_buddy_get_name(buddy)));
- do {
- char *name;
- gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, CHAT_USERS_NAME_COLUMN, &name, -1);
- if (purple_strequal(normalized_name, purple_normalize(purple_conversation_get_account(conv), name))) {
- gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter,
- g_free(name);
- break;
- }
- f = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter);
- g_free(name);
- } while (f != 0);
- g_free(normalized_name);
- blist_node_aliased_cb((PurpleBlistNode *)buddy, NULL, chat);
-static void
-buddy_added_cb(PurpleBlistNode *node, PurpleChatConversation *chat)
- if (!PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(node))
- return;
- buddy_cb_common(PURPLE_BUDDY(node), chat, TRUE);
-static void
-buddy_removed_cb(PurpleBlistNode *node, PurpleChatConversation *chat)
- if (!PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(node))
- return;
- /* If there's another buddy for the same "dude" on the list, do nothing. */
- if (purple_blist_find_buddy(purple_buddy_get_account(PURPLE_BUDDY(node)),
- purple_buddy_get_name(PURPLE_BUDDY(node))) != NULL)
- return;
- buddy_cb_common(PURPLE_BUDDY(node), chat, FALSE);
-static void
-setup_chat_topic(PidginConversation *gtkconv, GtkWidget *vbox)
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- PurpleConnection *gc = purple_conversation_get_connection(conv);
- PurpleProtocol *protocol = purple_connection_get_protocol(gc);
- if (purple_protocol_get_options(protocol) & OPT_PROTO_CHAT_TOPIC)
- {
- GtkWidget *hbox, *label;
- GtkEventController *key = NULL;
- hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6);
- gtk_box_append(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox);
- label = gtk_label_new(_("Topic:"));
- gtk_box_append(GTK_BOX(hbox), label);
- gtkconv->topic_text = gtk_entry_new();
- gtk_widget_set_size_request(gtkconv->topic_text, -1, BUDDYICON_SIZE_MIN);
- if(!PURPLE_PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTS(protocol, CHAT, set_topic)) {
- gtk_editable_set_editable(GTK_EDITABLE(gtkconv->topic_text), FALSE);
- } else {
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->topic_text), "activate",
- G_CALLBACK(topic_callback), gtkconv);
- }
- gtk_widget_set_hexpand(gtkconv->topic_text, TRUE);
- gtk_box_append(GTK_BOX(hbox), gtkconv->topic_text);
- key = gtk_event_controller_key_new();
- g_signal_connect(key, "key-pressed", G_CALLBACK(entry_key_press_cb),
- gtkconv);
- gtk_widget_add_controller(gtkconv->topic_text, key);
- }
-static gboolean
-pidgin_conv_userlist_query_tooltip(GtkWidget *widget, int x, int y,
- gboolean keyboard_mode,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkTooltip *tooltip,
- gpointer userdata)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = userdata;
- PurpleConversation *conv = NULL;
- PurpleAccount *account = NULL;
- PurpleConnection *connection = NULL;
- GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
- GtkTreeModel *model = NULL;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- account = purple_conversation_get_account(conv);
- connection = purple_account_get_connection(account);
- if (!PURPLE_IS_CONNECTION(connection)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- if (keyboard_mode) {
- GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(widget));
- if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(selection, NULL, &iter)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter);
- } else {
- gint bx, by;
- gtk_tree_view_convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(GTK_TREE_VIEW(widget),
- x, y, &bx, &by);
- gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos(GTK_TREE_VIEW(widget), bx, by, &path,
- if (path == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model),
- &iter, path))
- {
- gtk_tree_path_free(path);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- gtk_tree_path_free(path);
- return FALSE;
-static void
-setup_chat_userlist(PidginConversation *gtkconv, GtkWidget *hpaned)
- GtkWidget *lbox, *list, *sw;
- GtkGesture *click = NULL;
- GtkListStore *ls;
- GtkCellRenderer *rend;
- GtkTreeViewColumn *col;
- void *blist_handle = purple_blist_get_handle();
- PurpleConversation *conv = gtkconv->active_conv;
- /* Build the right pane. */
- lbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6);
- gtk_paned_set_end_child(GTK_PANED(hpaned), lbox);
- gtk_paned_set_resize_end_child(GTK_PANED(hpaned), FALSE);
- gtk_paned_set_shrink_end_child(GTK_PANED(hpaned), TRUE);
- /* Setup the label telling how many people are in the room. */
- gtkconv->count = gtk_label_new(_("0 people in room"));
- gtk_label_set_ellipsize(GTK_LABEL(gtkconv->count), PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
- gtk_box_append(GTK_BOX(lbox), gtkconv->count);
- /* Setup the list of users. */
- gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(ls), CHAT_USERS_ALIAS_KEY_COLUMN,
- sort_chat_users, NULL, NULL);
- list = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(ls));
- /* Allow a user to specify gtkrc settings for the chat userlist only */
- gtk_widget_set_name(list, "pidgin_conv_userlist");
- rend = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new();
- col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(NULL, rend,
- gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing(col, GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE);
- gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(list), col);
- click = gtk_gesture_click_new();
- gtk_gesture_single_set_button(GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE(click), 0);
- g_signal_connect(click, "pressed", G_CALLBACK(right_click_chat_cb), gtkconv);
- gtk_widget_add_controller(list, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER(click));
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(list), "row-activated",
- G_CALLBACK(activate_list_cb), gtkconv);
- gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip(list, TRUE);
- g_signal_connect(list, "query-tooltip",
- G_CALLBACK(pidgin_conv_userlist_query_tooltip),
- gtkconv);
- rend = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
- g_object_set(rend,
- "foreground-set", TRUE,
- "weight-set", TRUE,
- NULL);
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(rend), "editable", TRUE, NULL);
- col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(NULL, rend,
- "foreground-rgba", CHAT_USERS_COLOR_COLUMN,
- NULL);
- purple_signal_connect(blist_handle, "blist-node-added",
- gtkconv, G_CALLBACK(buddy_added_cb), conv);
- purple_signal_connect(blist_handle, "blist-node-removed",
- gtkconv, G_CALLBACK(buddy_removed_cb), conv);
- purple_signal_connect(blist_handle, "blist-node-aliased",
- gtkconv, G_CALLBACK(blist_node_aliased_cb), conv);
- gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand(col, TRUE);
- g_object_set(rend, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL);
- gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(list), col);
- gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible(GTK_TREE_VIEW(list), FALSE);
- gtkconv->list = list;
- sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new();
- gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw),
- gtk_scrolled_window_set_child(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), list);
- gtk_widget_set_vexpand(sw, TRUE);
- gtk_box_append(GTK_BOX(lbox), sw);
static GtkWidget *
setup_common_pane(PidginConversation *gtkconv)
@@ -1545,9 +463,6 @@
gtkconv->history = talkatu_history_new();
gtk_scrolled_window_set_child(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), gtkconv->history);
- /* Add the topic */
- setup_chat_topic(gtkconv, vbox);
/* Add the talkatu history */
hpaned = gtk_paned_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
gtk_widget_set_vexpand(hpaned, TRUE);
@@ -1556,9 +471,6 @@
gtk_paned_set_resize_start_child(GTK_PANED(hpaned), TRUE);
gtk_paned_set_shrink_start_child(GTK_PANED(hpaned), TRUE);
- /* Now add the userlist */
- setup_chat_userlist(gtkconv, hpaned);
g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->history), "gtkconv", gtkconv);
key = gtk_event_controller_key_new();
@@ -1657,7 +569,6 @@
g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(conv), "pidgin", gtkconv);
gtkconv->active_conv = conv;
gtkconv->convs = g_list_prepend(gtkconv->convs, conv);
- gtkconv->send_history = g_list_append(NULL, NULL);
pane = setup_common_pane(gtkconv);
@@ -1700,11 +611,6 @@
PidginConversation *gtkconv = PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(conv);
- if(gtkconv->attach_timer > 0) {
- g_source_remove(gtkconv->attach_timer);
- gtkconv->attach_timer = 0;
- }
close_conv_cb(NULL, gtkconv);
@@ -1757,23 +663,10 @@
- if (gtkconv->typing_timer != 0)
- g_source_remove(gtkconv->typing_timer);
- } else if (PURPLE_IS_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv)) {
- purple_signals_disconnect_by_handle(gtkconv);
- }
+ purple_signals_disconnect_by_handle(gtkconv);
- gtkconv->send_history = g_list_first(gtkconv->send_history);
- g_list_free_full(gtkconv->send_history, g_free);
- if (gtkconv->attach_timer) {
- g_source_remove(gtkconv->attach_timer);
- gtkconv->attach_timer = 0;
- }
@@ -1841,175 +734,6 @@
conv, pmsg);
-static gboolean get_iter_from_chatuser(PurpleChatUser *cb, GtkTreeIter *iter)
- GtkTreeRowReference *ref;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- g_return_val_if_fail(cb != NULL, FALSE);
- ref = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(cb), "pidgin-tree-row");
- if (!ref)
- return FALSE;
- if ((path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(ref)) == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- model = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_model(ref);
- if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), iter, path)) {
- gtk_tree_path_free(path);
- return FALSE;
- }
- gtk_tree_path_free(path);
- return TRUE;
-static void
-pidgin_conv_chat_add_users(PurpleChatConversation *chat, GList *cbuddies,
- G_GNUC_UNUSED gboolean new_arrivals)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- GtkListStore *ls;
- GList *l;
- char tmp[BUF_LONG];
- int num_users;
- num_users = purple_chat_conversation_get_users_count(chat);
- g_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),
- ngettext("%d person in room", "%d people in room",
- num_users),
- num_users);
- gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(gtkconv->count), tmp);
- ls = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list)));
- gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(ls), GTK_TREE_SORTABLE_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID,
- l = cbuddies;
- while (l != NULL) {
- add_chat_user_common(chat, (PurpleChatUser *)l->data, NULL);
- l = l->next;
- }
- /* Currently GTK maintains our sorted list after it's in the tree.
- * This may change if it turns out we can manage it faster ourselves.
- */
- gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(ls), CHAT_USERS_ALIAS_KEY_COLUMN,
-static void
-pidgin_conv_chat_rename_user(PurpleChatConversation *chat, const char *old_name,
- const char *new_name, const char *new_alias)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- PurpleChatUser *old_chatuser, *new_chatuser;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter))
- return;
- old_chatuser = purple_chat_conversation_find_user(chat, old_name);
- if (!old_chatuser)
- return;
- if (get_iter_from_chatuser(old_chatuser, &iter)) {
- gtk_list_store_remove(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter);
- g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(old_chatuser), "pidgin-tree-row", NULL);
- }
- g_return_if_fail(new_alias != NULL);
- new_chatuser = purple_chat_conversation_find_user(chat, new_name);
- add_chat_user_common(chat, new_chatuser, old_name);
-static void
-pidgin_conv_chat_remove_users(PurpleChatConversation *chat, GList *users)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- GList *l;
- char tmp[BUF_LONG];
- int num_users;
- gboolean f;
- num_users = purple_chat_conversation_get_users_count(chat);
- for (l = users; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter))
- /* XXX: Break? */
- continue;
- do {
- char *val;
- gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter,
- if (!purple_utf8_strcasecmp((char *)l->data, val)) {
- f = gtk_list_store_remove(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter);
- }
- else
- f = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter);
- g_free(val);
- } while (f);
- }
- g_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),
- ngettext("%d person in room", "%d people in room",
- num_users), num_users);
- gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(gtkconv->count), tmp);
-static void
-pidgin_conv_chat_update_user(PurpleChatUser *chatuser)
- PurpleChatConversation *chat;
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- if (!chatuser)
- return;
- chat = purple_chat_user_get_chat(chatuser);
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtkconv->list));
- if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter))
- return;
- if (get_iter_from_chatuser(chatuser, &iter)) {
- gtk_list_store_remove(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter);
- g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(chatuser), "pidgin-tree-row", NULL);
- }
- add_chat_user_common(chat, chatuser, NULL);
pidgin_conv_has_focus(PurpleConversation *conv)
@@ -2047,21 +771,6 @@
- if ((fields & PIDGIN_CONV_TOPIC) &&
- {
- const char *topic;
- if (gtkconv->topic_text != NULL)
- {
- topic = purple_chat_conversation_get_topic(PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv));
- gtk_editable_set_text(GTK_EDITABLE(gtkconv->topic_text), topic ? topic : "");
- gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(gtkconv->topic_text,
- topic ? topic : "");
- }
- }
@@ -2082,8 +791,6 @@
if (current_title == NULL || !purple_strequal(current_title, title)) {
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(win), title);
- update_typing_icon(gtkconv);
@@ -2143,10 +850,6 @@
.create_conversation = pidgin_conv_new,
.destroy_conversation = pidgin_conv_destroy,
.write_conv = pidgin_conv_write_conv,
- .chat_add_users = pidgin_conv_chat_add_users,
- .chat_rename_user = pidgin_conv_chat_rename_user,
- .chat_remove_users = pidgin_conv_chat_remove_users,
- .chat_update_user = pidgin_conv_chat_update_user,
.has_focus = pidgin_conv_has_focus,
@@ -2416,80 +1119,6 @@
pidgin_conv_update_fields(PURPLE_CONVERSATION(chat), PIDGIN_CONV_TOPIC);
-/* Message history stuff */
-/* Compare two PurpleMessages, according to time in ascending order. */
-static int
-message_compare(PurpleMessage *m1, PurpleMessage *m2)
- GDateTime *dt1 = purple_message_get_timestamp(m1);
- GDateTime *dt2 = purple_message_get_timestamp(m2);
- return g_date_time_compare(dt1, dt2);
-/* Adds some message history to the gtkconv. This happens in a idle-callback. */
-static gboolean
-add_message_history_to_gtkconv(gpointer data)
- PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
- int count = 0;
- int timer = gtkconv->attach_timer;
- GDateTime *when = (GDateTime *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->editor), "attach-start-time");
- gboolean im = (PURPLE_IS_IM_CONVERSATION(gtkconv->active_conv));
- gtkconv->attach_timer = 0;
- while (gtkconv->attach_current && count < ADD_MESSAGE_HISTORY_AT_ONCE) {
- PurpleMessage *msg = gtkconv->attach_current->data;
- GDateTime *dt = purple_message_get_timestamp(msg);
- if (!im && when && g_date_time_difference(dt, when) >= 0) {
- g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->editor), "attach-start-time", NULL);
- }
- /* XXX: should it be gtkconv->active_conv? */
- pidgin_conv_write_conv(gtkconv->active_conv, msg);
- if (im) {
- gtkconv->attach_current = g_list_delete_link(gtkconv->attach_current, gtkconv->attach_current);
- } else {
- gtkconv->attach_current = gtkconv->attach_current->prev;
- }
- count++;
- }
- gtkconv->attach_timer = timer;
- if (gtkconv->attach_current)
- return TRUE;
- g_source_remove(gtkconv->attach_timer);
- gtkconv->attach_timer = 0;
- if (im) {
- /* Print any message that was sent while the old history was being added back. */
- GList *msgs = NULL;
- GList *iter = gtkconv->convs;
- for (; iter; iter = iter->next) {
- PurpleConversation *conv = iter->data;
- GList *history = purple_conversation_get_message_history(conv);
- for (; history; history = history->next) {
- PurpleMessage *msg = history->data;
- GDateTime *dt = purple_message_get_timestamp(msg);
- if(g_date_time_difference(dt, when) > 0) {
- msgs = g_list_prepend(msgs, msg);
- }
- }
- }
- msgs = g_list_sort(msgs, (GCompareFunc)message_compare);
- for (; msgs; msgs = g_list_delete_link(msgs, msgs)) {
- PurpleMessage *msg = msgs->data;
- /* XXX: see above - should it be active_conv? */
- pidgin_conv_write_conv(gtkconv->active_conv, msg);
- }
- g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->editor), "attach-start-time", NULL);
- }
- g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->editor), "attach-start-time", NULL);
- purple_signal_emit(pidgin_conversations_get_handle(),
- "conversation-displayed", gtkconv);
- return FALSE;
static void
pidgin_conv_attach(PurpleConversation *conv)
@@ -2506,62 +1135,13 @@
gboolean pidgin_conv_attach_to_conversation(PurpleConversation *conv)
- GList *list;
PidginConversation *gtkconv;
gtkconv = PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(conv);
- list = purple_conversation_get_message_history(conv);
- if (list) {
- GDateTime *dt = NULL;
- PurpleConversationManager *manager;
- GList *convs;
- list = g_list_copy(list);
- manager = purple_conversation_manager_get_default();
- convs = purple_conversation_manager_get_all(manager);
- while(convs != NULL) {
- if(!PURPLE_IS_IM_CONVERSATION(convs->data)) {
- convs = g_list_delete_link(convs, convs);
- continue;
- }
- if (convs->data != conv &&
- pidgin_conv_find_gtkconv(convs->data) == gtkconv) {
- pidgin_conv_attach(convs->data);
- list = g_list_concat(list, g_list_copy(purple_conversation_get_message_history(convs->data)));
- }
- convs = g_list_delete_link(convs, convs);
- }
- list = g_list_sort(list, (GCompareFunc)message_compare);
- gtkconv->attach_current = list;
- list = g_list_last(list);
- } else if (PURPLE_IS_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv)) {
- gtkconv->attach_current = g_list_last(list);
- }
- dt = purple_message_get_timestamp(PURPLE_MESSAGE(list->data));
- g_object_set_data_full(G_OBJECT(gtkconv->editor), "attach-start-time",
- g_date_time_ref(dt), (GDestroyNotify)g_date_time_unref);
- gtkconv->attach_timer = g_idle_add(add_message_history_to_gtkconv, gtkconv);
- } else {
- purple_signal_emit(pidgin_conversations_get_handle(),
- "conversation-displayed", gtkconv);
- }
- GList *users;
- PurpleChatConversation *chat = PURPLE_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv);
- pidgin_conv_update_fields(conv, PIDGIN_CONV_TOPIC);
- users = purple_chat_conversation_get_users(chat);
- pidgin_conv_chat_add_users(chat, users, TRUE);
- g_list_free(users);
- }
+ purple_signal_emit(pidgin_conversations_get_handle(),
+ "conversation-displayed", gtkconv);
return TRUE;
--- a/pidgin/gtkconv.h Sun Feb 19 17:57:16 2023 -0600
+++ b/pidgin/gtkconv.h Mon Feb 20 08:32:47 2023 -0600
@@ -52,29 +52,16 @@
PurpleConversation *active_conv;
GList *convs;
- GList *send_history;
GtkWidget *tab_cont;
- PurpleMessageFlags last_flags;
GtkAdjustment *vadjustment;
GtkWidget *history;
GtkWidget *editor;
GtkWidget *entry;
- guint32 typing_timer;
- GtkWidget *count;
- GtkWidget *list;
- GtkWidget *topic_text;
- time_t newday;
GtkWidget *infopane;
- /* Used when attaching a PidginConversation to a PurpleConversation
- * with message history */
- int attach_timer;
- GList *attach_current;