
Add a get_minimum_search_length to PurpleProtocolContacts
default tip
10 days ago, Gary Kramlich
Add a get_minimum_search_length to PurpleProtocolContacts

This can be used by user interfaces, to not call
PurpleProtocolContacts.search_async with strings smaller than this length.

Testing Done:
Called in the turtles and ran the protocol_contacts test under valgrind.

Reviewed at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<enum id="im.pidgin.Purple.plugin.AutoAccept.Setting">
<value nick="Ask" value="0"/>
<value nick="Auto Accept" value="1"/>
<value nick="Auto Reject" value="2"/>
<schema path="/plugins/autoaccept/" id="im.pidgin.Purple.plugin.AutoAccept">
<key name="path" type="s">
<summary>File save path</summary>
Path to save the files in (should be the full path.) If this is empty,
it will default to the user's Downloads directory.
<key name="stranger" enum="im.pidgin.Purple.plugin.AutoAccept.Setting">
<summary>Default reply for strangers</summary>
The default reply when a file-transfer request arrives from a user who
is *not* on your buddy list.
<key name="notify" type="b">
<summary>Notify on file transfer completion</summary>
Notify with a popup when an autoaccepted file transfer is complete (only
when there's no conversation with the sender.)
<key name="newdir" type="b">
<summary>New directory per user</summary>
Create a new directory for each user.
<key name="escape" type="b">
<summary>Escape the filenames</summary>