
Remove global portal session/request numbers
2020-04-07, David Woodhouse
Remove global portal session/request numbers

Now that we have a DBus connection per request to make cleanup easier,
that also means we don't have to keep global counters around for these.
/** @page dbus-server-signals DBus Server Signals
@signal dbus-method-called
@signal dbus-introspect
@see dbus-server.h
@signaldef dbus-method-called
gboolean (*dbus_method_called)(DBusConnection *connection,
DBusMessage *message);
Emitted when a dbus method is going to be called.
@param connection The DBus connection.
@param message The DBus message.
@return TRUE if signal handler handled the method. ???
@signaldef dbus-introspect
void (*dbus_introspect)(GList **bidings_list);
@param bindings_list ???
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