
Remove the accounts menu files from that were missed.

Testing Done:
Ran `ninja pidgin-pot`

Reviewed at
/* pidgin
* Pidgin is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
# error "only <pidgin.h> may be included directly"
#include "gtkconv.h"
#include <purple.h>
typedef enum
} PidginButtonOrientation;
typedef enum
} PidginProtocolIconSize;
typedef struct {
gboolean is_buddy;
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
} PidginBuddyCompletionEntry;
typedef gboolean (*PidginFilterBuddyCompletionEntryFunc) (const PidginBuddyCompletionEntry *completion_entry, gpointer user_data);
* pidgin_separator:
* @menu: The menu to add a separator to.
* Adds a separator to a menu.
* Returns: (transfer full): The separator.
GtkWidget *pidgin_separator(GtkWidget *menu);
* pidgin_new_check_item:
* @menu: The menu to which to append the check menu item.
* @str: The title to use for the newly created menu item.
* @cb: (scope call): A function to call when the menu item is activated.
* @data: Data to pass to the signal function.
* @checked: The initial state of the check item
* Creates a check menu item.
* Returns: (transfer full): The newly created menu item.
GtkWidget *pidgin_new_check_item(GtkWidget *menu, const char *str,
GCallback cb, gpointer data, gboolean checked);
* pidgin_new_menu_item:
* @menu: The menu to which to append the menu item.
* @mnemonic: The title for the menu item.
* @icon: An icon to place to the left of the menu item,
* or %NULL for no icon.
* @cb: (scope call): A function to call when the menu item is activated.
* @data: Data to pass to the signal function.
* Creates a menu item.
* Returns: (transfer full): The newly created menu item.
GtkWidget *pidgin_new_menu_item(GtkWidget *menu, const char *mnemonic,
const char *icon, GCallback cb, gpointer data);
* pidgin_make_frame:
* @parent: The widget to put the frame into.
* @title: The title for the frame.
* Creates a HIG preferences frame.
* Returns: (transfer full): The vbox to put things into.
GtkWidget *pidgin_make_frame(GtkWidget *parent, const char *title);
* pidgin_setup_screenname_autocomplete:
* @entry: The GtkEntry on which to setup autocomplete.
* @chooser: A menu for accounts, returned by pidgin_account_chooser_new(). If
* @chooser is not %NULL, it'll be updated when a username is chosen
* from the autocomplete list.
* @filter_func: (scope call): A function for checking if an autocomplete entry
* should be shown. This can be %NULL.
* @user_data: The data to be passed to the filter_func function.
* Add autocompletion of screenames to an entry, supporting a filtering
* function.
void pidgin_setup_screenname_autocomplete(
GtkWidget *entry, GtkWidget *chooser,
PidginFilterBuddyCompletionEntryFunc filter_func, gpointer user_data);
* pidgin_screenname_autocomplete_default_filter:
* @completion_entry: The completion entry to filter.
* @all_accounts: If this is %FALSE, only the autocompletion entries
* which belong to an online account will be filtered.
* The default filter function for username autocomplete.
* Returns: Returns %TRUE if the autocompletion entry is filtered.
gboolean pidgin_screenname_autocomplete_default_filter(const PidginBuddyCompletionEntry *completion_entry, gpointer all_accounts);
* pidgin_retrieve_user_info:
* @conn: The connection to get information from.
* @name: The user to get information about.
* Get information about a user. Show immediate feedback.
void pidgin_retrieve_user_info(PurpleConnection *conn, const char *name);
* pidgin_retrieve_user_info_in_chat:
* @conn: The connection to get information from.
* @name: The user to get information about.
* @chatid: The chat id.
* Get information about a user in a chat. Show immediate feedback.
void pidgin_retrieve_user_info_in_chat(PurpleConnection *conn, const char *name, int chatid);
* pidgin_set_accessible_label:
* @w: The widget that we want to name.
* @l: A GtkLabel that we want to use as the ATK name for the widget.
* Sets an ATK name for a given widget. Also sets the labelled-by
* and label-for ATK relationships.
void pidgin_set_accessible_label(GtkWidget *w, GtkLabel *l);
* pidgin_set_accessible_relations:
* @w: The widget that we want to label.
* @l: A GtkLabel that we want to use as the label for the widget.
* Sets the labelled-by and label-for ATK relationships.
void pidgin_set_accessible_relations(GtkWidget *w, GtkLabel *l);
* pidgin_menu_popup_at_treeview_selection:
* @menu: The menu to show.
* @treeview: The treeview to use for positioning.
* Open a menu popup at the position determined by the selection of a given
* treeview. This function is similar to @gtk_menu_popup_at_pointer, but should
* be used when the menu is activated via a keyboard shortcut.
void pidgin_menu_popup_at_treeview_selection(GtkWidget *menu, GtkWidget *treeview);
* pidgin_buddy_icon_get_scale_size:
* Convenience wrapper for purple_buddy_icon_spec_get_scaled_size
void pidgin_buddy_icon_get_scale_size(GdkPixbuf *buf, PurpleBuddyIconSpec *spec, PurpleBuddyIconScaleFlags rules, int *width, int *height);
* pidgin_create_protocol_icon:
* @account: The account.
* @size: The size of the icon to return.
* Returns the base image to represent the account, based on
* the currently selected theme.
* Returns: (transfer full): A newly-created pixbuf with a reference count of 1,
* or NULL if any of several error conditions occurred:
* the file could not be opened, there was no loader
* for the file's format, there was not enough memory
* to allocate the image buffer, or the image file
* contained invalid data.
GdkPixbuf *pidgin_create_protocol_icon(PurpleAccount *account, PidginProtocolIconSize size);
* pidgin_create_icon_from_protocol:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance.
* @size: The size of the icon to return.
* @account: (nullable): An optional #PurpleAccount to use.
* Returns the base image to represent @protocol based on the currently
* selected theme. If @account is not %NULL then the returned icon will
* represent the account.
* Returns: (transfer full): A newly-created pixbuf with a reference count of 1,
* or NULL if any of several error conditions occurred:
* the file could not be opened, there was no loader
* for the file's format, there was not enough memory
* to allocate the image buffer, or the image file
* contained invalid data.
* Since: 3.0.0
GdkPixbuf *pidgin_create_icon_from_protocol(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PidginProtocolIconSize size, PurpleAccount *account);
* pidgin_append_menu_action:
* @menu: The menu to append to.
* @act: The PurpleActionMenu to append.
* @gobject: The object to be passed to the action callback.
* Append a PurpleActionMenu to a menu.
* Returns: (transfer full): The menuitem added.
GtkWidget *pidgin_append_menu_action(GtkWidget *menu, PurpleActionMenu *act,
gpointer gobject);
* pidgin_buddy_icon_chooser_new:
* @parent: The parent window
* @callback: The callback to call when the window is closed. If the user chose an icon, the char* argument will point to its path
* @data: Data to pass to @callback
* Creates a File Selection widget for choosing a buddy icon
* Returns: (transfer full): The file dialog
GtkFileChooserNative *pidgin_buddy_icon_chooser_new(
GtkWindow *parent, void (*callback)(const char *, gpointer),
gpointer data);
* pidgin_convert_buddy_icon:
* @protocol: The protocol to convert the icon
* @path: The path of a file to convert
* @len: If not %NULL, the length of the returned data will be set here.
* Converts a buddy icon to the required size and format
* Returns: The converted image data, or %NULL if an error occurred.
gpointer pidgin_convert_buddy_icon(PurpleProtocol *protocol, const char *path, size_t *len);
* pidgin_tree_view_search_equal_func:
* This is a callback function to be used for Ctrl+F searching in treeviews.
* Sample Use:
* gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func(treeview,
* pidgin_tree_view_search_equal_func,
* search_data, search_data_destroy_cb);
gboolean pidgin_tree_view_search_equal_func(GtkTreeModel *model, gint column,
const gchar *key, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data);
* pidgin_text_combo_box_entry_new:
* @default_item: Initial contents of GtkEntry
* @items: (element-type utf8): GList containing strings to add to GtkComboBox
* Create a simple text GtkComboBoxEntry equivalent
* Returns: (transfer full): A newly created text GtkComboBox containing a GtkEntry
* child.
GtkWidget *pidgin_text_combo_box_entry_new(const char *default_item, GList *items);
* pidgin_text_combo_box_entry_get_text:
* @widget: The simple text GtkComboBoxEntry equivalent widget
* Retrieve the text from the entry of the simple text GtkComboBoxEntry equivalent
* Returns: The text in the widget's entry. It must not be freed
const char *pidgin_text_combo_box_entry_get_text(GtkWidget *widget);
* pidgin_auto_parent_window:
* @window: The window to make transient.
* Automatically make a window transient to a suitable parent window.
* Returns: Whether the window was made transient or not.
gboolean pidgin_auto_parent_window(GtkWidget *window);
* pidgin_add_widget_to_vbox:
* @vbox: The vertically-oriented GtkBox to add the widget to.
* @widget_label: The label to give the widget, can be %NULL.
* @sg: The GtkSizeGroup to add the label to, can be %NULL.
* @widget: The GtkWidget to add.
* @expand: Whether to expand the widget horizontally.
* @p_label: Place to store a pointer to the GtkLabel, or %NULL if you don't care.
* Add a labelled widget to a GtkBox
* Returns: (transfer full): A GtkBox already added to the GtkBox containing the GtkLabel and the GtkWidget.
GtkWidget *pidgin_add_widget_to_vbox(GtkBox *vbox, const char *widget_label, GtkSizeGroup *sg, GtkWidget *widget, gboolean expand, GtkWidget **p_label);
* pidgin_make_scrollable:
* @child: The child widget
* @hscrollbar_policy: Horizontal scrolling policy
* @vscrollbar_policy: Vertical scrolling policy
* @shadow_type: Shadow type
* @width: Desired widget width, or -1 for default
* @height: Desired widget height, or -1 for default
* Add scrollbars to a widget
* Returns: (transfer full): A scrolled window with @child packed inside of it.
GtkWidget *pidgin_make_scrollable(GtkWidget *child, GtkPolicyType hscrollbar_policy, GtkPolicyType vscrollbar_policy, GtkShadowType shadow_type, int width, int height);
#endif /* _PIDGINUTILS_H_ */