
Improve how our HTTP proxy code reads the content-length header.

It now reads the length into an unsigned variable. This was reported
to us by Matt Jones of Volvent. I think there's no potential for
remote code execution or remote crash--we don't allocate a buffer
for the content or anything. I think it's just ugly code. I didn't
impose a max size for the content-length. I feel like it's ok for the
while loop to loop many times then get EAGAIN and break out.

I'm looking forward to unified http parsing in 3.0.0.
a3d157700972b48cf0a23b300261a5ab0c6e165b v2.10.5
4992bd90d8ad78ebdd324dd90d3e9d443f7dd002 v2.10.6
ad7e7fb98db3bbd7bf9ab49072fd34cd4fa25dd9 v2.10.7