
Remove the buddy pounces api

2021-01-02, Gary Kramlich
Remove the buddy pounces api

This feature has more or less been stalkerware since its inception and the
only useful feature that came of it was offline message emulation which isn't
necessary for most networks nowadays.

Testing Done:
Compiled and ran locally.

Reviewed at
* Purple - Internet Messaging Library
* Copyright (C) Pidgin Developers <>
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
# error "only <purple.h> may be included directly"
* SECTION:protocol
* @section_id: libpurple-protocol
* @short_description: <filename>protocol.h</filename>
* @title: Protocol Object and Interfaces
* #PurpleProtocol is the base type for all protocols in libpurple.
#define PURPLE_TYPE_PROTOCOL (purple_protocol_get_type())
typedef struct _PurpleProtocol PurpleProtocol;
typedef struct _PurpleProtocolClass PurpleProtocolClass;
#include "account.h"
#include "buddyicon.h"
#include "buddylist.h"
#include "chat.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "conversations.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "xfer.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "plugins.h"
#include "purpleaccountoption.h"
#include "purpleaccountusersplit.h"
#include "purplewhiteboard.h"
#include "purplewhiteboardops.h"
#include "roomlist.h"
#include "status.h"
* PurpleProtocol:
* @id: Protocol ID
* @name: Translated name of the protocol
* @options: Protocol options
* @user_splits: A GList of PurpleAccountUserSplit
* @account_options: A GList of PurpleAccountOption
* @icon_spec: The icon spec.
* @whiteboard_ops: Whiteboard operations
* Represents an instance of a protocol registered with the protocols
* subsystem. Protocols must initialize the members to appropriate values.
struct _PurpleProtocol
GObject gparent;
/*< public >*/
const char *id;
const char *name;
PurpleProtocolOptions options;
GList *user_splits;
GList *account_options;
PurpleBuddyIconSpec *icon_spec;
PurpleWhiteboardOps *whiteboard_ops;
/*< private >*/
void (*_purple_reserved1)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved2)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved3)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved4)(void);
* PurpleProtocolClass:
* @login: Log in to the server.
* @close: Close connection with the server.
* @status_types: Returns a list of #PurpleStatusType which exist for this
* account; and must add at least the offline and online states.
* @list_icon: Returns the base icon name for the given buddy and account. If
* buddy is %NULL and the account is non-%NULL, it will return
* the name to use for the account's icon. If both are %NULL, it
* will return the name to use for the protocol's icon.
* The base class for all protocols.
* All protocol types must implement the methods in this class.
/* If adding new methods to this class, ensure you add checks for them in
struct _PurpleProtocolClass
GObjectClass parent_class;
void (*login)(PurpleAccount *account);
void (*close)(PurpleConnection *connection);
GList *(*status_types)(PurpleAccount *account);
const char *(*list_icon)(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy);
/*< private >*/
void (*_purple_reserved1)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved2)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved3)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved4)(void);
#define PURPLE_TYPE_PROTOCOL_SERVER (purple_protocol_server_iface_get_type())
typedef struct _PurpleProtocolServerInterface PurpleProtocolServerInterface;
* PurpleProtocolServerInterface:
* @register_user: New user registration
* @unregister_user: Remove the user from the server. The account can either be
* connected or disconnected. After the removal is finished,
* the connection will stay open and has to be closed!
* @get_info: Should arrange for purple_notify_userinfo() to be called
* with @who's user info.
* @add_buddy: Add a buddy to a group on the server.
* <sbr/>This protocol function may be called in situations in
* which the buddy is already in the specified group. If the
* protocol supports authorization and the user is not already
* authorized to see the status of @buddy, @add_buddy should
* request authorization.
* <sbr/>If authorization is required, then use the supplied
* invite message.
* @keepalive: If implemented, this will be called regularly for this
* protocol's active connections. You'd want to do this if you
* need to repeatedly send some kind of keepalive packet to
* the server to avoid being disconnected. ("Regularly" is
* defined to be 30 unless @get_keepalive_interval is
* implemented to override it).
* <filename>libpurple/connection.c</filename>.)
* @get_keepalive_interval: If implemented, this will override the default
* keepalive interval.
* @alias_buddy: Save/store buddy's alias on server list/roster
* @group_buddy: Change a buddy's group on a server list/roster
* @rename_group: Rename a group on a server list/roster
* @set_buddy_icon: Set the buddy icon for the given connection to @img. The
* protocol does <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> own a reference to
* @img; if it needs one, it must #g_object_ref(@img)
* itself.
* @send_raw: For use in plugins that may understand the underlying
* protocol
* @set_public_alias: Set the user's "friendly name" (or alias or nickname or
* whatever term you want to call it) on the server. The
* protocol should call @success_cb or @failure_cb
* <emphasis>asynchronously</emphasis> (if it knows
* immediately that the set will fail, call one of the
* callbacks from an idle/0-second timeout) depending on if
* the nickname is set successfully. See
* purple_account_set_public_alias().
* <sbr/>@gc: The connection for which to set an alias
* <sbr/>@alias: The new server-side alias/nickname for this
* account, or %NULL to unset the
* alias/nickname (or return it to a
* protocol-specific "default").
* <sbr/>@success_cb: Callback to be called if the public
* alias is set
* <sbr/>@failure_cb: Callback to be called if setting the
* public alias fails
* @get_public_alias: Retrieve the user's "friendly name" as set on the server.
* The protocol should call @success_cb or @failure_cb
* <emphasis>asynchronously</emphasis> (even if it knows
* immediately that the get will fail, call one of the
* callbacks from an idle/0-second timeout) depending on if
* the nickname is retrieved. See
* purple_account_get_public_alias().
* <sbr/>@gc: The connection for which to retireve
* the alias
* <sbr/>@success_cb: Callback to be called with the
* retrieved alias
* <sbr/>@failure_cb: Callback to be called if the protocol
* is unable to retrieve the alias
* The protocol server interface.
* This interface provides a gateway between purple and the protocol's server.
struct _PurpleProtocolServerInterface
/*< private >*/
GTypeInterface parent_iface;
/*< public >*/
void (*register_user)(PurpleAccount *account);
void (*unregister_user)(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb cb,
void *user_data);
void (*set_info)(PurpleConnection *connection, const char *info);
void (*get_info)(PurpleConnection *connection, const char *who);
void (*set_status)(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatus *status);
void (*set_idle)(PurpleConnection *connection, int idletime);
void (*change_passwd)(PurpleConnection *connection, const char *old_pass,
const char *new_pass);
void (*add_buddy)(PurpleConnection *pc, PurpleBuddy *buddy,
PurpleGroup *group, const char *message);
void (*add_buddies)(PurpleConnection *pc, GList *buddies, GList *groups,
const char *message);
void (*remove_buddy)(PurpleConnection *connection, PurpleBuddy *buddy,
PurpleGroup *group);
void (*remove_buddies)(PurpleConnection *connection, GList *buddies, GList *groups);
void (*keepalive)(PurpleConnection *connection);
int (*get_keepalive_interval)(void);
void (*alias_buddy)(PurpleConnection *connection, const char *who,
const char *alias);
void (*group_buddy)(PurpleConnection *connection, const char *who,
const char *old_group, const char *new_group);
void (*rename_group)(PurpleConnection *connection, const char *old_name,
PurpleGroup *group, GList *moved_buddies);
void (*set_buddy_icon)(PurpleConnection *connection, PurpleImage *img);
void (*remove_group)(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleGroup *group);
int (*send_raw)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *buf, int len);
void (*set_public_alias)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *alias,
PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb,
PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb);
void (*get_public_alias)(PurpleConnection *gc,
PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb,
PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb);
#define PURPLE_TYPE_PROTOCOL_CHAT (purple_protocol_chat_iface_get_type())
typedef struct _PurpleProtocolChatInterface PurpleProtocolChatInterface;
* PurpleProtocolChatInterface:
* @info: Returns a list of #PurpleProtocolChatEntry structs, which represent
* information required by the protocol to join a chat. libpurple will
* call join_chat along with the information filled by the user.
* <sbr/>Returns: A list of #PurpleProtocolChatEntry's
* @info_defaults: Returns a hashtable which maps #PurpleProtocolChatEntry
* struct identifiers to default options as strings based on
* @chat_name. The resulting hashtable should be created with
* #g_hash_table_new_full(#g_str_hash, #g_str_equal, %NULL,
* #g_free). Use @get_name if you instead need to extract a chat
* name from a hashtable.
* <sbr/>@chat_name: The chat name to be turned into components
* <sbr/>Returns: Hashtable containing the information extracted
* from @chat_name
* @join: Called when the user requests joining a chat. Should arrange for
* purple_serv_got_joined_chat() to be called.
* <sbr/>@components: A hashtable containing information required to join
* the chat as described by the entries returned by
* @info. It may also be called when accepting an
* invitation, in which case this matches the data
* parameter passed to purple_serv_got_chat_invite().
* @reject: Called when the user refuses a chat invitation.
* <sbr/>@components: A hashtable containing information required to
* join the chat as passed to purple_serv_got_chat_invite().
* @get_name: Returns a chat name based on the information in components. Use
* @info_defaults if you instead need to generate a hashtable from a
* chat name.
* <sbr/>@components: A hashtable containing information about the
* chat.
* @invite: Invite a user to join a chat.
* <sbr/>@id: The id of the chat to invite the user to.
* <sbr/>@message: A message displayed to the user when the invitation
* is received.
* <sbr/>@who: The name of the user to send the invation to.
* @leave: Called when the user requests leaving a chat.
* <sbr/>@id: The id of the chat to leave
* @send: Send a message to a chat.
* <sbr/>This protocol function should return a positive value on
* success. If the message is too big to be sent, return
* <literal>-E2BIG</literal>. If the account is not connected,
* return <literal>-ENOTCONN</literal>. If the protocol is unable
* to send the message for another reason, return some other
* negative value. You can use one of the valid #errno values, or
* just big something.
* <sbr/>@id: The id of the chat to send the message to.
* <sbr/>@msg: The message to send to the chat.
* <sbr/>Returns: A positive number or 0 in case of success, a
* negative error number in case of failure.
* @get_user_real_name: Gets the real name of a participant in a chat. For
* example, on XMPP this turns a chat room nick
* <literal>foo</literal> into
* <literal>room\@server/foo</literal>.
* <sbr/>@gc: the connection on which the room is.
* <sbr/>@id: the ID of the chat room.
* <sbr/>@who: the nickname of the chat participant.
* <sbr/>Returns: the real name of the participant. This
* string must be freed by the caller.
* The protocol chat interface.
* This interface provides callbacks needed by protocols that implement chats.
struct _PurpleProtocolChatInterface
/*< private >*/
GTypeInterface parent_iface;
/*< public >*/
GList *(*info)(PurpleConnection *connection);
GHashTable *(*info_defaults)(PurpleConnection *connection, const char *chat_name);
void (*join)(PurpleConnection *connection, GHashTable *components);
void (*reject)(PurpleConnection *connection, GHashTable *components);
char *(*get_name)(GHashTable *components);
void (*invite)(PurpleConnection *connection, int id,
const char *message, const char *who);
void (*leave)(PurpleConnection *connection, int id);
int (*send)(PurpleConnection *connection, int id, PurpleMessage *msg);
char *(*get_user_real_name)(PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *who);
void (*set_topic)(PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *topic);
* @protocol: The protocol in which to check
* @IFACE: The interface name in caps. e.g. <literal>CLIENT</literal>
* @func: The function to check
* Returns: %TRUE if a protocol implements a function in an interface,
* %FALSE otherwise.
#define PURPLE_PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTS(protocol, IFACE, func) \
(PURPLE_IS_PROTOCOL_##IFACE(protocol) && \
/* Protocol Object API */
* purple_protocol_get_type:
* Returns: The #GType for #PurpleProtocol.
GType purple_protocol_get_type(void);
* purple_protocol_get_id:
* @protocol: The protocol.
* Returns the ID of a protocol.
* Returns: The ID of the protocol.
const char *purple_protocol_get_id(const PurpleProtocol *protocol);
* purple_protocol_get_name:
* @protocol: The protocol.
* Returns the translated name of a protocol.
* Returns: The translated name of the protocol.
const char *purple_protocol_get_name(const PurpleProtocol *protocol);
* purple_protocol_get_options:
* @protocol: The protocol.
* Returns the options of a protocol.
* Returns: The options of the protocol.
PurpleProtocolOptions purple_protocol_get_options(const PurpleProtocol *protocol);
* purple_protocol_get_user_splits:
* @protocol: The protocol.
* Returns the user splits of a protocol.
* Returns: (element-type PurpleAccountUserSplit) (transfer none): The user
* splits of the protocol.
GList *purple_protocol_get_user_splits(const PurpleProtocol *protocol);
* purple_protocol_get_account_options:
* @protocol: The protocol.
* Returns the account options for a protocol.
* Returns: (element-type PurpleAccountOption) (transfer none): The account
* options for the protocol.
GList *purple_protocol_get_account_options(const PurpleProtocol *protocol);
* purple_protocol_get_icon_spec:
* @protocol: The protocol.
* Returns the icon spec of a protocol.
* Returns: The icon spec of the protocol.
PurpleBuddyIconSpec *purple_protocol_get_icon_spec(const PurpleProtocol *protocol);
* purple_protocol_get_whiteboard_ops:
* @protocol: The protocol.
* Returns the whiteboard ops of a protocol.
* Returns: (transfer none): The whiteboard ops of the protocol.
PurpleWhiteboardOps *purple_protocol_get_whiteboard_ops(const PurpleProtocol *protocol);
/* Protocol Class API */
void purple_protocol_class_login(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleAccount *account);
void purple_protocol_class_close(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleConnection *connection);
GList *purple_protocol_class_status_types(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleAccount *account);
const char *purple_protocol_class_list_icon(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy);
/* Protocol Server Interface API */
* purple_protocol_server_iface_get_type:
* Returns: The #GType for the protocol server interface.
GType purple_protocol_server_iface_get_type(void);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_register_user(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleAccount *account);
* purple_protocol_server_iface_unregister_user:
* @cb: (scope call):
void purple_protocol_server_iface_unregister_user(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleAccount *account, PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb cb, void *user_data);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_set_info(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleConnection *connection,
const char *info);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_get_info(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleConnection *connection,
const char *who);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_set_status(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatus *status);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_set_idle(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleConnection *connection,
int idletime);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_change_passwd(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, const char *old_pass, const char *new_pass);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_add_buddy(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *pc, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group,
const char *message);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_add_buddies(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *pc, GList *buddies, GList *groups,
const char *message);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_remove_buddy(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_remove_buddies(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, GList *buddies, GList *groups);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_keepalive(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection);
int purple_protocol_server_iface_get_keepalive_interval(PurpleProtocol *protocol);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_alias_buddy(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, const char *who, const char *alias);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_group_buddy(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, const char *who, const char *old_group,
const char *new_group);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_rename_group(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, const char *old_name, PurpleGroup *group,
GList *moved_buddies);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_set_buddy_icon(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, PurpleImage *img);
void purple_protocol_server_iface_remove_group(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleGroup *group);
int purple_protocol_server_iface_send_raw(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *gc, const char *buf, int len);
* purple_protocol_server_iface_set_public_alias:
* @success_cb: (scope call):
* @failure_cb: (scope call):
void purple_protocol_server_iface_set_public_alias(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *gc, const char *alias,
PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb,
PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb);
* purple_protocol_server_iface_get_public_alias:
* @success_cb: (scope call):
* @failure_cb: (scope call):
void purple_protocol_server_iface_get_public_alias(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb,
PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb);
/* Protocol Chat Interface API */
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_get_type:
* Returns: The #GType for the protocol chat interface.
* Since: 3.0.0
GType purple_protocol_chat_iface_get_type(void);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_info:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance.
* @connection: The #PurpleConnection instance.
* Gets the list of #PurpleProtocolChatEntry's that are required to join a
* multi user chat.
* Returns: (transfer full) (element-type PurpleProtocolChatEntry): The list
* of #PurpleProtocolChatEntry's that are used to join a chat.
* Since: 3.0.0
GList *purple_protocol_chat_iface_info(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_info_defaults:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @connection: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @chat_name: The name of the chat
* Returns a #GHashTable of the default protocol dependent components that will
* be passed to #purple_protocol_chat_iface_join.
* Returns: (transfer full) (element-type utf8 utf8): The values that will be
* used to join the chat.
* Since: 3.0.0
GHashTable *purple_protocol_chat_iface_info_defaults(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, const char *chat_name);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_join:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @connection: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @components: (element-type utf8 utf8): The protocol dependent join
* components
* Joins the chat described in @components.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_protocol_chat_iface_join(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleConnection *connection,
GHashTable *components);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_reject:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @connection: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @components: (element-type utf8 utf8): The protocol dependent join
* components
* Not quite sure exactly what this does or where it's used. Please fill in
* the details if you know.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_protocol_chat_iface_reject(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, GHashTable *components);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_get_name:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @components: (element-type utf8 utf8): The protocol dependent join
* components
* Gets the name from @components.
* Returns: (transfer full): The chat name from @components.
* Since: 3.0.0
char *purple_protocol_chat_iface_get_name(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
GHashTable *components);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_invite:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @connection: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @id: The id of the chat
* @message: The invite message
* @who: The target of the invite
* Sends an invite to @who with @message.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_protocol_chat_iface_invite(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *connection, int id, const char *message, const char *who);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_leave:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @connection: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @id: The id of the chat
* Leaves the chat identified by @id.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_protocol_chat_iface_leave(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleConnection *connection,
int id);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_send:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @connection: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @id: The id of the chat
* @msg: The message to send
* Sends @msg to the chat identified by @id.
* Returns: 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
* Since: 3.0.0
int purple_protocol_chat_iface_send(PurpleProtocol *protocol, PurpleConnection *connection,
int id, PurpleMessage *msg);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_get_user_real_name:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @gc: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @id: The id of the chat
* @who: The username
* Gets the real name of @who.
* Returns: (transfer full): The realname of @who.
* Since: 3.0.0
char *purple_protocol_chat_iface_get_user_real_name(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *who);
* purple_protocol_chat_iface_set_topic:
* @protocol: The #PurpleProtocol instance
* @gc: The #PurpleConnection instance
* @id: The id of the chat
* @topic: The new topic
* Sets the topic for the chat with id @id to @topic.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_protocol_chat_iface_set_topic(PurpleProtocol *protocol,
PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *topic);
#endif /* PURPLE_PROTOCOL_H */