
Create a glibcompat.h to define G_GNUC_(BEGIN,END)_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS which was added in 2.32.0 but we only require 2.16.0
* @file gg-utils.c
* purple
* Copyright (C) 2005 Bartosz Oler <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
#include "gg-utils.h"
/* uin_t ggp_str_to_uin(const char *str) {{{ */
uin_t ggp_str_to_uin(const char *str)
char *tmp;
long num;
if (!str)
return 0;
errno = 0;
num = strtol(str, &tmp, 10);
if (*str == '\0' || *tmp != '\0')
return 0;
if ((errno == ERANGE || (num == LONG_MAX || num == LONG_MIN))
|| num > (long)UINT_MAX
|| num < 0)
return 0;
return (uin_t) num;
/* }}} */
/* unsigned int ggp_array_size(char **array) {{{ */
unsigned int ggp_array_size(char **array)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; array[i] != NULL && i < UINT_MAX; i++)
return i;
/* }}} */
/* char *charset_convert(const gchar *locstr, const char *encsrc, const char *encdst) {{{ */
char *charset_convert(const gchar *locstr, const char *encsrc, const char *encdst)
gchar *msg;
GError *err = NULL;
if (locstr == NULL)
return NULL;
msg = g_convert_with_fallback(locstr, strlen(locstr), encdst, encsrc,
"?", NULL, NULL, &err);
if (err != NULL) {
purple_debug_error("gg", "Error converting from %s to %s: %s\n",
encsrc, encdst, err->message);
/* Just in case? */
if (msg == NULL)
msg = g_strdup(locstr);
return msg;
/* }}} */
/* ggp_get_uin(PurpleAccount *account) {{{ */
uin_t ggp_get_uin(PurpleAccount *account)
return ggp_str_to_uin(purple_account_get_username(account));
/* }}} */
/* char *ggp_buddy_get_name(PurpleConnection *gc, const uin_t uin) {{{ */
char *ggp_buddy_get_name(PurpleConnection *gc, const uin_t uin)
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
gchar *str_uin;
str_uin = g_strdup_printf("%lu", (unsigned long int)uin);
buddy = purple_find_buddy(purple_connection_get_account(gc), str_uin);
if (buddy != NULL) {
return g_strdup(purple_buddy_get_alias(buddy));
} else {
return str_uin;
/* }}} */
void ggp_status_fake_to_self(PurpleAccount *account)
PurplePresence *presence;
PurpleStatus *status;
const char *status_id;
const char *msg;
if (! purple_find_buddy(account, purple_account_get_username(account)))
presence = purple_account_get_presence(account);
status = purple_presence_get_active_status(presence);
msg = purple_status_get_attr_string(status, "message");
if (msg && !*msg)
msg = NULL;
status_id = purple_status_get_id(status);
if (purple_strequal(status_id, "invisible")) {
status_id = "offline";
if (msg) {
if (strlen(msg) > GG_STATUS_DESCR_MAXSIZE) {
msg = purple_markup_slice(msg, 0, GG_STATUS_DESCR_MAXSIZE);
purple_prpl_got_user_status(account, purple_account_get_username(account),
msg ? "message" : NULL, msg, NULL);
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=0 sw=8 noet: */