
Bring back the URL escaping code, but use a better character whitelist.

I realized we can still percent-encode some characters to guard against
URLs containing $(xterm) causing xterm to start on horrendously broken
systems. We just need to be better about what characters we escape. So
I brought back Tomasz's code, added a few characters to the allowed list,
and we now use the escaped URI when starting ALL browsers. Works fine for me.
/** @page core-signals Core Signals
@signal quitting
@signal uri-handler
@see core.h
@signaldef quitting
void (*quitting)();
Emitted when libpurple is quitting.
@signaldef uri-handler
gboolean (*uri_handler)(const gchar *proto, const gchar *cmd, GHashTable *params);
Emitted when handling a registered URI.
@param proto The protocol of the URI.
@param cmd The 'command' of the URI.
@param params Any key/value parameters from the URI.
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