
Move minidialog stuff from utils to its source file

2021-07-22, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Move minidialog stuff from utils to its source file

* Remove minidialog list from utils.
It's supposed to be used to delete them when the connection is dropped, but this list is never added to. And the dialogs are automatically closed when the account disconnects in some other way that I could not find.
Consequently, drop the unused `gc` from `pidgin_make_mini_dialog*`.
* Replace `PidginUtilMiniDialogCallback` by `PidginMiniDialogCallback`.
It is just a wrapper around the latter, with different argument order.
* Move minidialog wrappers from utils to `minidialog.c`. And fix naming/arguments to match the existing functions.

Testing Done:
Compiled, connected an account that had buddy requests, but didn't act on them.

Reviewed at
* purple
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
#include <gplugin.h>
#include <gplugin-native.h>
#include <purple.h>
#define JOINPART_PLUGIN_ID "core-rlaager-joinpart"
/* Preferences */
/* The number of minutes before a person is considered
* to have stopped being part of active conversation. */
#define DELAY_PREF "/plugins/core/joinpart/delay"
#define DELAY_DEFAULT 10
/* The number of people that must be in a room for this
* plugin to have any effect */
#define THRESHOLD_PREF "/plugins/core/joinpart/threshold"
/* Hide buddies */
#define HIDE_BUDDIES_PREF "/plugins/core/joinpart/hide_buddies"
struct joinpart_key
PurpleConversation *conv;
char *user;
static guint joinpart_key_hash(const struct joinpart_key *key)
g_return_val_if_fail(key != NULL, 0);
return g_direct_hash(key->conv) + g_str_hash(key->user);
static gboolean joinpart_key_equal(const struct joinpart_key *a, const struct joinpart_key *b)
if (a == NULL)
return (b == NULL);
else if (b == NULL)
return FALSE;
return (a->conv == b->conv) && purple_strequal(a->user, b->user);
static void joinpart_key_destroy(struct joinpart_key *key)
g_return_if_fail(key != NULL);
static gboolean should_hide_notice(PurpleConversation *conv, const char *name,
GHashTable *users)
PurpleChatConversation *chat;
guint threshold;
struct joinpart_key key;
time_t *last_said;
g_return_val_if_fail(conv != NULL, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail(PURPLE_IS_CHAT_CONVERSATION(conv), FALSE);
/* If the room is small, don't bother. */
threshold = purple_prefs_get_int(THRESHOLD_PREF);
if (purple_chat_conversation_get_users_count(chat) < threshold)
return FALSE;
if (!purple_prefs_get_bool(HIDE_BUDDIES_PREF) &&
purple_blist_find_buddy(purple_conversation_get_account(conv), name))
return FALSE;
/* Only show the notice if the user has spoken recently. */
key.conv = conv;
key.user = (gchar *)name;
last_said = g_hash_table_lookup(users, &key);
if (last_said != NULL)
int delay = purple_prefs_get_int(DELAY_PREF);
if (delay > 0 && (*last_said + (delay * 60)) >= time(NULL))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static gboolean chat_user_leaving_cb(PurpleConversation *conv, const char *name,
const char *reason, GHashTable *users)
return should_hide_notice(conv, name, users);
static gboolean chat_user_joining_cb(PurpleConversation *conv, const char *name,
PurpleChatUserFlags flags,
GHashTable *users)
return should_hide_notice(conv, name, users);
static void received_chat_msg_cb(PurpleAccount *account, char *sender,
char *message, PurpleConversation *conv,
PurpleMessageFlags flags, GHashTable *users)
struct joinpart_key key;
time_t *last_said;
/* Most of the time, we'll already have tracked the user,
* so we avoid memory allocation here. */
key.conv = conv;
key.user = sender;
last_said = g_hash_table_lookup(users, &key);
if (last_said != NULL)
/* They just said something, so update the time. */
struct joinpart_key *key2;
key2 = g_new(struct joinpart_key, 1);
key2->conv = conv;
key2->user = g_strdup(sender);
last_said = g_new(time_t, 1);
g_hash_table_insert(users, key2, last_said);
static gboolean check_expire_time(struct joinpart_key *key,
time_t *last_said, time_t *limit)
purple_debug_info("joinpart", "Removing key for %s\n", key->user);
return (*last_said < *limit);
static gboolean clean_users_hash(GHashTable *users)
int delay = purple_prefs_get_int(DELAY_PREF);
time_t limit = time(NULL) - (60 * delay);
g_hash_table_foreach_remove(users, (GHRFunc)check_expire_time, &limit);
return TRUE;
static PurplePluginPrefFrame *
get_plugin_pref_frame(PurplePlugin *plugin)
PurplePluginPrefFrame *frame;
PurplePluginPref *ppref;
g_return_val_if_fail(plugin != NULL, FALSE);
frame = purple_plugin_pref_frame_new();
ppref = purple_plugin_pref_new_with_label(_("Hide Joins/Parts"));
purple_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);
ppref = purple_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label(THRESHOLD_PREF,
/* Translators: Followed by an input request a number of people */
_("For rooms with more than this many people"));
purple_plugin_pref_set_bounds(ppref, 0, 1000);
purple_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);
ppref = purple_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label(DELAY_PREF,
_("If user has not spoken in this many minutes"));
purple_plugin_pref_set_bounds(ppref, 0, 8 * 60); /* 8 Hours */
purple_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);
ppref = purple_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label(HIDE_BUDDIES_PREF,
_("Apply hiding rules to buddies"));
purple_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);
return frame;
static GPluginPluginInfo *
join_part_query(GError **error)
const gchar * const authors[] = {
"Richard Laager <>",
return purple_plugin_info_new(
"name", N_("Join/Part Hiding"),
"category", N_("User interface"),
"summary", N_("Hides extraneous join/part messages."),
"description", N_("This plugin hides join/part messages in "
"large rooms, except for those users actively "
"taking part in a conversation."),
"authors", authors,
"website", PURPLE_WEBSITE,
"abi-version", PURPLE_ABI_VERSION,
"pref-frame-cb", get_plugin_pref_frame,
static gboolean
join_part_load(GPluginPlugin *plugin, GError **error)
void *conv_handle;
GHashTable *users;
guint id;
purple_prefs_add_int(DELAY_PREF, DELAY_DEFAULT);
users = g_hash_table_new_full((GHashFunc)joinpart_key_hash,
conv_handle = purple_conversations_get_handle();
purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "chat-user-joining", plugin,
PURPLE_CALLBACK(chat_user_joining_cb), users);
purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "chat-user-leaving", plugin,
PURPLE_CALLBACK(chat_user_leaving_cb), users);
purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "received-chat-msg", plugin,
PURPLE_CALLBACK(received_chat_msg_cb), users);
/* Cleanup every 5 minutes */
id = g_timeout_add_seconds(60 * 5, (GSourceFunc)clean_users_hash, users);
g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(plugin), "users", users);
g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(plugin), "id", GUINT_TO_POINTER(id));
return TRUE;
static gboolean
join_part_unload(GPluginPlugin *plugin, GError **error)
/* Destroy the hash table. The core plugin code will
* disconnect the signals, and since Purple is single-threaded,
* we don't have to worry one will be called after this. */
g_hash_table_destroy((GHashTable *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(plugin), "users"));
g_source_remove(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(plugin), "id")));
return TRUE;