
Re-write remove_prefs to not use recursion.

2019-11-05, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Re-write remove_prefs to not use recursion.

This also fixes the possible use-after-free that scan-build seems to
think is there.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA.
#include <string.h>
#include "internal.h"
#include <purple.h>
#include "mdns_common.h"
#include "mdns_interface.h"
#include "bonjour.h"
#include "buddy.h"
* Allocate space for the dns-sd data.
BonjourDnsSd * bonjour_dns_sd_new() {
BonjourDnsSd *data = g_new0(BonjourDnsSd, 1);
return data;
* Deallocate the space of the dns-sd data.
void bonjour_dns_sd_free(BonjourDnsSd *data) {
/* Make sure that the value isn't longer than it is supposed to be */
static const char*
get_max_txt_record_value(const char *key, const char *value)
/* "each constituent string of a DNS TXT record is limited to 255 bytes"
* This includes the key and the '='
static char buffer[MAX_TXT_CONSTITUENT_LEN + 1];
gchar *end_valid = NULL;
int len = MIN(strlen(value), MAX_TXT_CONSTITUENT_LEN - (strlen(key) + 2));
strncpy(buffer, value, len);
buffer[len] = '\0';
/* If we've cut part of a utf-8 character, kill it */
if (!g_utf8_validate(buffer, -1, (const gchar **)&end_valid))
*end_valid = '\0';
return buffer;
static inline GSList *
_add_txt_record(GSList *list, const gchar *key, const gchar *value)
PurpleKeyValuePair *kvp = g_new0(PurpleKeyValuePair, 1);
kvp->key = g_strdup(key);
kvp->value = g_strdup(get_max_txt_record_value(key, value));
return g_slist_prepend(list, kvp);
static GSList *generate_presence_txt_records(BonjourDnsSd *data) {
GSList *ret = NULL;
char portstring[6];
const char *jid, *aim, *email;
/* Convert the port to a string */
g_snprintf(portstring, sizeof(portstring), "%d", data->port_p2pj);
jid = purple_account_get_string(data->account, "jid", NULL);
aim = purple_account_get_string(data->account, "AIM", NULL);
email = purple_account_get_string(data->account, "email", NULL);
/* We should try to follow XEP-0174, but some clients have "issues", so we humor them.
* See
/* Large TXT records are problematic.
* While it is technically possible for this to exceed a standard 512-byte
* DNS message, it shouldn't happen unless we get wacky data entered for
* some of the freeform fields. It is even less likely to exceed the
* recommended maximum of 1300 bytes.
/* Needed by iChat */
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "txtvers", "1");
/* Needed by Gaim/Pidgin <= 2.0.1 (remove at some point) */
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "1st", data->first);
/* Needed by Gaim/Pidgin <= 2.0.1 (remove at some point) */
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "last", data->last);
/* Needed by Adium */
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "port.p2pj", portstring);
/* Needed by iChat, Gaim/Pidgin <= 2.0.1 */
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "status", data->status);
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "node", "libpurple");
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "ver", VERSION);
/* Currently always set to "!" since we don't support AV and wont ever be in a conference */
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "vc", data->vc);
if (email != NULL && *email != '\0') {
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "email", email);
if (jid != NULL && *jid != '\0') {
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "jid", jid);
/* Nonstandard, but used by iChat */
if (aim != NULL && *aim != '\0') {
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "AIM", aim);
if (data->msg != NULL && *data->msg != '\0') {
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "msg", data->msg);
if (data->phsh != NULL && *data->phsh != '\0') {
ret = _add_txt_record(ret, "phsh", data->phsh);
/* TODO: ext, nick */
return ret;
static gboolean publish_presence(BonjourDnsSd *data, PublishType type) {
GSList *txt_records;
gboolean ret;
txt_records = generate_presence_txt_records(data);
ret = _mdns_publish(data, type, txt_records);
g_slist_free_full(txt_records, (GDestroyNotify)purple_key_value_pair_free);
return ret;
* Send a new dns-sd packet updating our status.
void bonjour_dns_sd_send_status(BonjourDnsSd *data, const char *status, const char *status_message) {
data->status = g_strdup(status);
data->msg = g_strdup(status_message);
/* Update our text record with the new status */
publish_presence(data, PUBLISH_UPDATE);
* Retrieve the buddy icon blob
void bonjour_dns_sd_retrieve_buddy_icon(BonjourBuddy* buddy) {
void bonjour_dns_sd_update_buddy_icon(BonjourDnsSd *data) {
PurpleImage *img;
if ((img = purple_buddy_icons_find_account_icon(data->account))) {
gconstpointer avatar_data;
gsize avatar_len;
avatar_data = purple_image_get_data(img);
avatar_len = purple_image_get_data_size(img);
if (_mdns_set_buddy_icon_data(data, avatar_data, avatar_len)) {
data->phsh = NULL;
data->phsh = g_compute_checksum_for_data(
G_CHECKSUM_SHA1, avatar_data, avatar_len);
/* Update our TXT record */
publish_presence(data, PUBLISH_UPDATE);
} else {
/* We need to do this regardless of whether data->phsh is set so that we
* cancel any icons that are currently in the process of being set */
_mdns_set_buddy_icon_data(data, NULL, 0);
if (data->phsh != NULL) {
/* Clear the buddy icon */
data->phsh = NULL;
/* Update our TXT record */
publish_presence(data, PUBLISH_UPDATE);
* Advertise our presence within the dns-sd daemon and start browsing
* for other bonjour peers.
gboolean bonjour_dns_sd_start(BonjourDnsSd *data) {
/* Initialize the dns-sd data and session */
if (!_mdns_init_session(data))
return FALSE;
/* Publish our bonjour IM client at the mDNS daemon */
if (!publish_presence(data, PUBLISH_START))
return FALSE;
/* Advise the daemon that we are waiting for connections */
if (!_mdns_browse(data)) {
purple_debug_error("bonjour", "Unable to get service.\n");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Unregister the "_presence._tcp" service at the mDNS daemon.
void bonjour_dns_sd_stop(BonjourDnsSd *data) {
bonjour_dns_sd_set_jid(PurpleAccount *account, const char *hostname)
PurpleConnection *conn = purple_account_get_connection(account);
BonjourData *bd = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(conn);
const char *tmp, *account_name = purple_account_get_username(account);
/* Previously we allowed the hostname part of the jid to be set
* explicitly when it should always be the current hostname.
* That is what this is intended to deal with.
if ((tmp = strchr(account_name, '@'))
&& strstr(tmp, hostname) == (tmp + 1)
&& *((tmp + 1) + strlen(hostname)) == '\0')
bd->jid = g_strdup(account_name);
else {
const char *tmp2;
GString *str = g_string_new("");
/* Escape an '@' in the account name */
tmp = account_name;
while ((tmp2 = strchr(tmp, '@')) != NULL) {
g_string_append_len(str, tmp, tmp2 - tmp);
g_string_append(str, "\\40");
tmp = tmp2 + 1;
g_string_append(str, tmp);
g_string_append_c(str, '@');
g_string_append(str, hostname);
bd->jid = g_string_free(str, FALSE);