
Remove the oscar protocol
2021-04-08, Gary Kramlich
Remove the oscar protocol

ICQ moved to a new protocol in 2017 and AIM was shutdown in 2017 as well.
Therefore, this code has been doing absolutely nothing for us.

Testing Done:
Compiled and ran on linux, need to test windows yet.

Reviewed at
#ifndef __CC_NETWORK_H__
#define __CC_NETWORK_H__
#include "account.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "crazychat.h"
/* --- begin constant definition --- */
#define DEFAULT_CC_PORT 6543
/* --- begin function declarations --- */
* Creates a new CrazyChat session if one doesn't exist and sends the invite.
* @param cc global crazychat data structure
* @param name the peer name
* @param account the purple account
void cc_net_send_invite(struct crazychat *cc, char *name, PurpleAccount *account);
* Pops up the CrazyChat invitation accept window if a CrazyChat session does
* not exist yet for this peer.
* @param account purple account
* @param cc global crazychat data structure
* @param name the peer name
* @param peer_ip the peer's ip address
* @param peer_port the peer's tcp port
void cc_net_recv_invite(PurpleAccount *account, struct crazychat *cc, char *name,
const char *peer_ip, const char *peer_port);
* Accepts the CrazyChat invitation and sends the response.
* @param session the CrazyChat session
void cc_net_send_accept(struct cc_session *session);
* Receives a CrazyChat accept message, and if appropriate, creates a server
* socket and sends the ready message.
* @param account the purple account which received the message
* @param cc global crazychat data structure
* @param name the peer name
* @param peer_ip the peer's ip address
void cc_net_recv_accept(PurpleAccount *account, struct crazychat *cc, char *name,
const char *peer_ip);
* Receives a CrazyChat ready message, and if appropriate, connects to peer
* @param account the purple account which received the message
* @param cc global crazychat data structure
* @param name the peer name
void cc_net_recv_ready(PurpleAccount *account, struct crazychat *cc, char *name);