
Add support for osslsigncode and newer versions of nsis
2021-03-30, Gary Kramlich
Add support for osslsigncode and newer versions of nsis

Testing Done:
Built locally on windows with `make -f Makefile.mingw installers`

Ran the installer in Russian to verify that that issue was fixed as well.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17325, PIDGIN-17402

Reviewed at
/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System.
* It contains source for the ZSetServerState function.
* Created by: Robert French
* Copyright (c) 1987 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* For copying and distribution information, see the file
* "mit-copyright.h".
#include "internal.h"
Code_t ZSetServerState(state)
int state;
__Zephyr_server = state;
return (ZERR_NONE);