
Share mdns_win32 for both Windows and Mac OS X.
2016-03-15, Patrick Cloke
Share mdns_win32 for both Windows and Mac OS X.
/** @page jabber-signals Jabber Signals
@signal jabber-receiving-iq
@signal jabber-receiving-message
@signal jabber-receiving-presence
@signal jabber-watched-iq
@signal jabber-register-namespace-watcher
@signal jabber-unregister-namespace-watcher
@signal jabber-sending-xmlnode
@signal jabber-receiving-xmlnode
@signaldef jabber-receiving-iq
gboolean (*iq_received)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type, const char *id,
const char *from, xmlnode *iq);
Emitted when an XMPP IQ stanza is received. Allows a plugin to process IQ
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The IQ type ('get', 'set', 'result', or 'error')
@param id The ID attribute from the stanza. MUST NOT be NULL.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param iq The full stanza received.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-receiving-message
gboolean (*message_received)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type,
const char *id, const char *from, const char *to,
xmlnode *message);
Emitted when an XMPP message stanza is received. Allows a plugin to
process message stanzas.
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The message type (see rfc3921 or rfc3921bis)
@param id The ID attribute from the stanza. MAY BE NULL.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param to The destination of the stanza. This is probably either the
full JID of the receiver or the receiver's bare JID.
@param message The full stanza received.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-receiving-presence
gboolean (*presence_received)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type,
const char *from, xmlnode *presence);
Emitted when an XMPP presence stanza is received. Allows a plugin to process
presence stanzas.
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The presence type (see rfc3921 or rfc3921bis). NULL indicates
this is an "available" (i.e. online) presence.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param presence The full stanza received.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-watched-iq
gboolean (*watched_iq)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type, const char *id,
const char *from, xmlnode *child);
Emitted when an IQ with a watched (child, namespace) pair is received. See
jabber-register-namespace-watcher and jabber-unregister-namespace-watcher.
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The IQ type ('get', 'set', 'result', or 'error')
@param id The ID attribute from the stanza. MUST NOT be NULL.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param child The child node with namespace.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-register-namespace-watcher
void (register_namespace_watcher)(const char *node, const char *namespace);
Emit this signal to register your desire to have specific IQ stanzas to be
emitted via the jabber-watched-iq signal when received.
@param node The IQ child name to longer watch.
@param namespace The IQ child namespace to longer watch.
@signaldef jabber-unregister-namespace-watcher
void (unregister_namespace_watcher)(const char *node, const char *namespace);
Emit this signal to unregister your desire to have specific IQ stanzas to be
emitted via the jabber-watched-iq signal when received.
@param node The IQ child name to no longer watch.
@param namespace The IQ child namespace to no longer watch.
@signaldef jabber-sending-xmlnode
void (sending_xmlnode)(PurpleConnection *gc, xmlnode **stanza);
Emit this signal (@c purple_signal_emit) to send a stanza. It is preferred
to use this instead of prpl_info->send_raw.
@param gc The connection on which to send the stanza.
@param stanza The stanza to send. If stanza is not NULL after being sent,
the emitter should free it.
@signaldef jabber-receiving-xmlnode
void (receiving_xmlnode)(PurpleConnection *gc, xmlnode **stanza);
Emitted when an XMPP stanza is received. Allows a plugin to process any
@param gc The connection on which the stanza was received.
@param stanza The received stanza. Set stanza to NULL (and free it) to
stop processing the stanza.
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