
Fix debug window on GTK4, plus other issues.
21 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Fix debug window on GTK4, plus other issues.

* There's no need to go through the request API to make the save button work, so do it with a native file chooser.
* There's an `error` CSS class, so use that instead of our custom one. "working" is the default state, so drop the `good-filter` CSS class.
* Setting the search entry widget text from the preference seems to cause an infinite loop, and I don't know why the pref would change without the widget doing so, so drop that.
* Move delete stuff into `finalize` vfunc.
* Moved filter options menu to the 'filter' button, as `GtkSearchEntry` does not expose the icon as in GTK3.

Testing Done:
Opened debug window, set various debug levels, clicked save button and saved log somewhere, entered some text in filter and toggled enable button, right-clicked enable and toggled the Invert and Highlight options.

Reviewed at
syntax: glob
syntax: regexp