
Use GPtrArray internally to PurpleRequest{Group,Page}

15 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Use GPtrArray internally to PurpleRequest{Group,Page}

Now that we don't export a `GList`, we can use these arrays internally.

Testing Done:
Opened Request Fields from Demo protocol, and confirmed all groups/fields were there.

Reviewed at
Title: Connection Signals
Slug: connection-signals
## Connection Signals
### Signal List
* [online](#online)
* [offline](#offline)
* [signing-on](#signing-on)
* [signed-on](#signed-on)
* [autojoin](#autojoin)
* [signing-off](#signing-off)
* [signed-off](#signed-off)
* [connection-error](#connection-error)
### Signal Details
#### online
void user_function(gpointer user_data);
Emitted when the first connection has connected when all connections were
previously not connected.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### offline
void user_function(gpointer user_data);
Emitted when the last connected connection has disconnected.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### signing-on
void user_function(PurpleConnection *gc, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a connection is about to sign on.
: The connection that is about to sign on.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### signed-on
void user_function(PurpleConnection *gc, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a connection has signed on.
: The connection that has signed on.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### autojoin
gboolean user_function(PurpleConnection *gc, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a connection has signed on, after the signed-on signal, to signal
UIs to autojoin chats if they wish. UIs should connect to this with
`PURPLE_SIGNAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST` to allow plugins to block this signal before
the UI sees it and then re-emit it later.
: The connection that has signed on.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
`TRUE` if the signal was handled or `FALSE` otherwise. In practice, the return
value is irrelevant, as it really only exists so plugins can block the UI's
#### signing-off
void user_function(PurpleConnection *gc, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a connection is about to sign off.
: The connection that is about to sign off.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### signed-off
void user_function(PurpleConnection *gc, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a connection has signed off.
: The connection that has signed off.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### connection-error
void user_function(PurpleConnection *gc,
PurpleConnectionError err,
const gchar *desc,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a connection error occurs, before `"signed"`-off.
: The connection on which the error has occurred.
: The error that occurred.
: A description of the error, giving more information.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.