
Use the leaky bucket algorithm to rate limit irc messages.
2022-04-23, Gary Kramlich
Use the leaky bucket algorithm to rate limit irc messages.

The default values were suggested by an operator of libera.

We don't rate limit the login process, nor parts and quits. However, if you
paste a bunch of text and then part a channel, you will be spammed with a
bunch of "no such nick/channel" error dialogs. I tried to work around this,
but the alternative just makes irc unresponsive until all the pasted messages
are sent. That said, other messages are still delayed while these errors
dialogs are slowly popping up.

Testing Done:

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-11089

Reviewed at
#include <string.h>
#include "tests.h"
#include "../xmlnode.h"
* If we really wanted to test the billion laughs attack we would
* need to have more than just 4 ha's. But as long as this shorter
* document fails to parse, the longer one should also fail to parse.
const char *malicious_xml_doc = "<!DOCTYPE root [ <!ENTITY ha \"Ha !\"><!ENTITY ha2 \"&ha; &ha;\"><!ENTITY ha3 \"&ha2; &ha2;\"> ]><root>&ha3;</root>";
/* Uncomment this line if you want to see the error message given by
the parser for the above XML document */
/* purple_debug_set_enabled(TRUE); */
fail_if(xmlnode_from_str(malicious_xml_doc, -1),
"xmlnode_from_str() returned an XML tree, but we didn't want it to");
Suite *
Suite *s = suite_create("Utility Functions");
TCase *tc = tcase_create("xmlnode");
tcase_add_test(tc, test_xmlnode_billion_laughs_attack);
suite_add_tcase(s, tc);
return s;