
Updated translations from Transifex.
2014-02-02, Mark Doliner
Updated translations from Transifex.

Mostly looks like this just removes fuzzies.

Also, I didn't pull in all translations this time around because
it seems like it mostly just removes fuzzies, and I was thinking
it might be useful for them to be there? I don't know. We didn't
seem to gain anything from it so I figured I'd leave them in for
now and translators can have more time to fix. It probably doesn't
/** @page ui-ops UiOps structures
When implementing a UI for libpurple, you need to fill in various UiOps
- #PurpleAccountUiOps
- #PurpleBlistUiOps
- #PurpleConnectionUiOps
- #PurpleConversationUiOps
- #PurpleCoreUiOps
- #PurpleDebugUiOps
- #PurpleDnsQueryUiOps
- #PurpleEventLoopUiOps (without this, nothing will work and you will cry)
- #PurpleIdleUiOps
- #PurpleNotifyUiOps
- #PurplePrivacyUiOps
- #PurpleRequestUiOps
- #PurpleRoomlistUiOps
- #PurpleSoundUiOps
- #PurpleWhiteboardUiOps
- #PurpleXferUiOps
// vim: ft=c.doxygen