
Add a person property to PurpleContact

20 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Add a person property to PurpleContact

Testing Done:
Ran the unit tests.

Reviewed at
joinpart = library('joinpart', 'joinpart.c',
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="PurplePlugin-JoinPart"'],
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
settings_schemas = [
install_data(settings_schemas, install_dir: schemas_dir)
gnome.post_install(glib_compile_schemas: true)
# Compile the schemas in the current directory; this is only useful for testing
gnome.compile_schemas(depend_files: files(settings_schemas))
devenv.append('PURPLE_PLUGIN_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())