
Add a person property to PurpleContact

20 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Add a person property to PurpleContact

Testing Done:
Ran the unit tests.

Reviewed at
Title: Notify Signals
Slug: notify-signals
## Notify Signals
### Signal List
* [displaying-userinfo](#displaying-userinfo)
* [displaying-email-notification](#displaying-email-notification)
* [displaying-emails-notification](#displaying-emails-notification)
### Signal Details
#### displaying-userinfo
void user_function(PurpleAccount *account,
const gchar *who,
PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted before userinfo is handed to the UI to display. `user_info` can be manipulated via the PurpleNotifyUserInfo API in notify.c.
> If adding a PurpleNotifyUserInfoEntry, be sure not to free it --
> PurpleNotifyUserInfo assumes responsibility for its objects.
: The account on which the info was obtained.
: The name of the buddy whose info is to be displayed.
: The information to be displayed, as PurpleNotifyUserInfoEntry objects.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### displaying-email-notification
void user_function(const gchar *subject,
const gchar *from,
const gchar *to,
const gchar *url,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted before notification of a single email is handed to the UI to display.
: Subject of email being notified of.
: Who the email is from.
: Who the email is to.
: A url to view the email.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### displaying-emails-notification
void user_function(const gchar **subjects,
const gchar **froms,
const gchar **tos,
const gchar **urls,
guint count,
gpointer user_data)
Emitted before notification of multiple emails is handed to the UI to display.
: Subjects of emails being notified of.
: Who the emails are from.
: Who the emails are to.
: The urls to view the emails.
: Number of emails being notified of.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.