
HTTP: fix use-after-free. Fixes #15905

2014-02-01, Tomasz Wasilczyk
HTTP: fix use-after-free. Fixes #15905
* @file xmlnode.h XML DOM functions
* @ingroup core
/* purple
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#define PURPLE_TYPE_XMLNODE (purple_xmlnode_get_type())
* The valid types for an PurpleXmlNode
typedef enum
PURPLE_XMLNODE_TYPE_TAG, /**< Just a tag */
PURPLE_XMLNODE_TYPE_ATTRIB, /**< Has attributes */
} PurpleXmlNodeType;
* An PurpleXmlNode.
typedef struct _PurpleXmlNode PurpleXmlNode;
struct _PurpleXmlNode
char *name; /**< The name of the node. */
char *xmlns; /**< The namespace of the node */
PurpleXmlNodeType type; /**< The type of the node. */
char *data; /**< The data for the node. */
size_t data_sz; /**< The size of the data. */
PurpleXmlNode *parent; /**< The parent node or @c NULL.*/
PurpleXmlNode *child; /**< The child node or @c NULL.*/
PurpleXmlNode *lastchild; /**< The last child node or @c NULL.*/
PurpleXmlNode *next; /**< The next node or @c NULL. */
char *prefix; /**< The namespace prefix if any. */
GHashTable *namespace_map; /**< The namespace map. */
* Returns the GType for the PurpleXmlNode boxed structure.
GType purple_xmlnode_get_type(void);
* Creates a new PurpleXmlNode.
* @param name The name of the node.
* @return The new node.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_new(const char *name);
* Creates a new PurpleXmlNode child.
* @param parent The parent node.
* @param name The name of the child node.
* @return The new child node.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_new_child(PurpleXmlNode *parent, const char *name);
* Inserts a node into a node as a child.
* @param parent The parent node to insert child into.
* @param child The child node to insert into parent.
void purple_xmlnode_insert_child(PurpleXmlNode *parent, PurpleXmlNode *child);
* Gets a child node named name.
* @param parent The parent node.
* @param name The child's name.
* @return The child or NULL.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_get_child(const PurpleXmlNode *parent, const char *name);
* Gets a child node named name in a namespace.
* @param parent The parent node.
* @param name The child's name.
* @param xmlns The namespace.
* @return The child or NULL.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_get_child_with_namespace(const PurpleXmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *xmlns);
* Gets the next node with the same name as node.
* @param node The node of a twin to find.
* @return The twin of node or NULL.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_get_next_twin(PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Inserts data into a node.
* @param node The node to insert data into.
* @param data The data to insert.
* @param size The size of the data to insert. If data is
* null-terminated you can pass in -1.
void purple_xmlnode_insert_data(PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *data, gssize size);
* Gets (escaped) data from a node.
* @param node The node to get data from.
* @return The data from the node or NULL. This data is in raw escaped format.
* You must g_free this string when finished using it.
char *purple_xmlnode_get_data(const PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Gets unescaped data from a node.
* @param node The node to get data from.
* @return The data from the node, in unescaped form. You must g_free
* this string when finished using it.
char *purple_xmlnode_get_data_unescaped(const PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Sets an attribute for a node.
* @param node The node to set an attribute for.
* @param attr The name of the attribute.
* @param value The value of the attribute.
void purple_xmlnode_set_attrib(PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *attr, const char *value);
* Sets a namespaced attribute for a node
* @param node The node to set an attribute for.
* @param attr The name of the attribute to set
* @param xmlns The namespace of the attribute to set
* @param prefix The prefix of the attribute to set
* @param value The value of the attribute
void purple_xmlnode_set_attrib_full(PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *attr, const char *xmlns,
const char *prefix, const char *value);
* Gets an attribute from a node.
* @param node The node to get an attribute from.
* @param attr The attribute to get.
* @return The value of the attribute.
const char *purple_xmlnode_get_attrib(const PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *attr);
* Gets a namespaced attribute from a node
* @param node The node to get an attribute from.
* @param attr The attribute to get
* @param xmlns The namespace of the attribute to get
* @return The value of the attribute/
const char *purple_xmlnode_get_attrib_with_namespace(const PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *attr, const char *xmlns);
* Removes an attribute from a node.
* @param node The node to remove an attribute from.
* @param attr The attribute to remove.
void purple_xmlnode_remove_attrib(PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *attr);
* Removes a namespaced attribute from a node
* @param node The node to remove an attribute from
* @param attr The attribute to remove
* @param xmlns The namespace of the attribute to remove
void purple_xmlnode_remove_attrib_with_namespace(PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *attr, const char *xmlns);
* Sets the namespace of a node
* @param node The node to qualify
* @param xmlns The namespace of the node
void purple_xmlnode_set_namespace(PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *xmlns);
* Returns the namespace of a node
* @param node The node to get the namepsace from
* @return The namespace of this node
const char *purple_xmlnode_get_namespace(const PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Returns the current default namespace. The default
* namespace is the current namespace which applies to child
* elements which are unprefixed and which do not contain their
* own namespace.
* For example, given:
* \verbatim
* <iq type='get' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:ns1=''>
* <ns1:element><child1/></ns1:element>
* </iq>
* \endverbatim
* The default namespace of all nodes (including 'child1') is "jabber:client",
* though the namespace for 'element' is "".
* @param node The node for which to return the default namespace
* @return The default namespace of this node
const char *purple_xmlnode_get_default_namespace(const PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Returns the defined namespace for a prefix.
* @param node The node from which to start the search.
* @param prefix The prefix for which to return the associated namespace.
* @return The namespace for this prefix.
const char *purple_xmlnode_get_prefix_namespace(const PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *prefix);
* Sets the prefix of a node
* @param node The node to qualify
* @param prefix The prefix of the node
void purple_xmlnode_set_prefix(PurpleXmlNode *node, const char *prefix);
* Returns the prefix of a node
* @param node The node to get the prefix from
* @return The prefix of this node
const char *purple_xmlnode_get_prefix(const PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Remove all element prefixes from an PurpleXmlNode tree. The prefix's
* namespace is transformed into the default namespace for an element.
* Note that this will not necessarily remove all prefixes in use
* (prefixed attributes may still exist), and that this usage may
* break some applications (SOAP / XPath apparently often rely on
* the prefixes having the same name.
* @param node The node from which to strip prefixes
void purple_xmlnode_strip_prefixes(PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Gets the parent node.
* @param child The child node.
* @return The parent or NULL.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_get_parent(const PurpleXmlNode *child);
* Returns the node in a string of xml.
* @param node The starting node to output.
* @param len Address for the size of the string.
* @return The node represented as a string. You must
* g_free this string when finished using it.
char *purple_xmlnode_to_str(const PurpleXmlNode *node, int *len);
* Returns the node in a string of human readable xml.
* @param node The starting node to output.
* @param len Address for the size of the string.
* @return The node as human readable string including
* tab and new line characters. You must
* g_free this string when finished using it.
char *purple_xmlnode_to_formatted_str(const PurpleXmlNode *node, int *len);
* Creates a node from a string of XML. Calling this on the
* root node of an XML document will parse the entire document
* into a tree of nodes, and return the PurpleXmlNode of the root.
* @param str The string of xml.
* @param size The size of the string, or -1 if @a str is
* NUL-terminated.
* @return The new node.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_from_str(const char *str, gssize size);
* Creates a new node from the source node.
* @param src The node to copy.
* @return A new copy of the src node.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_copy(const PurpleXmlNode *src);
* Frees a node and all of its children.
* @param node The node to free.
void purple_xmlnode_free(PurpleXmlNode *node);
* Creates a node from a XML File. Calling this on the
* root node of an XML document will parse the entire document
* into a tree of nodes, and return the PurpleXmlNode of the root.
* @param dir The directory where the file is located
* @param filename The filename
* @param description A description of the file being parsed. Displayed to
* the user if the file cannot be read.
* @param process The subsystem that is calling purple_xmlnode_from_file. Used as
* the category for debugging.
* @return The new node or NULL if an error occurred.
PurpleXmlNode *purple_xmlnode_from_file(const char *dir, const char *filename,
const char *description, const char *process);
#endif /* _PURPLE_XMLNODE_H_ */