
msn: Workaround servers sending nearly-empty Allow list.
2014-11-18, Elliott Sales de Andrade
msn: Workaround servers sending nearly-empty Allow list.

If buddy is on neither Allow nor Block list, then add to Allow list.
At some point, we should figure out if the NetworkInfo really is used
for this sort of thing.
/** @page ui-ops UiOps structures
When implementing a UI for libpurple, you need to fill in various UiOps
- #PurpleAccountUiOps
- #PurpleBlistUiOps
- #PurpleConnectionUiOps
- #PurpleConversationUiOps
- #PurpleCoreUiOps
- #PurpleDebugUiOps
- #PurpleDnsQueryUiOps
- #PurpleEventLoopUiOps (without this, nothing will work and you will cry)
- #PurpleIdleUiOps
- #PurpleNotifyUiOps
- #PurplePrivacyUiOps
- #PurpleRequestUiOps
- #PurpleRoomlistUiOps
- #PurpleSoundUiOps
- #PurpleWhiteboardUiOps
- #PurpleXferUiOps
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