
Fix a bug where autoconf 2.71 complains about AC_PROG_INTLTOOL not being used.

Testing Done:
Tested in a fedora rawhide container with the autoconf 2.71 copr installed.
Also tested in debian buster with autoconf 2.71 installed from experimental.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17509

Reviewed at
/** @page cipher-signals Cipher Signals
@signal cipher-added
@signal cipher-removed
@see cipher.h
@signaldef cipher-added
void (*cipher_added)(PurpleCipher *cipher);
Emitted when a cipher is added.
@param cipher The cipher that was added.
@signaldef cipher-removed
void (*cipher_removed)(PurpleCipher *cipher);
Emitted when a cipher is removed.
@param cipher The cipher that was removed.
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