
Add fuzzing support for some libpurple features
2021-06-24, Jordy Zomer <>
Add fuzzing support for some libpurple features

Testing Done:

I built and tested all of these fuzzers for libpurple.

You can build them by first building pidgin/libpurple with `--enable-fuzzing` then going into `libpurple/tests` and run `make check`. After that you can run these fuzzers. With a dictionary if you want :)

for example:
$ ./fuzz_markup_strip_html -dict=dictionaries/html.dict
Dictionary: 465 entries
INFO: Seed: 2274862685
INFO: Loaded 1 modules (3 inline 8-bit counters): 3 [0x5a4ec0, 0x5a4ec3),
INFO: Loaded 1 PC tables (3 PCs): 3 [0x568ee8,0x568f18),
INFO: -max_len is not provided; libFuzzer will not generate inputs larger than 4096 bytes
INFO: A corpus is not provided, starting from an empty corpus
#2 INITED cov: 2 ft: 2 corp: 1/1b exec/s: 0 rss: 30Mb
#1048576 pulse cov: 2 ft: 2 corp: 1/1b lim: 4096 exec/s: 524288 rss: 789Mb
#2097152 pulse cov: 2 ft: 2 corp: 1/1b lim: 4096 exec/s: 524288 rss: 792Mb

Best Regards,

Jordy Zomer

Reviewed at
/* XPM */
static char * arrow_right_xpm[] = {
"16 13 30 1",
" c None",
". c #5C3566",
"+ c #613A6A",
"@ c #BC9FBB",
"# c #623B6B",
"$ c #D5BDD2",
"% c #C0A5BF",
"& c #623C6C",
"* c #D4BCD1",
"= c #C0A5C0",
"- c #D3BBD1",
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"' c #C3A2C0",
") c #C3A1BF",
"! c #C2A1BF",
"~ c #C19FBE",
"{ c #C2A0BE",
"] c #D2B9CF",
"^ c #A787A8",
"/ c #5E3667",
"( c #D3BBD0",
"_ c #D4BDD2",
": c #AE81A9",
"< c #C7A8C3",
"[ c #BB9FBB",
"} c #603A6A",
"| c #C7A7C3",
"1 c #BDA1BC",
" . ",
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".........&*|@+ ",
" ._1+ ",
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" . "};